Rise of the Legendary Emperor

Chapter 294: Surprise Surprise!!

Chapter 294: Surprise Surprise!!

The snowbanks covered the streets of Everlight like a white fluffy blanket. The Agorians now proudly called the previously named Agoria as Everlight.

Now the workers also focused on renovating the King's castle after they were informed that their king had decided to reside in their territory. The castle appeared quiet and peaceful under the contrast of the frozen river and waterfalls. It felt like an aesthetic landscape painting, intoxicating and addicting.

On the stone-paved road in the capital, there were many people working including many Astrels. Although the Kingdom was developing at a fast pace, there were still many tasks for the people to do. The dwarves had almost completed the renovation of the houses and moved their full focus on the construction of the dam. Occasionally one could see the trainees running through the snowbanks carrying various weapons as children would wave at them with joy and admiration.

In the midst of watching the trainees and sweeping the snow on the road,

no one noticed the new guest on the street.

A mysterious girl whose face was under a black veil was walking with a red skirt girl. Behind them, a smiling tall blonde warrior followed them in silence.

"Your royal highness, the scenery of this little castle is not bad and the streets are spacious and organized. Look at all those demi-humans roaming through the streets without hiding, although it can't compare to St. Norton, this kingdom is not bad for a level 4" The girl in the red skirt was observing the buildings on the street curiously. But when she spotted the Palace further away, she frowned, "Why would that King Don want people to renovate the castle in this harsh winter, I think he must be a greedy and luxurious man. If not, he would have let the people stay at their homes"

"Philea, I see the exact opposite..."

The mysterious black-veiled girl shook her head and spoke slowly, "This is the first time I see people smiling during the winter in a rank 4 kingdom, even Enarin is suffering this time. Besides I heard they had just gone through a sudden war with Ishikara, people often won't be smiling after a war but look at these people, the smiles on their faces represent their inner happiness. Did you hear them say 'Long Live his highness' often in their conversations? A greedy king can't earn the loyalty of his people like King Don earned"

The mysterious black-veiled girl took a pause and then said, "At first I just wanted to meet the person who reached the Heavenly level without any background or guidance from a sect but now, I'm interested in this King Don"

"Hehehe, your royal highness, it seems like your search for Spectre led to another powerhouse. So are you going to meet him as the Princess of the Archeron Kingdom or the famous mercenary Elena? Philea asked silently.

"I don't know yet, let's spend the night here," Audrey said.

"Ha, wonderful! At least we won't have to travel all night in this cold with this annoying guy?" Philea pointed at the blonde warrior who was following them silently as she spoke.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

" Didn't someone say there's a celebration tonight? 

"Yes, your royal highness, they said the people are throwing a party for their King and their soldiers. There are no invitation cards for this party and anyone can attend this party"

"Then let's go as ordinary civilians, Knight-Captain Ashby, how about you come with us." It sounded like a recommendation from Audrey, but at the same time felt like an order.

The smiling blonde knight nodded, "My honor, your royal highness."


Light bulbs made by Ken were burning and looked like stars in the dark castle along with the traditional torches. The King's Palace was brightly lit. More and more citizens started to crowd into the palace premises. In less than half an hour, except for the black armored soldiers who were guarding the defensive wall, almost everyone at the Capitol was in the King's Palace.

The Celebration party was about to begin and no one had any idea of the person who was going to crash the party.

The celebration party was hosted at the outdoor stone square which was previously built for the Coronation ceremony. Don's initial order was to demolish the square after the ceremony but Lord Clemo insisted not to because the stage became an important symbol and a place of Agoria. Since it also looked rather nice and fancy, Don left the stone square as it is.

The celebrating crowd was gathering together at the square. The black-armored soldiers and Arrora's unit patrolled the square and the King's Palace like a hawk. The citizens were dressed in fur-coated robes and were singing and dancing. Some acrobats were tumbling back and forth on the floor, and beautiful women held their hands together and danced around the bonfire. 

The night wore on. And at this moment, making "clip-clops" sounds, the prince of the Mairis had arrived with his royal guards. The people and the black-armored men were shocked to see the royal carriage of Mairis coming as a few in Arrora's unit immediately flew towards the castle to inform everyone about this surprise visit of Rodrigo.

The citizens and subjects of Everlight showed a warm welcome to the prince's arrival in joy because he was the only one who attended the ceremony among the Royal families of other kingdoms except for King Edward, Queen Sienna, and Princess Amber at the Coronation ceremony. Many fragrant petals and clear water were sprinkled at them as a tradition.

Rodrigo who was sitting in the carriage waved at the people and quite enjoyed that welcome.

At this time, he had surprisingly shown the style and grace of a prince. However, the cavalry and the royal soldiers behind the prince's carriage had unfavorable attitudes towards Agorians because of Arwen's little fight.

Many felt like they were insulted by Everlight. After seeing the smiles and hearing the cheers, the soldiers of Mairis kept their lofty and arrogant attitude as if they were watching their dogs wave their tails at them flatteringly. Yet, they dared not to show any emotions on their faces because Prince Rodrigo was not the only one in the carriage.

After more than ten minutes, the crowd gradually calmed down from all the cheering and dancing. The square was quiet as the distinct metal clunking sound of the black armored men rang through the area.

Following the sound, two squads of fancily armored soldiers walked out of the huge stone palace on the north side of the square and formed two straight lines on both sides of the path. Then under everyone's attention, King Don appeared on the high stairs in front of the palace while Arrora appeared behind him.

He was dressed in usual black armor robes. The robe was fluttering in the wind and was perfectly framed for his lean and muscular body. His ink-like black hair, crystal clear eyes, strong figure, and his natural aura of a king had perfectly combined together. Looking from afar, he was like a god that was high up in the sky and vividly represented the monarch of the kingdom.

Behind him, the beautiful Arrora was in an white colored dress. The silver sword fixed on her back.Her skin was finer and whiter than snow on the highest mountains and after reaching the Heavenly level and accepted as Don's better half,her grace and beauty has grown by bounds. With the wind fluttering in her hair, she looked like a goddess that had landed in the mortal world; pure and mighty, people couldn't stare at her straightly, nor could they find any fault in her. Even though she was a half elf, not a single soul in the kingdom dared to look differently but admired her and feared her.

The citizens and soldiers of Everlight all kneeled down and cheered, "Hail King Don!" They humbly kneeled on the square and cheered with their lives and souls.

Prince Rodrigo who was sitting down in the VIP seats on the west side of the square couldn't help but stand up. He was only here to introduce his guests to Don and see what they want with him. Seeing him in front of the palace who looked calm and unmoving as a mighty mountain, he surprisingly realized that he's admiring and respecting him more than he liked to admit.

But what he didn't notice was his guests didn't feel the same way. Beside the prince, the red haired girl stared at Arrora who was still on the stairs. 

The girl's eyes were filled with anger and shock as the few beside her didn't show any signs of anger or shock but lust in their eyes looking at Arrora.

Rodrigo couldn't guess what the white haired man who looked sturdy and radiated a powerful aura was thinking. But he didn't dare to question him because everyone in the Moon Empire knew about this man's temper.

On a side of the square, no one noticed that at the rear of the crowd under the shadow of the trees, three people covered in black cloaks stood there quietly. When they saw the appearance of Don and Arrora, the figure in the very front made a sound, "hmm?". The voice sounded surprised, as if the person had seen something unusual. This reaction made the two people behind stare at each other in unison as they'd rarely seen that reaction out of the person in front of them before.

Then the three of them noticed the King and the girl behind him looking at someone in the crowd,the first had a slightly surprised reaction but the latter clearly displayed fury.

On the high stairs of the palace,Lord Clemo came running to Don and breathed heavily.

"Your Majesty, people from the Cold Moon Palace are here!"


Hi readers,

Here's the more permanent update schedule starting from next week,

Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Sunday-- 4 chapters a week!!

I hope you guys are thrilled!!

Again sorry for the messy and slow update this month but it won't happen again.

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