Rise of the Malactric Heir

Chapter 111 Chill

While the others were talking, Adora looked at her watch and sighed when she felt a chill run down her spine and her eyes glowed red.

"W- what was that sensation?" She mumbled as her heartbeat increased then she closed her eyes and held onto the ship.

"Adora," Alix called out, and she smiled as she looked at him.

"You finally did it... good for you," Adora said while Nina approached her.

"Are you all right?" Nina inquired.

"Yeah... I am fine, I just need more sleep," she replied, closing her eyes.

"Well, I think you should get some rest; you have plenty of time; it's not like you need to practice right now or anything," Alix said.

"You are right, I should get some sleep," Adora said, recalling her mother's death and the whisper of a voice.

"A- Adora, are you sure you're all right?" Eliza questioned.

"Yeah, I just remembered something, I'll be fine, see you later," Adora said as she walked away, and Kyris sighed.

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"That was strange," Kyllan said.

"I am sure it was," Kyris replied, before taking a seat and gazing up at the clear blue sky.

"Guys, I just wanted to let you know that if the sea is calm and we don't encounter any problems, we should arrive at our destination in a few hours," the captain announced, and Nina smiled.

"That is even better," Eliza commented.

"That would be awesome; we will get to go see the amazing parts of the kingdom, have fun, and relax in a place we have never been," Ayden said.

"Yeah, we should just let this sink in, who would have taught we would make it to the finals?" Sarah replied.

"You guys did well," Eliza said. "According to Adora, you are all allowed to have fun in the new kingdom as long as you know your limits, which means not too much alcohol."

"First and foremost, I don't think any of us should consume any alcohol before the finals; we can have that after if we win," Alix responded, and the others agreed.

"You are right, no alcohol," Aerav said. "By the way, I heard they have this great amusement park with different rides, one would go up in the air and stay up floating for about five minutes and come back down with speed, they call it the deep diver, I want to go there."

"That sounds interesting; perhaps we should pay it a visit," Alix responded.

"That would be nice, I think I need to clear my mind," Kyllan said, lowering his head and looking at the bracelet on his hand.

"Is there something bothering you, Kyllan?" Nina questioned, and he scoffed.

"Not really," he replied.

"Are you concerned about trusting Adora with your life?" Kyris asked and he glanced at him.

"Adora? no way I would trust her with anything; I'm just afraid of causing her or you guys problems; I'm sure she'll have some because of me though, that's for sure," Kyllan responded and Sarah along with the others smiled.

"You shouldn't be concerned, Kyllan," Aerav said.

"He is right, Kyllan; don't worry, Adora said it's fine; you just need to relax and accept that you are not a hindrance to us," Kyris said, and Kyllan smiled.

"Thank you, I would have been locked up for a while," he replied.

"I wonder if she's okay," Alix pondered as he closed his eyes and inhaled the fresh sea air.

"I feel strange; why do I have the feeling that something bad is going to happen?" Adora questioned as she entered the kitchen, removed her mask because no one was present, and poured herself a glass of juice then drank it.

"I have not felt this way in a long time; I need to pull myself together; I have responsibilities; I can't lose my cool now, not here," she muttered as she took deep breaths.

"Perhaps I should check on him," Adora said as she opened the seal.

"Are you all right?" she questioned.

"I am fine, but you don't sound fine; did you get hurt?" "Is everything all right?" he asked.

Yes, everything is fine; I just have an uneasy feeling that I can't shake; are you sure you are okay?" she questioned.

"Adora, listen to me, I am fine, maybe it's just because of what's been going on lately, calm down, the last thing you want to do is lose control here, you are not one to freak out," it responded, and she sighed before taking a deep breath and sitting on a stool by the cupboard.

"I have a question for you," Adora said.

"What is it?" it asked.

"Are the current events, along with the malactircs and ancient bloodlines, more connected along with us? Is this all linked together?" She questioned.

"It's very possible if their leader is looking for destruction; also, I have a feeling there's a lot more going on here, and your student Alix could be the key to helping you solve this mystery," it replied.

"You could be right; I will have to meet with the last members of the draconic bloodline; I am sure they will be able to help me," she said.

"There you go, you're calmed and hopeful again, go with the others, relax and talk with them, keep yourself occupied not by training, but by relaxing with something," it replied, and Adora smiled.

"Thank you," she said.

"You are welcome, go on now," it replied, and she closed the seal before taking her food and starting to eat.

After Adora finished her meal she wiped her lips, drank another glass of juice, put on her mask, and returned to the deck.

"Hey guys," she said and they looked at her smiling as their ship slowed down and Adora looked up at the captain when she noticed a ship beside them and they all flung up to see it was a pirate ship.

"Don't do anything, will you let me blow off some steam?" Adora asked, and Alix smirked.

"We have no problem; if they can play crazy, you can too," Alix responded and Adora smiled as a man came out on the pirate ship's deck, wiping his eyes, then stretched off and looked at Adora and the others who were on guard after hearing about the pirate thieves.

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