Rise of the Malactric Heir

Chapter 127 Room

"I am sorry we called you here so abruptly Adora, I just really wanted to see you and it's been years, you have matured a lot," King Cohen replied as his wife, Haylie, stared at him.

"I know it's been a while, but it's good to see you guys, I-," Adora responded.

"She is just tired; it's been a long day," Alix explained, and Adora smiled.

"Ah, I see, well you guys can have dinner with us then you can get some rest," the king replied.

"We can have dinner now and then rest," Kyris suggested.

"What are your thoughts, Adora?" Nina questioned.

"I think that is fine, you guys eat, and I will eat in my room," she said.

"Why not show them your face? You do trust them, don't you? or have you shown them already? I, too, would like to see how you look after all these years; we only know how you looked as a kid," the queen said and Adora sighed.

"I am sorry Adora, I know I sound mean, but-," the queen said.

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"You don't have d to apologize," Adora replied.

"We don't care about her appearance; we trust her, and that's all that matters, right guys?" Ayden asked with a soft yet cold tone.

"Right, we trust her, and that's all that matters," Alix said.

"I see well I guess that is all that matters, let's go have dinner," the queen said as she got up and walked out of the living room along with the king and they followed them.

'I will go with them and eat later,' Adora reasoned as she followed them to the dining hall, where the maids had just finished serving the food and everyone sat down.

"So what are your names? I would like to get to know all of you," the king said while taking his food and they all glanced at each other.

"I guess I will go first, my name is Alix," he said before the others introduced themselves and the king and queen smiled.

"Well, nice to meet you all, I hope you enjoy your stay here and, for the time being, enjoy your meal," the queen said, and they all started eating while Adora was on her phone.

'I will show them my face, because sooner or later, someone serious will try to use this against me, and despite the fact that they say they trust me so much, they will start to feel as if I don't trust them enough, I will not let them happen, I will wait for the right time, maybe after the finals.' Adora thought, then glanced at Alix as he ate.

'I can feel her staring at me right now. Did I make a mistake? 'The stare is cold,' Alix thought as he turned to look at her and jumped when he saw her eyes glowed red.

'I am not afraid of her, despite her intimidating demeanor, but I am curious why she is giving me that look, damn it, women,' Alix reflected, and Adora sighed.

After a little while, they finished eating and a maid entered the dining hall.

"Your highness," she said, "their rooms are ready."

"Show them to their room then, and I have to go out, so I will see you guys later," the king said as he stood up, and they bowed their heads then he left.

"Well, I am going to my room, good night guys," Adora said as she took her food and was about to leave when the queen called her name and she looked back.

"Your room is the same one you used to stay in when you were younger," she said and Adora smiled.

"I appreciate it," she replied and the queen smiled a bit.

"Your friends will be in the guest room on the east side of the castle, not far from your room, your highness," the maid explained, lowering her head.

"Got it," Adora replied, then left and the maid took the others to their rooms.

Adora was walking to her room when she felt as though someone was staring at her, but when she looked around, she saw no one.

"That's strange, I know I felt someone's presence," she said, opening a room door and smiling as she gazed at the luxurious suite before her eyes.

"They changed the room up, a lot of things are gone, but it doesn't matter," Adora said, closing her door and placing her food on a table by the couch in the room.

"This is the room mom chose for me to stay in whenever I came here," Adora said, opening the seal on her chest and her eyes glowed orange while looking around, allowing the one within her to see what she was seeing.

"Woah, wait a minute," it said and her eyes widened as she stared at the photo on the wall.

"Wasn't that your mother when she was younger?" It inquired, and Adora removed her mask and tossed it on the bed.

"It is, I don't remember this being her; they must have put it in here, she was lovely, wasn't she?" Adora asked.

"Yeah she was, I know because I saw her for myself, you are no less," it replied, and she frowned before sitting on the bed and eating her food.

"Are you far off of your usual track, Adora?" it questioned.

"I just feel a little out of place," she explained, "but don't worry, I will be fine."

"If you say so, I will stay activated a little longer tonight, seal me before you sleep," it said as Alix and the others went to their rooms, which they were more than happy with.

"I am sleepy," Alix grumbled when he opened the door to his balcony, and he jumped as the dragon they met earlier flew by.

"Do you intend to give me a heart attack? You are enormous," he said with a smile as she looked at him.

"She said your name is Jade, you gave me a strange look earlier," he said, and the dragon flew away as his eyes glowed bright red and he sighed before looking up at the night sky.

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