Rise of the Malactric Heir

Chapter 152 Gaining More

"What in the world is going on here?" Niya inquired.

"They are both releasing too much energy; they won't be able to control it," Yan yelled, and Alix took a deep breath, closed his eyes, and remembered everything the princess told him, while Adora sensed their energy despite sleeping and woke up.

'They are training together; can he control the energy he's releasing now? Alix is releasing more energy than before, he is trying to gain a larger scale of control, last time it was just a little bit,' Adora wondered as she peered at them.

'If I can't control myself with this, I won't be able to control myself once she removes the block,' Alix reasoned, as Adora smiled and looked at Kyllan, who was gaining some control over the energy surrounding his limbs.

'It won't be difficult for Kyllan as long as he believes he can do it,' Adora thought as Alix's energy that he released began to diminish by the minute, indicating that he was gaining control, even if it was little by little he was making progress.

"They are actually making progress," Aerav said and Kyris smiled then looked back and saw Adora was awake and she winked at him then he smirked.

While Alix was trying to concentrate, he began to hear the same woman's voice and screams, causing him to lose control of the energy around him once more, and Adora sighed as she stood up and approached him.

"A- Adora, I think you should be careful because neither of them has complete control," Zavis warned, and Adora sighed.

"Don't worry, neither of them can hurt me, at least not yet," she replied as she approached Alix and walked through the energy surrounding him, placing her mouth by his ear and holding onto his hand and his body flinched when he sensed her.

"Listen, Alix, if you're hearing the same voice, you should force yourself to forget it, for now, I know what it's like hearing a voice in your head almost every day, let it go, focus on my voice instead and control your body," she said and he smirked.

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"If you can pull the energy you released back into your body at full command, you will be able to gain more control over your powers, and it won't be that difficult once I remove the block," she whispered, and he opened his eyes, then she raised up and he looked at her as his eyes began to glow bright blue, then she smiled and moved away from him.

'Kyllan is gaining control, he followed Alix and tried to relax, he was always a quick learner, but with this, I will have to help him,' Adora thought as she looked at him, and his nails started to grow longer just like it did back home when he almost lost control.

"Adora," Kyris exclaimed.

"Let him be, I will handle it if he loses control," she said and he sighed.

"All right, if you say so," he said.

"Adora," Kyllan called out, and she sighed before approaching him and taking his hand in hers.

"Kyllan, pay attention to me, you have to show whatever this is that you are the one in control here, if you keep letting it take over you, even I won't be able to stop it in a good way," she said, and he gnashed his teeth in frustration.

"Adora, you are making him nervous," Eliza observed.

"I know, but he has to worry; it's a process and you have to go through each stage; it's up to him whether he accepts his new powers or not," she replied as Alix drew the energy he had released earlier back into his body and the others smiled.

"I did it," he said, smiling.

"You did, and now you have a better understanding of how to control yourself; however, it will become much more difficult, so keep practicing, okay?" Adora said.

"Got it, thanks," he said.

"You're welcome," she said, glancing at Kyllan's frustrated expression.

"Kyllan, open your eyes and let me see them," she said, and he did as she instructed, and her eyes widened as she noticed them glowing red.

"Listen, I will help you, this once, but even if it takes hours, today you are going to learn to control this a bit am I clear?" she asked and he smiled then nodded yes and her body started glowing bright red and his black.

"Let your energy flow for now, don't try to stop it," she said as the darkness encircled her and her body began to glow brighter.

"Relax, let it flow through your body, and accept that energy as your own," she said as he tightly gripped her hands, his nails sunk into her hand a little, and she gnashed her teeth as the energy from her body formed over his dark energy, trapping both of them within a ball of mixed energy.

"Can you feel the energy I released within your body?" she asked, and he nodded yes. She smiled, and her body stopped glowing.

"Now, just like that, sense your own and direct it however you want," she explained.

'You're with me in this, what if I hurt you?' "He inquired.

"You can't and you won't, you need to believe that you can gain even a bit of control, it will help, stop worrying about hurting others," she said as the energy ball that had formed around them vanished and Adora stepped away from him, his body glowing brightly and his fists clenched.

"Just concentrate on control, not on hurting us," she said, and Niya swallowed deeply.

"Are we going to be alright?" she inquired.

"We will be fine, Adora knows what she's doing, I heard she once had terrible control problems, no one can teach them better control than her, she destroyed an entire valley trying to gain control, believe me when I say she is even stronger than me and possibly my brother too, she is awesome," Kyris said, and they all left staring at him and upon hearing what he said she turned around to look at him and he grinned.

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