Rise of the Malactric Heir

Chapter 169 Flames

"Good luck, Aerav," Adora said as she looked at him, and he and the guy rushed towards each other, exchanging punches, and the guy punched him away with his flaming fists, Aerav spun around, kicking him so hard with his flaming feet that he sent him crashing into the barrier, but then he flamed back up and reentered the ring, where Aerav was still feeling weak due to not putting out the guy's weakening flames.

'I have to put that out or I will be dead meat,' he thought as his opponent charged toward him and he jumped up in the air, but the guy grabbed him by the feet with a fire whip and slammed him into the ring, causing him to cough up blood from the impact and Ayden to gnash his teeth.

"You will be finished in just a few minutes," the guy said with wheels of fire forming beside him and Aerav's eyes widened as he jumped out of the way before they could hit him then wiped the blood off of his lips while panting.

"Adora, do you think he will be able to win? This fight has been going on for a while now," Sarah said and Ayden placed his hand on her shoulder.

"All of this is a part of a match, it's fair and I hope he wins," Ayden replied and she smiled.

"He is right, Aerav may be exhausted, but that doesn't mean he will lose; he has been going head to head with an opponent far stronger than him, and that says something," Adora said, and Kyris nodded in agreement.

"She is right," Kyllan said as Aerav kicked one of the guy's spinning fire blades back at him, slashing him across the arm, making him even angrier. Aerav sighed as a few more wheels formed in the air and his eyes trembled.

"How is he going to avoid that?" Niya questioned.

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"Come on, Aerav, think of something," Ayden muttered as Aerav took a deep breath, remembering their sense training, and as the blades rushed towards him, he carefully dodged them, getting closer to his opponent and counter-kicked him in the stomach, sending him flying across the ring, breaking a few ribs, finally managing to get his opponent on the edge and injuring him enough.

"You are not going down," his opponent said as he stood up with crazy eyes, and Aerav began to see double as he looked at the flames in the ring.

'Those flames are a serious problem, depends on your stamina level, they can work their magic pretty fast,' Alix thought while he carefully looked at the fight.

'How do I get rid of these?' he wondered, feeling the air around him heat up. He looked at the guy whose hands began to burn with bright orange flames, forming the mouth of a tiger, and Aerav began coughing, feeling his strength being sucked out of his body.

"You gave me a good fight, I will admit, and therefore I am giving you a chance to quit," the opponent said, panting.

"Quit? I didn't come all the way here to quit; I came here because I wanted a second chance, and I got it without much effort; I am not going to waste it," Aerva said and Adora clenched her fists as she lowered her head.

"Adora, we have a choice here, you know that, Should we take him out of the match and give them the victory?" Kyris asked as Adora looked at Aerav who smirked and she looked at Kyris.

'He won't want that, he wants to fight it out, that's pretty clear too," she responded ss the guy rushed towards Aerav and he unleashed his power, whose flames formed into a tiger as it rushed to deliver the final blow to Aerav.

Just then the flame on his hands began to turn blue and his eyes glowed orange and blue, he jumped up in the air, using the little strength he had in his legs, unleashing a huge amount of flame except his flames were both orange and blue and they formed a dragon as it clashed with his opponent's power devouring it and hitting the opponent so hard that it cracked the ring and knocked the guy onto the floor bleeding and Aerav landed on his feet then fell onto his knees when the flames started disappearing and he took a deep breath.

"Woah, his flames," Ayden exclaimed as the crowd applauded when the officials declared Aerav the winner, and he sighed relieved.

"Y- You are strong," his opponent said, standing up with little energy and panting.

"So are you," Aerav replied as he struggled to stand, and the nurses went to get them and take them to the arena's medical department.

"I will go take care of him, you guys can come up when you are ready, you will still be able to watch the matches from there," the nurse that was with them said then rushed off and they all went to the medical section on the third floor of the arena.

"The next match will start in ten to fifteen minutes, we need them to fix up the ring, and then the last match, it's almost night," Zack said, as the nurses looked at Aerav and Sarah sighed.

"Will he be all right?" Ayden inquired.

"I am certain he will be fine," Isabella replied.

"You guys did well," Casian said as he approached them, and Adora looked at him and the girl next to him, their last two opponents.

"Thank you," Kyris said and Casian smirked.

"You will lose the next match and the one after that," he predicted.

"It doesn't matter," Adora replied, placing her hand on Sarah's shoulder, who sighed.

"It will, well when Alix loses to me," Casian said as he was about to walk away and Alix clenched his fists.

"I will not lose to you, I will make you lose your winning streak in front of everyone," Alix said, and Casian chuckled before leaving. Alix looked at Adora, who smiled as the nurses treated Aerav and the officials prepared for the second to last match.

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