Rise of the Malactric Heir

Chapter 172 Skilled

"Adora, do you know why she is smiling?" Zack asked as Adora's eyes narrowed then she shrugged.

"I have no idea," she replied, and Kyla smiled.

"Seems like you have got some skills, after all, I will enjoy knocking them down," Kyla said, and Sarah chuckled.

"Go ahead and do whatever you want," she replied as the girl spun her sword around while walking towards Sarah. With one strike, Sarah jumped up in the air, but the blade slashed her on her legs, causing her to fall, and Kyla chuckled.

"Do you also use the wind?" Sarah asked as she stood up, clutching her legs, and the girl pulled out her next sword.

"Let's see how you hold up against two blades," Kyla said.

"We will see," Sarah said as the girl rushed towards her with speed. Sarah didn't dodge, instead, her blade released a red aura after which she flicked over Kyla, kicking her in the back, then slashed the sword in the air, causing a huge gush of wind to release, sending Kyla crashing into the barrier, and Adora smiled.

"You little-- you can use the wind with your sword as well," Kyla said as she stood up, coughed up blood, and jumped back into the ring.

"I will end you," Sarah said as she landed on her feet and took a deep breath as they rushed towards each other. Sarah hit Kyla in the stomach with the handle of her sword, then spun around and kicked her in the side, moving very quickly and blocking Kyla's attack with her sword.

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"Stop getting in my way," Kyla yelled, pushing Sarah back and launching wind waves from her sword, which Sarah barely avoided.

"Sarah is playing it safe; it's about time to end this match," Alix said, and the others agreed as Kyla lifted her sword into the air, and Sarah's eyes widened as lightning formed on top of her sword, surrounded by the wind.

"W- what the hell is it with these people?" Sarah asked.

"Casian is wise to have people in his group who can use bits of the elements," Kyris said.

"He certainly is," Alix said, looking at Casian.

"I can't run from that, if only I could gather the wrecking wave now," Sarah said as she lifted her sword in front of her face, her eyes glowed red, her sword mixed with a blue aura, and sparks began to form at its tip.

"Well, it's about time," Adora said, looking at Sarah as Zack pondered what she would do next.

"It's forming a bomb that will explode; does Kyla wish to murder Sarah?" Kyllan asked and Ayden swallowed as the lighting and wind ball released from Kyla's sword, heading towards Sarah, who lifted her sword in the air, releasing a red wave that clashed with Kyla's power, shattering it to pieces, and Kyla's eyes widened as Sarah spun around with her sword, releasing a blue aura and slashed Kyla's sword, breaking one of them.

"How did you manage to block my attack?" Kyla inquired as they both panted.

'She managed to tire me out, but she also tired herself out along the way, so I might as well use my dark flames," Kyla reasoned as she brought her sword to her face and her eyes began to glow black.

'She can also use dark flames, what is this group made of?' But she is underestimating me; since I know I am losing strength, I am going to end this fight,' Sarah thought as darkness encircled Kyla's blade and dark flames appeared in the ring.

"Your darkness will not be able to harm me," Sarah said as her body glowed bright red and another sword appeared in her hand. When the girl released the dark wave, Sarah brought forth both of her swords and lifted them into the air, forming a red and blue beam.

"Be careful, Sarah, that power can bounce back," Adora noted as Sarah pointed the sword at the dark wave that appeared in front of her and her red and blue beam slashed right through it, releasing a bright light and Sarah took advantage of the opportunity, moved quickly, and hit Kyla hard in the stomach, using a chi attack and both of the girls were finally tired out and Sarah fell on her knees while Kyla was about to fall on her face but Sarah held her up.

"One of them has to get up before the timer runs out," Ayden said as Sarah barely stood up while holding the girl and they gave her the win, but she quickly collapsed against the ring, breathing heavily due to exhaustion.

"I am going back to the others; do you want to come?" Adora inquired as she stood up, and the nurses whisked both Kyla and Sarah away.

"Of course, Adora, did you know Sarah would have won as well?" Zack inquired, and she smiled.

"Of course not, winning is up to them, I can't figure that out, despite Alix being powerful, I am not even sure if he is going to win, I just believe in them as much as I can, it's all I can do," she replied as she put her mask back on and left, and he followed her to the medical department where they saw the others were already there.

"Hey guys," Adora said.

"Hey," Ayden replied and Adora sighed.

"I will be right back," she said as she went to see the nurse who was caring for Sarah.

"How is she doing?" Adora inquired.

"She lost a good amount of blood, sprained her wrist, got a few other injuries, she will be fine but she will take longer to heal than the others, she pushed herself a bit too much, it was probably the same with her opponent, well matches like these are always like this, you have to expect casualties, after all, it's testing how far they can go too, so far all these youngsters have a lot of potential to make it big in the future," the nurse explained.

"That is true, these things are bound to happen, okay, thank you," Adora replied, and the nurse smiled. Adora then went to tell the others what the nurse told her, and her opponent was probably the same.

"Well, at least she'll be fine," Ayden said as Alix drank a bottle of water and Adora smiled and went over to him, and he looked at her with a slight smile.

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