Rise of the Malactric Heir

Chapter 289 Out Of The Storm

'I wish I can tell you guys everything, anyway, I just have to wait a bit longer,' Adora thought, deciding to answer Sarah's question.

"You are correct, I don't use it for a variety of reasons, say there is a part two of it," she responded.

"Well, we would like to see it someday," Nina said.

"Yes, but we understand your reason for not using it right now," Alix said, and Adora smiled.

"Alright, but you guys will get to see it, I might have to use it soon, I don't hope to use it soon to be honest but we don't have a choice at all times," she replied, and they smiled, understanding what she was saying and continued to look at the beautiful lightning that gave off different colors outside.

More than an hour passed within the storm before they emerged into the open under the beautiful night sky, where the stars shimmered.

"I'm getting sleepy; I'll go to bed now that I see everything will be fine, both us and the ship are in good hands, he is more than capable," Yan said as he and Nina stood up.

"Good night, guys," they said.

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"Good night," the others replied then the two left.

"Aren't you going to get some sleep, Scott?" Alix inquired.

"Yeah, I just need to make sure everything is set up correctly here, I will leave it in autopilot, if it changes direction even a little, I will know so there is nothing to worry about," he replied with a smile.

"Alright, well if anyone needs anything you can call or so, it's getting late so I'm going to get some rest, good night," Alix said before leaving, and the others decided to go to their rooms too.

After returning to her room, Adora closed the door, looked in the mirror, closed her eyes, and when she opened them again, the star marking appeared, glowing red and pink, and she smiled.

'Wanting to accept a partner is one thing, but bringing everything forth is another, this cannot be done unless the gates are opened and it's not going to be easy, opening all at once is a risk and it might hurt him more than ever, that is not an option, I will wait, no matter how long it takes, I wonder if Alix will be mad when I tell him everything, well I am the one keeping it a secret so I guess that would only be natural," Adora thought then sighed.

The girl then lay back on her bed and closed her eyes, trying to sleep, but it was only getting worse for her, because every time she tried, she failed, she kept seeing indecent things, ones that only upset her, and she needed to rest more or else it would not end well and she knew that, so Adora grabbed her headphone and began playing music to help her sleep, and it did, more than one and a half hour later, the girl finally fell asleep.

Later that night, while Adora was sleeping, she saw everyone she cared about dying before her and she flung up from her sleep panting, then realized it was just a dream and she sighed in relief.

'What the hell?' she gnashed her teeth as her hair fell in front of her face, then she got out of bed and went to the kitchen, where she got a glass of water and drank it before leaving to go to her room, but while she was on her way back, she noticed Ifrit sitting in the living room.

"Ifrit," she said as she approached him, and he smiled as he looked at her.

"Adora, what are you doing up? Nightmares?" he asked and she sighed, then sat beside him.

"You can say that, but what about you?" she requested.

"I just couldn't sleep for some reason, I guess I have a lot more on my mind than I thought," he replied, lowering his head and she patted his shoulder.

"You do realize you can talk to me about anything right, Ifrit?" He nodded but didn't want to stress her out any more than she already was.

"I know Adora, thank you," he replied, sighing.

"You are welcome, Ifrit, you were there when I had no one to share my problems with, you always tried your best to help me, don't keep me in the dark if something is bothering you, even if it is hard, dark or whatever, you can share it, I assure you, I will be able to handle it, just tell me," she said, and he smiled.

"I won't, I was just thinking about how things might turn out, I know the others know this is a fight in which we might lose something, but they are all willing to fight, and yet I hope you guys lose nothing, call me naive, but I have seen enough suffering," he replied, hugging her tightly, and she hugged him back with a frown on her face.

"It's not naive, Ifrit, with everything going on right now, I think it's fine to think like that but no one knows what tomorrow has in store for us, we have to live as the day goes by, I won't dare call it naive thinking, it's really nice to think like that, it's good to have hope too, you should get some sleep," she said before he rose off of her and sighed then smiled at her.

"Okay, you are right too, I'll go to sleep now, it's already 2 a.m., good night, I guess," he replied as they stood up, and she smiled.

"Good night, Ifrit," she said as he returned to his room to sleep and she returned to hers.

Adora threw herself on her bed after returning to her room and let out a loud sigh.

'Why does it have to be this way?' Can't we just live our lives without these issues?' She wondered before returning to her previous routine of attempting to sleep, but no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't sleep, so she spent the rest of the night listening to music, watching anime, and playing a few games.

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