Rise of the Malactric Heir

Chapter 397 Race Has Begun

Later that day, just after night fell, Alix had just finished his meeting with the guy who was looking after the mechas and he knew where to make the changes to comfort the pilots by the end of it and planned on making them as soon as possible.

Alix stretched off on the couch and looked at the table as Nina and the others brought the dinner and he looked for Adora but saw she wasn't among them.

"Guys, Adora made a few things as well, she went to freshen up a while back, she will be here shortly," Ifrit said and Alix scoffed before standing up.

"In the meantime, I will go freshen up, then join you guys," Alix added and they nodded then he went to freshen up.

While Alix was freshening up in his room, Adora returned to the living room and Nina glanced at her then she sat down and Nina smiled, then remembered that while they were cooking in the kitchen earlier, someone had called her but no one got the chance to answer.

"Uh... Adora, someone was calling you earlier, but no one got a chance to answer," Nina said before passing Adora her phone and she collected it.

"Thanks for telling me, Nina, I will take a look," she replied, then got up and went to the front glass of the ship where she opened the phone and looked at the number that called her.

When she saw who was calling her, she sighed, then called the number back.

"I didn't expect you to call, we will arrive there soon, are you going to be here or not?" Adora asked with a worried expression on her face and at the same time, Alix came to the living room and he sat then Ifrit and Nina glanced at him as he sat down on the couch.

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"I am on my way, I just bumped into some trouble," the person responded.

"Trouble? What kind of trouble?" she asked.

"They were after me, I guess even they are looking for some answers as well, but what are they willing to do to get it kiddo?" the person asked and Adora clenched her right fist.

"A lot, but remember I only have most of the answers, not the most important ones, you have to be here, do you want me to come and get you? she asked.

"Relax, I made a promise, I will be there to tell my part even if I am half dead, I am not going to die," he responded.

"I get it, we will reach there soon, I hope to see you, I sent where the location is, be careful," she said then heard an explosion.

"Hey, are you okay?" she asked.

"Yeah, I guess the race for answers has begun, I have to get going, I promise, I will see you guys soon, be careful," he responded.

"You too, take care, Sir," she said and the person chuckled, then hung up and Adora lowered her head before punching the glass and they looked at her.

'This is part of my last try, please let him come back alive,' Adora thought.

"Hey, everything okay?" Alix asked and she glanced at him and her brows furrowed.

"Alix, I want to ask you something," she responded.

"What is it, Adora?" he asked.

"If killing thousands that are on the wrong side and they were given a chance before to stop doing what they were doing, yes, some of them may have a weakness as to why they are doing what they are, fear or control, but what they are doing is causing innocent to die, will you still kill them?" she asked and his eyes narrowed as he got up and approached her.

"Did something happen, Adora?" he asked.

"I am just asking, we all have to make tough decisions at some point," she responded and he sighed, knowing that she was asking that for more than just the reason she gave.

"Since you are going to give me as well as the rest of us all the secrets that you have been holding onto as well as more answers that are connected to all of this, I will give an honest answer, I will do it and if that saved millions of lives and they call me a hero, I will not accept that title because I don't want to be one since my moral is flawed, but the answer is yes, I will do what it takes to protect what I have to, want to and need to," he responded and she sighed then looked away from him.

"There are many other questions connecting to the one you just asked, aren't they?" he asked and she nodded.

"Then, there is no use asking them if you already know what most of our answers will be, just like sometimes even heroes have no right to judge a villain," he said and she looked at him and then squeezed her phone.

"One of my friends, who has to meet up with us soon enough, since he is a part of all of this, is currently in a bit of trouble, they are after him," she replied and Alix sighed.

"Do what you have to Adora, don't hold back, but give us the info that we need later on, " Alix said and she smiled at him, then turned around and he went back and sat down and she began making a few calls.

"Who do you think is in danger?" Kyllan asked.

"I don't know, but she seems a bit worried, so it must be someone that's important," Ifrit responded and Alix clenched his fists.

'I wonder what's with this bloody misery in our lives? I swear I am going to spear those that get in my way, I don't care what people say either, but I am going to get our lives back to at least being a little normal, one which we can all truly smile,' Alix thought.

"Let's eat," Adora said as she sat down beside Alix and he handed her her food and she collected it, then looked at him with a gentle smile and he passed his hand through her hair and she exhaled deeply then they began eating their food.

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