Rise of the White Dragon

Chapter 185: Fool for Not Running Away Before

Chapter 185: Fool for Not Running Away Before

After running more than three miles away, Valter was gritting his teeth in anger. He has never been so humiliated before, mainly by a simple 'dog' and a teenager who was just defrauding the family fortune, his fortune. It was frustrating!

As he flew slower, Valter thought about the next steps, especially if he was going to run away now, or continue with his plan to try to find a chance to steal Cristina's necklace and kidnap her to ask for a reward.

'But if that girl that had been adopted had something that good, wouldn't Maira and those two non-filial grandchildren have something even better?' Valter's eyes flickered with greed at the thought. He remembered that Luan seemed to be carrying some rings...

When he distractedly looked over the clouds, his eyes widened in disbelief. With a tone totally devoid of emotions, without any mask, Luan, who had been noticed by Valter, floated so fast and appeared in front of him, that if he had been an ordinary person, he would have died of fright. "Hello, Grandpa."

"I-I... Luan?" Valter wanted to rub his eyes and see if he was hallucinating. He backed away, taking distance from Luan.

'Using clouds to float?' It was a very unique thing. Valter had never seen anyone do this before, even among the ancient clans he knew.

"What is it, grandpa? Aren't you happy to see me?" Luan's expression was colder than ice; his penetrating gaze made Valter tremble with fear. Valter never felt so much pressure from Qi like that. It hadn't been something he could detect the last time they met.

"Happy, yes, indeed I am happy!" Valter forced himself to swallow his spit in fear, and try not to show it.

"You know, I love my family very much," Luan said slowly, as if he were talking to a close friend, however, his voice was still devoid of any emotions. "Although Cristina is someone my mother adopted, she is already part of the family. On the other hand, you who claim to be my grandfather, I hold in no regard whatsoever. So... Do you understand why I intend to kill you?"

Despite Luan's calm, Valter felt a murderous intent that he had never felt before. It was so strong that it was suffocating. "No...!"

Valter felt Luan's Qi manifest and was terrified.

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"If you had not resorted to such an act and fled the country, I would have let you go. However, it looks like you chose the wrong option," Luan said coldly as his hand went through his chest and hit Valter's heart.

Valter's body had a reaction and trembled as fresh blood came out of his mouth. Strangely, Valter's last thoughts before he died were to think of his son. But remembering how talentless he was, in the end, he cursed his own son. 'So useless, not even able to avenge me!'


Luan saw the fight between Valter against Zeus and Cristina a few minutes prior, he just didn't show up because he wanted to use it for them to grow up. If things had gone against them, he would have been involved.

But he didn't even have to show up. He now knew how Cristina became so well known in his previous life, at full age, she was already showing great fighting talent, despite facing someone several times stronger than her.

Zeus also performed well, although Luan saw that he still had more chances to grow, especially with his great physique and speed.

Making a cloud catch Valter's dead body, Luan floated towards the Dimas Mansion.

'That old idiot. He should have just fled the country and been hunted for the rest of his life.'

Despite having killed his grandfather by blood, Luan felt nothing in particular for him. In fact, the man was no different than a stranger.


Ingrid was already at the Dimas Mansion. She had driven the car back since Luan had said that Cristina could be in danger and flew away.

"Arlinda, Alice's mother called," Maira sighed with relief, "They are fine. Thanks to Cristina and Zeus, they were not injured."

"I'm glad, mother-in-law, that you made Zeus go with Cristina," Ingrid said with a relieved smile.

"Yeah." Maira smiled.

Now that the worst was over, they felt calmer.

"I need to call Catharina, that girl. When she heard that Cristina was in danger, she took the Ferrari and left." Although it looked like she was speaking with a scolding tone, the smile didn't leave her lips.

*Ding, Dong~!*

While they were talking, the doorbell rang.

"Let me get it." Maira went to the door and saw through the screen that it was Elias. Over the intercom, she said, "Elias, come in, it's open."

At the same time, Maira controlled the formation of the mansion to give Elias permission to enter.

"Elias, what good winds bring you here?" Opening the door, Maria smiled and asked.

"Aunt Maira, Luan asked me to come because he had something to talk to me about," Elias replied with a friendly smile.

"Come in, he hasn't come back yet," Maira said and then went in to make way for him.

"Hello, you are..." Elias spotted Amanda as soon as he entered.

"Amanda, Ingrid's mother. Nice to meet you." Amanda reached out to greet him.

"Oh, the pleasure is mine," Elias said with a foolish smile. After taking a second look, he realized that Ingrid did indeed look a lot like this woman.

"Mom, Elias is Luan's best friend, and he is also an army captain at a very young age," Ingrid said.

"Exactly, I'm Luan's best friend, hahaha." Elias said and gave a strange laugh at the end. He felt strange when saying this. After all, he didn't even know if Luan had another friend besides himself. Even in school, Luan had avoided most people, since most only approached him out of interest in his money.

In addition, as beautiful as he was, that was not really a positive point to make friends, especially when he was so different from others. Although he was not bullied at school because most were afraid of his family, still, most of the time he was avoided.

Amanda noticed something strange in Elias' way of speaking and acting, but without caring too much, she praised, "I'm impressed that despite being so young, you were already a captain in the army!.As expected from Luan's best friend."

She did not forget to praise her son-in-law when she finished speaking.

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