Royal Dragon and Phoenix transmigrate to Earth

Chapter 649: Giving a Hand & Good Seedling

Chapter 649: Giving a Hand & Good Seedling

The little beauty was unable to hang on anymore, but fortunately she had a truly capable helper in Tianlong Yun, who had no intention of letting her die.

Without wasting even a single second, Tianlong Yun spread his Soul Conscience to envelope the beauty fully, and then sent his Main Soul Avatar towards her Conscience Sea.

After going through the cleansing of the Origin Milk Essence the little flames surrounding the little beauty's Conscience Sea were nothing more than a slightly warmer area for him.

So he managed to easily enter inside and see the 'sleeping' soul avatar of the little beauty in there, while trying to recover some of its Soul Power.

Approaching the little beauty's Soul Avatar he slowly started to envelope it in his own Soul Power, and protect it from any possible hazard, as he also fed it with some Soul Power at the same time.

The ragging flames that had managed to break the little beauty's resolve and clarity were now being kept away and had no way of affecting her Soul Avatar.

Coupled with Tianlong Yun's continuous supply of Soul Power it allowed her Soul Avatar to wake up really fast.


The moment that her Soul Avatar became conscious though she was immediately startled, as she didn't expect to be in the embrace of another Soul Avatar at that point.

"Wha-What are you doing here? How did you come here inside?"

"Saving you, you weren't able to brave this by yourself, so I entered here inside to help you! If I hadn't you would have probably died without understanding how!

As for how I came inside, do you really think that it's difficult for me to do something so simple and easy?"

It was at that point that the little beauty was reminded of what had just happened, and she couldn't help but look around her with great startle and surprise.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

The flames were still there, still burning her Conscience Sea, but she wouldn't feel any pain from that. That was something mind-blowing for her.

Despite knowing a bit about Soul Cultivation, in fact she had never thought that something like this was possible.

She only knew how to use her Soul Power in order to attack someone else, but she had no idea of how to use it to protect herself or raise barrier around her Soul Avatar.

It was the same as having a piece of metal in her hand, and her only knowing how to forge a sword, or a knife. Practically impossible for her to forge or create something beside that.

Only at that moment she was reminded to finally have a look at Tianlong Yun's Soul Avatar in front of her, and she was unable to believe what she was sensing.

She felt herself just like a lowly mortal being in the presence of her Lord, unable to say or do anything that might make it's liege angry or dissatisfied.

A weird and complex feeling of wanting to serve him with her full being was slowly being seeded inside her Soul Avatar, as she was lost in her thoughts and feelings.

Tianlong Yun seemed to notice that as well, after all this was the outcome when someone of his Soul Cultivation being a Soul Lord actually appeared in front of a poor Soul Cultivator.

Everyone would always strive for the peak, but in order to grow stronger every plant would need a bit of shadow to take roots, the same happened with cultivators, and especially Soul Cultivators.

They needed someone strong by their side to help them and protect them when they took their first steps towards their long journey.

Soul Cultivators felt that need even stronger, as stronger the Soul Avatar in front of them was, the stronger was the allure of its help and shadow.

It was an unconditional reflex, but even though Tianlong Yun was doing his best to control their power spread from his Soul Avatar he wasn't able to completely seal it off.

It was precisely because he understood this, that he was looking at the Soul Avatar in front of him with curiosity and interest.

He wanted to know if the beauty in front of him was worthy of his efforts, whether she would be able to break free from that enticement and protect herself.

The Soul Avatar in front of him seemed to freeze for some moments, and then tremble a bit, until it started screaming loudly,

"No~! I don't accept that~! I will succeed by myself~!"

It seemed like that loud self-convincing spell worked out, as the next moment some clarity started appearing on the little beauty's Soul Avatar's eyes.

When she was finally able to once again regain her clarity, the first thing she saw was Tianlong Yun's Soul Avatar's smile.

She had gained Tianlong Yun's appreciation and confirmation, as he looked at her with a new gaze that contained traces of respect and appreciation.

"Very well done, it seems like I have found a true gem this time! Since you have returned to your primal condition there is no need for me to stay here anymore, you will be able to handle the rest yourself.

As long as you manage to brave through the pain you will be able to benefit a lot, not only in your physical body, but also in your Soul Avatar, and the new path ahead.

Continue to surprise me, and obey me, and I swear I wont be stingy at all with you! Show me that you have what you need to seek higher power!"

With that said he just showed her a kind smile and then turned around ready to leave. He didn't mind showing her his back, as no matter what she tried in she would be unable to harm him.

The difference between the two of them was just that big after all. A local snake could truly deal with a Dragon in his dominion, but a local worm couldn't.

As he was leaving though, suddenly the Soul Avatar of the little beauty seemed to have regained total control over it's reach, and clarity, as she suddenly asked from behind,

"How can your Soul Avatar be so powerful? How powerful is your Soul Avatar exactly? Can you teach me to get my Soul Avatar that strong as well?"

She was extremely curious, and interested, as her spark had been ignited. As someone who lived with the wish to reach the peak, there was no way she could control herself in front of this.

Tianlong Yun seemed to be expecting this happen, so he said with a calm voice,

"Now is not an opportune time for me to answer your questions! You should first concentrate on your mission, which is survival. We will talk later about this!"

With that said Tianlong Yun's Soul Avatar disappeared from her Conscience Sea leaving no trace behind, like it had never been there.

If it wasn't for the fact that she could still sense the aura of his Soul Power around her, the little beauty would most probably think that this was just a dream.

But she didn't have much time to think about that, as the pain of her Soul Conscience going through cleansing immediately hit her strongly, as she was unable to think of anything else at that point.

It was terrifying she felt like she was totally in flames, like she was being burned upon a stake, with no chance of escaping.

If this was her before she fainted it would have been impossible for her to bear with this crazy torture of pain, and suffering, but now it was a completely different story.

Now her Soul Power had been restored, and she felt like she would be able to not only pass through this pain, but even if it doubled or tripled.

Furthermore, there was some extra Soul Power left over her Soul Avatar from Tianlong Yun in case she needed it, which clearly added to her self-confidence.

With no time to lose her Soul Avatar immediately stood upon his throne in her Conscience Sea and started fighting against the pain, and the flames.

On the other hand, Tianlong Yun's Soul Avatar just took a last look at her and finally retreated back, it was impossible for her to sense his entrance or his leave if he didn't want to.

He truly meant each and every word he said to her, as long as she obeyed to him, and proved to him that she was worthy of his nurturing and help, he was going to help her grow beyond her imagination.

Even if she had no idea, Tianlong Yun was a Royal Dragon God from another planet, that had a much deeper knowledge than even some powerful powerhouses in the Immortal World.

It must have been her collected karma of several lives to actually stumble upon him and catch his attention.

The moment that Tianlong Yun's Soul Avatar returned into his own place, Tianlong Yun revealed a handsome smile on his face while sensing the furrowed brows of the beauty in front of him.

Despite the pain and torture she was going through, she was clearly showing her tenacity by not screaming, or cracking her teeth.

A good seedling indeed! He couldn't help but wonder how far would she reach with his personal tutelage, and help.

Despite being a small planet mysterious planet, Earth had given him surprises one after the other. Making him feel that this small planet wasn't as simple as it looked on the outside.

He would want to continue exploring and learning more about it, but he felt like he didn't have the strength and qualifications to do so.

Still, one day, for sure he would reveal it's secrets

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