Royal Dragon and Phoenix transmigrate to Earth

Chapter 657: The Blood Clan & Deal?

Chapter 657: The Blood Clan & Deal?

Once again the transparent-looking man was stunned by Tianlong Yun's words, as he would have never expected him to actually know him.

But then looking at the little beauty that had passed out beside him, he seemed to have figured something out of this. The next moment though, Tianlong Yun's words startled him once again,

"It wasn't her who told me your name Drak! But I understand why you would think it was her."

The Vampire Ancestor was surely getting more and more curious about the young kid in front of him. Despite being 30 years old now, Tianlong Yun was nothing more than a kid to him.

Someone like him who had not only the longevity of the Vampires but also who had reached the Lower God Realm, was certainly many times older than Tianlong Yun.

In fact, it could be said that was surprised him the most about Tianlong Yun wasn't his strength, and his current strength and realm, but his age, and the short time he had reached all this.

Truly the world was extremely big, and limitless there were mountains over mountains and dragons among dragons. Despite the fact that he wanted to say big lizards inside he still didn't spoil the expression.

Thinking up to here, he was once again reminded of the terrible smell that he got from Tianlong Yun and couldn't help but ask with a bit of animosity in his voice,

"Let's forget about all that for a few moments! Firstly tell me why do you have that disgusting smell on your body! Depending on your answer, I will either fight you to death or help you remove it!"

That question certainly caught Tianlong Yun by surprise, as this was the second time that he was being asked this question.

He didn't know what kind of story was there between his Royal Dragon Clan, and these Blood Clan people, but it was certainly not one with positive connotations.

But he couldn't allow that strand of conscience to lead him by the nose either, while this guy was strong and was at least a Lower God this wasn't his body and was just a strand of his Soul Avatar.

With Tianlong Yun's attainments in the Soul cultivation, despite being the strand of the soul from a Lower God, Tianlong Yun didn't feel threatened by it.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

With those thoughts in his mind, he spread a bit of his Soul Pressure upon the strand of soul, and then said with a forward voice,

"I was the 257th Crown Prince of the Royal Dragon Clan Tianlong Yun, but as you can see despite still having that bloodline I have lost my position!"

Even though Tianlong Yun wasn't afraid of this Vampire Ancestor, this didn't mean that he wanted to fight against him, so he decided to say the truth. It was worth giving it a shot.

Once again the transparent looking middle-aged man seemed to be completely stupefied as he heard him, and couldn't help but almost scream,

"What!? How is that possible? You are just an odd-looking 30 years old green sprout! What do you mean being those big lizards, Crown Prince?

Are you taking me for a fool?"

As he said those last words, he tried to exert a bit of his Soul Pressure on Tianlong Yun but just found out that he wasn't actually his opponent.

He had no idea how Tianlong Yun had been able to train his Soul so much, but in fact, he was nothing more than a little kid trying to fight against a grown-up.

It was just crazy!

On the other hand, Tianlong Yun was extremely calm and natural about this whole matter, as he looked towards the guy, and said with a relaxed tone,

"Why would I need to lie to you? If it weren't for the drops of God Blood deposits that you have in here, do you think that I would bother myself with coming here?

Furthermore, I don't know what kind of grudge you have against my Clan, but I don't think that you will ever have a shot at taking revenge, because I would go there first to deal with those guys!"

Tianlong Yun's tone and words might sound a bit rude to the Ancestor, but the more he sounded like that, the more did he thought that he was actually true to those words.

Hearing all that, the Vampire's Ancestor couldn't help but think just what had kicked those big lizards' brains in order to throw away someone like him.

Anyway, since he didn't seem like an enemy it was useless to try and fight against him, as he said after some thinking,

"It was your clan of big lizards that actually trapped us, and then sealed us in a mid-world. For millennia's now we have tried to come out, but we haven't been able to.

Our only hope were our descendants in the small worlds, but they are all weak, and unable to actually destroy the shackles of mortality and this world.

We were slowly losing hope, but it seems like we don't have to anymore, as someone like you has appeared.

So, this is my deal for you, promise to help us remove the seal, and everything found in this small place will be just the primal interest that we will pay you!"

No matter how much he thought about this, Tianlong Yun would have never thought that it was actually his Royal Clan that had trapped and sealed this ferocious Blood Clan.

What made him even more confused, and startled, was the reasons why his Royal Clan had done something like this. What were they trying to get from doing this?

Still, he wouldn't actually let go of a few helping hands, as in fact if he had these guys on his side, then his job would surely get easier.

With those thoughts in his mind, then he looked at the transparent guy, and said,

"If I help you to undo the seal, then your Clan would follow and do my bidding for 1000 years! At the end of the 1000 years, you will gain your freedom back, and then do whatever you want to do!"


"I am in no hurry! You can go and ask someone who has the authority to handle my request! I can only add that if you do decide to work for me for 1000 years, I will help you seek revenge.

Keep one thing in mind though, I will not allow you to destroy the Royal Dragon Clan to bits, just revenge against the guilty ones!"

The transparent guy seemed to get even more unwilling, and hesitant to make a decision, but he also understood that he had no right to make a decision in this case.

He could only try to report this matter to the higher-ups and let them decide upon the next course of action. Thinking like this, he could only accept the current situation, as he said,

"I will report this to my higher-ups, but I can't promise you anything!"

"That is enough at the moment! Well now that we have dealt with that, there are two matters that I want to discuss with you!

First, where did you find that crystal to seal your drops of God's Blood! And second, do you know anything about that presence in the Royal Palace!"

The transparent guy seemed to be surprised by Tianlong Yun's words, but at the same time convinced that Tianlong Yun's skills were real.

He truly was someone who could one day help them undo the seal upon their world, and once again give them the freedom to run through the Universe unimpeded.

For that reason, he decided to stay true to his words, as he said,

"In regard to that crystal, it is believed that it was found into the depths of a cave in the belly of a big mountain, by a Vampire and a Werewolf!

But, after thinking about it for a few thousands of years, I know that it wasn't the case. Those little crystals became the reason for war and enmity with the Werewolves.

As those crystals were believed to hold the secret towards becoming a God and breaking through the shackles of mortality.

So, both sides fought hard for the chance to not only shed our mortal shells but also to rule this planet. Still, in the end, none of us managed to use them and reach that realm.

The only use we found about those were the God Blood storing capacities they had, and nothing more.

When people from both sides realized this, they didn't want to accept their shameless behavior, wasted effort, and meaningless life losses.

Furthermore, there were already too many dead people on both sides, which made the reconciliation even more impossible!

Bringing to the matters of today!

The only way both our sides managed to have God's Realm powerhouses was because these drops of God's blood existed from far before that happened.

I was just one of the lucky descendants who could get his hands in one of these!"

After hearing all this story Tianlong Yun could finally make a little sense of what had happened between the two clans.

After all, no one would be able to resist the desire and temptation to not only become stronger but also have a chance at the breaking of the mortal shell.

Perhaps if he were in their position, Tianlong Yun would have done the same as they did without regretting it in the least.

Even though he still hadn't found the source of the crystalized Origin Milk Essence, he still didn't feel down. As he continued,

"Then what about my second question?"

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