Royal Dragon and Phoenix transmigrate to Earth

Chapter 661: The True Frightening Master

Chapter 661: The True Frightening Master

The Little Prince had no idea that amidst those memories that he wasn't able to remember, another variable had appeared in his big sister's life.

Even Princess Drina herself didn't know just which one of the two was more precious to her, but nonetheless, Tianlong Yun's importance was nothing to brush away.

Furthermore, there was something else that forced her, even more, to keep his side, his strength, and potential.

Most probably even if she sided with her little brother and worked against Tianlong Yun with him, and the support of all the Vampire Clan she still didn't have the confidence that they would win.

In her eyes, heart, and mind Tianlong Yun was an existence that no one else could equal, not only in this little planet called Earth but in the whole world.

Her experience with him had left her extremely wary and revering towards him. He was vicious and merciless towards his enemies while being compassionate, gentle, and all-giving towards his people.

In simpler words, Tianlong Yun would treat his people as treasures of the highest class, while treating his enemies and opponents as trash, and scum that were just adding useless weight to the world.

For that reason, she had been that worried when she saw her little brother pushing down Alina on the bed a few moments ago. Because Tianlong Yun considered her his.

If the guy had been here himself, her brother would be thanking the Heavens and his good deeds in his previous 10 lives, if he were still alive when Tianlong Yun was over with him.

After all, the only reason why he was still living was because Tianlong Yun didn't want to create bad blood between himself and her. Princess Drina understood that perfectly.

The moment that her little brother left the room, Alina was freed and could finally sit up and get down from the bed, as a shadow appeared beside her.

It was the beautiful Tianlong Meigui who had a strangely calm and natural expression on her face, while her eyes were burning in a strange light.

Her eyes seemed to be seething for blood, and it was obvious whose blood they wanted to watch. Just the fact that she hadn't killed him was a great demonstrator of her control.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

In her mind, every person that dared to betray her Master, her man, and her lover deserved to die countless times painfully, but she also knew that Princess Drina could be one of her sisters.

It was precisely due to that thought that she hadn't acted upon her thoughts a moment ago and was still able to control herself.

Besides Princess Drina, and her little brother, there was another person that she was disappointed with and extremely angry at, and that was the victim of this whole matter, Alina.

Despite being in that situation, and knowing her new identity and position, she still hadn't acted against the Little Prince, or asked for help.

Meaning that should Princess Drina, or herself not appear in this room, then she would certainly allow that scumbag to do what he wanted to and keep it a secret.

That was something that she couldn't stand and forgive! If she had ever let something like that happen, then her hands would be stained by two different bloodstains.

Looking at the two of them with cold murderous eyes, she said in an even chillier voice,

"This is the first and last chance for both of you! Reflect on your thoughts and actions!

If it ever happens again then I don't mind personally throwing both of you to the Yellow River. No one who tries, or even thinks of betraying Master's trust has a right to live!

Master is giving the Vampire Clan a chance, but I don't think he would mind if some pruning was done!"

With that said she didn't linger anymore and disappeared right in front of their eyes like she had never been there in the first place.

Seeing this happen, Alina was completely shocked and unable to move for a few moments. Nothing seemed to make sense anymore.

She didn't understand the reason why Princess Drina would act like that towards Tianlong Yun and this other woman, but she knew that things weren't simple, as she could only bow down and say,

"Mistress, what is the meaning of all this?"

On the other hand, Princess Drina could only sigh emotionally a few times, before finally recomposing herself a bit and saying,

"Sigh~! Sigh~! Sigh~! Things are much more difficult and complicated than they seem Alina! This world is much bigger, and wondrous than we actually know and think!

I can only say this, from this moment on the person that you should listen to the most, revere the most, and fear the most is Tianlong Yun, our Master.

His orders, wishes, and instructions should be much more valuable to you than my words, or the wishes of my stupid little brother.

Don't let this ever happen again, not to you, nor the others that are touched by him, otherwise that woman that just left would truly do as she said!"

Alina was completely baffled, she had never expected to hear words like these. After all, the only reason she hadn't opposed fiercely earlier was that she thought that her Mistress still valued her little brother the most.

Yet right now she understood that the Little Prince had lost his place long ago, and there was another figure in her heart and mind now, which was Tianlong Yun.

Honestly, she didn't know how to react to this, as she was greatly taken aback. It was only after a few moments that she finally regained some courage and said,

"Mistress, could it be that they are stronger than even the current you? Then what if we go and warn his Majesty the King!?"

Hearing those words Princess Drina felt fear and danger course through her body immediately, as her face turned cold and angry.

Still understanding that her servant had said those words for her own good, she quickly calmed down as she said with a bitter chuckle,

"Stronger than me? He was already stronger than me the moment that we returned, and that hasn't changed even now.

Furthermore, my current strength came as a result of his help and guidance, I would never be able to reach this level by myself!

Not to mention that during that time I wasn't the only one who got an upgrade in my strength, and if I am not mistaken my increase is like a sand granule in front of his desert.

The only one who might know the extent of his current strength and power is only that guy himself! That's why I tell you that we better do as he says.

If we do just that, then not only won't we suffer anymore, but we will also stand to gain a great deal from him.

No matter how much I love and care for my little brother, if he went against that monster, then even I wouldn't be able to save him from a painful death.

The only thing I can do now is to try and advise him to give up slowly, if he doesn't then he is as good as dead!"

Alina couldn't help but get shocked as she heard the words of her Mistress, as she couldn't help but think if that really was the case.

In the days that she had been beside Tianlong Yun the only thing she had seen him do that was a bit outstanding was his stamina, and skills in pleasuring women.

In her eyes, he was more of a toyboy, than some really fearsome expert that would make her fear and revere him, but her Mistress didn't seem to be lying either.

As the two of them were now stranded in their own thoughts, and evaluations of the situations, Tianlong Yun and the little beauty Princess Ina had already left the Ancestors Graveyard.

Right now they were heading for the little beauty's castle, as they had left the Royal Palace immediately with the excuse of the little beauty's secluded meditation.

The King wanted to know more about her experiences and happenings inside the Ancestors Graveyard, while the high nobles couldn't be happy.

In their eyes, the little beauty had turned into nothing more than a dangerous variable that they couldn't allow to continue living.

Even if they had to break all the rules, even if they had to act against the King's order, they still should do whatever they could to get rid of her.

Trying to do that in the Royal Palace was nothing short of seeking for premature death though, so they didn't dare to act in there.

But if she left the Royal Palace and returned to her territory then it was a completely different story. They could kill her and blame the Werewolves or someone else.

They wouldn't hesitate to throw one of their own under the wheel if it was necessary too, but her death was inevitable.

Surely the little beauty noticed this while she was living in the Royal Palace, but the truth was that she didn't care in the least.

Forgetting about her own surging strength at the moment, she also had someone much stronger and powerful accompanying her, her Master Tianlong Yun.

After everything that had happened, especially after what happened in the Ancestors Graveyard she held Tianlong Yun in equal standing or even higher than the Vampire Ancestors.

The pursuers turned to be the cautious and patient type though, as they made their presence known only after she had entered her own territory

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