Royal Dragon and Phoenix transmigrate to Earth

Chapter 669: What do you want?

Chapter 669: What do you want?

More than a disturbance there were fighting sounds outside, as Princess Jena's female servants seemed to be blocking the path of two angry men.

At first look, those guys seemed to only be righteously angered and enraged after what had happened earlier today, but the truth was that their intentions weren't as pure as that.

After all, there were only a few or rather none non-affiliated fighters, and high-ranking members not only in the Werewolves Clan but in every Clan with a bit of power.

As long as there were some benefits, or interests of special groups that weren't sufficient for all of them, then there would always be sides, affiliations, and factions.

The fact that these guys were doing something like that, at that moment clearly demonstrated that they didn't belong to Jena's side and that they were here to cause trouble.

If they entered inside the room like that, then there was bound to be even more evidence for them to do so, and there was also the problem of those other old fogies approaching.

If Tianlong Yun didn't want more complications in the current situation, then he needed to act quickly. With those thoughts in his mind, he immediately told the MILF under him,

"Spread your pressure and block them! It will be troublesome to have them enter and see us like this, don't you think?"

As he said that, he also stopped using his Blood Law, and Fierceness Law upon her, and started hiding his presence.

The lady was still under the intense fluctuations of her powerful climax, still, she knew that Tianlong Yun was right and she couldn't play anymore, so she did as he had said.

Still, she couldn't believe the current situation! Tianlong Yun seemed to have disappeared in front of her, and her senses, but she knew that it wasn't right, as he was still there.

After all, his raging dragon was still inside her secret cave, which meant that she had only lost sense of his image, not his presence.

From the first moment he had appeared inside the room, she had been shocked as she had felt slight space disturbance in the room, meaning that he had practically teleported inside the room.

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After that, was that strange sensation of having her blood flow stop, and that aggressive retaliation on her, that made her lose more than 50% of her strength.

Those two were already unbelievable, and now there was also this strange but miraculous ability that made her think of him as a monster, and not a normal being.

With these abilities, Tianlong Yun could enter and leave whatever place he wished without leaving any tracks and could easily kill every target.

Even though she didn't want to accept it at first, now that she had seen this much, she knew that she wasn't an opponent of him.

She could put up a good fight certainly, but her loss was set in stone, there was no way for her to be able to win against him.

If until now she still had some doubts about his strength, at that moment she understood that Tianlong Yun was beyond her.

Furthermore, Tianlong Yun had also that strange slave seal upon her daughter's Soul Avatar, that even she was unable to touch, and seemed to be growing stronger.

The truth was that her plan at first was to actually force Tianlong Yun to break the slave seal, and if he had some skills to reverse the skill and have him help her daughter.

After all, with the ambition to take the throne, she would need all the help that she could find. If that didn't work, then she would try her best to actually kill Tianlong Yun, save her daughter, and remove a threat.

But now she understood that even when she thought that she had overestimated him, she had actually underestimated him.

She didn't know what to make of the current situation, but one thing was for sure, she didn't have the strength to act against him, even with the other Elders taking part.

As if that wasn't enough, there was also the 'slight' situation created amidst the two of them, as after all this time she had finally tasted pleasure like never before.

It was the first time that her whole body was actually satisfied to the brim and she felt that nothing lower than this would be able to satisfy her anymore.

Still, as she was thinking like that, a deep sense of obedience, and doing what Tianlong Yun just asked was born in her mind.

She was startled and surprised as no matter what good impression she had of Tianlong Yun it shouldn't be at this level.

After all, no matter how strong he was, and no matter how good he was to please her, this was still too much.

At that moment, a weird thought was born into her mind, and she couldn't help but sink her conscience into her Conscience Sea and look at her Soul Avatar.

The moment she did so, she was stupefied due to the view in front of her, just like her daughter, she now had a slave seal cast upon as well.

Infuriated and enraged she was about to go outside and scream at the person responsible for this, but before she could act she felt a strong pressure upon her Soul Avatar.

It was like she was an ant in front of an elephant, as the elephant slowly appeared in front of her with a grin on his face saying,

"You shouldn't be that angry! I mean you don't expect me to believe you that easily right? Furthermore, there is no way that you were going to accept serving me easily without this!"

The truth was that from the moment that he had appeared inside the room, Tianlong Yun had a plan of his own.

While Jena's actions weren't fruitful, and the woman wasn't actually restrained, this didn't mean that he had no chance of making her surrender and turning her into his slave, to do his bidding.

For that reason, when she was experiencing that powerful climax she had never experienced before, he acted quickly and placed the slave seal upon her.

"You How!? When!? What do you want?"

"Well, I mostly took what I wanted, as now you, your body, your soul, and your daughter belong to me! So, it's not what do I want, but what do you want from me! Don't you think?"

"Hmph~! Arrogant brat, just what can you give me?"

Even though she understood her current situation, there was no way that she was going to accept defeat easily. Her words were more of a test to his character, and nerves.

Tianlong Yun didn't seem to get offended by those words, as he seemed to understand her intentions, as he said,

"Come on, you were moaning and panting like crazy under this brat just a few moments ago, even if you don't respect me, respect yourself at least!

As for what can I give you, how do the Werewolves Clan, the Mason's Faction, and a stage to a wider world sound?"

"Hahaha~! Do you think you can do it? I mean sure you are strong, but you aren't strong enough to go against those monsters!

You have the potential but you are too young! Furthermore, there is only so much that you can do on your own, it's impossible to go against the world on your own.

And what do you mean by a stage to a wider world?"

It wasn't like the beauty was trying to dampen Tianlong Yun's resolve, determination, and words. She was just stating facts!

But her words were facts to her since she didn't know his strength and power, she was judging only on the basis of what she had seen until now.

"Well, whether I am able and capable of doing what I said we will slowly witness it together in the future! After all, it's not like you have much of a choice now, anyway!

As for the last sentence, it's exactly what I said, but you will understand that in the future as well, now let's go outside and deal with the matter at hand."

The MILF beauty was truly confused and complex at the moment, but she understood that Tianlong Yun was right.

She had no other option after this, she could only hope that this didn't turn into a disaster for her, her daughter, and her Clan.

As for breaking the slave seal she had been cast upon she felt like it was nothing short of a fantasy, as the seal seemed just like some kind of chain tied to her own Soul Avatar existence.

Tianlong Yun's attainments in the Soul were clearly way beyond her imagination, and comprehension.

With those thoughts in mind, she could only let out an emotional and long sigh, and then return her conscience to the outside.

Without losing time, she immediately did as Tianlong Yun had told her too, and used the bloodline pressure upon the two men outside while saying in a solemn tone,

"What is the meaning of this? Who dares to act so unbridled in the Mansion of a Clan Princess?"

Her voice wasn't loud but still managed to travel loud and clear in the ears of the people in the Mansion, as the owner of the voice itself separated from Tianlong Yun and started dressing.

The two men outside seemed to be put immediately under a dense pressure, they felt as if some huge boulder was pressing on their bodies, ready to fall down and crush them in one go.

Unwillingly they were both forced to stop whatever they were doing, and freeze on the spot

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