Royal Dragon and Phoenix transmigrate to Earth

Chapter 682: Explanation & Duke Gordon’s madness

Chapter 682: Explanation & Duke Gordon’s madness

Princess Jena clearly feared her Father the Patriarch of the Werewolves Clan, as she still had a few traumas left behind from his aura and strength he had shown in the past.

But for some reason, as she was losing to that fear earlier, one voice managed to shatter all her insecurities, fears, and traumas.

It was Tianlong Yun's voice from inside the Old Pouch, he said only one line to her,

"How do you still fear the dark shadows of the past, when I am right here beside you?"

That was enough for her to not only shatter all her negative thoughts and fears but even look forward to what was to come.

As a monster who had lived a really long life of experience, the strength and resources of the Patriarch in every life, her Father was certainly nothing to take lightly.

But at the same time, Tianlong Yun had continuously shown her miracles and surprises that no one else could accomplish.

Even when the situation seemed to be against him, and he was fighting much stronger opponents, he never lost his concentration, and never doubted his win.

Even the current situation was created as a result of his ploys so why should she fear someone who played according to the tune of her man and Master?

With these thoughts in her mind, she was actually looking forward to what her Esteemed Father was going to do at this moment.

If he actually went against the Patriarch, even if the current Patriarch was just his puppet, and the true Patriarch was he himself, he would still be taken as a rebel.

The only one who knew his identity was probably only he himself, he shouldn't have that much trust in someone else.

All the Elders around him had no idea who he was or his real identity. If they saw him rebel against the Patriarch who gave him the position of successor, they would think that there was a crack.

Even if there was the crack itself wouldn't be the problem, but if those guys knew of the crack then they would re-evaluate their position and standing and might easily change the candidate they were backing.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

The First Prince had the biggest backing until now, with some of the most influential Elders on his side, but that might change if they thought that there were problems between him and the Patriarch.

It wasn't like the First Prince couldn't become the Patriarch without their backing, but in order to do so, he would have to clean them up as well.

That would mean that he would chop more than half of the Werewolves Clan himself in such a time when the Werewolves Clan had to be at its strongest.

With the whole world in unrest, he had to make sure that his Werewolves Clan were at the peak of its strength, capable of fighting for World Dominion.

Even though no one accepted this openly in fear of becoming the center of attention for all others, there was no one who wouldn't vie for Earth Domination.

That would be the greatest achievement they could ever think of, as their name would go down through all history, and there would be a meaning to their existence.

If that wasn't enough of a drive then the fact that they would be able to do whatever they wanted, whenever they wanted, in the target's eyes, without being able to say even a word of discontent sure was.

With all those thoughts in his mind, the First Prince slightly bowed down to the 'Patriarch' on the throne, saying,

"This unruly child greets the Patriarch! I am sorry for my unruliness Your Excellency, but I was just that surprised and startled by the Thirteenth Princess's words!"

The Patriarch just nodded his head and didn't say much, he seemed like the attitude of the First Prince didn't bother him in the least.

In fact, it looked like he saw it as necessary and normal, but not many high nobles were able to notice that slight sense.

On the other hand, the First Prince had already decided the death punishment for this puppet, as he turned towards his little sister and then said,

"So, can you explain to us what you meant about Duke Gordon's son, little sister?"

With the aura and pressure of a ruler, he once again turned Princess Jena at the center of attention, and also lead the conversation on the main track once again.

Princess Jena seemed to have expected that so she didn't show much of an expression on her face, she just looked towards him calmly and said,

"After the robbery happened, the special stones cargo had been transported into some kind of space artifact, and it was impossible to trace it.

Furthermore, since the robbers had chosen that time and had decided to act it was clear that there should have been some insider helping them, and they had the certainty to leave our borders.

For that reason, I decided to actually not follow their tracks directly, and throw all their plans, and their helper of the tracks, and let the matter of the special stones on the special solution.

While I say special solution, is nothing more than placing an extremely rare tracking bug inside one of the special stones that are impossible to be tracked through normal means.

Even if someone tries to check the special stones with their energy, and even 'senses' it's impossible to be found, and we actually had placed 10 such tracking bugs inside the special stones.

It was at the beginning of the purge that I managed to slowly unweed all the inside helpers they had and then used the purge to cover the matter up.

Normally, I would have answered the summons in order to explain this plan of action against the robbers and ask for the Clan's assistance to take care of it, while keeping responsibility.

But who would have expected that on my way there I would have come across an idiot that had actually something to do with it, as he showed one of those bugged special stones to me!

To my and your surprise dear First Brother, the person who did so was none other than Duke Gordon's son!

That's why I said that if we want to know more about that matter we have to 'properly' ask him."

As she was speaking Princess Jena had a solemn and heavy tone showing the importance of her report, but also the importance of the issue.

On the other hand, Duke Gordon jumped just like some kind of injured beast on the dregs of its life as he screamed at Princess Jena,

"Jena don't go about spouting nonsense, and falsely accuse my son just because he wanted to take one of your servants away from you!

This is false! Totally false!"

Then after his momentary explosion, he seemed to have regained a bit of his clarity as he turned towards the Patriarch saying,

"Your Excellency, this girl is trying to defame me and my son! Please help this servant have his justice!"

The Patriarch seemed to have grown a bit angry himself as he turned towards Princess Jena as he said,

"Our daughter, you can't speak like that without proof, otherwise we will be forced to punish you!"

But Princess Jena didn't seem scared or pressured in the least, quite on the contrary actually, she seemed extremely calm and collected as she said,

"Your Excellency you are extremely right, I can't say stuff like that without proof, but what if I have proof?"


"Just like I said, Duke Gordon's son showed me only one of the bugged special stones and not all his load. I am sure that as long as we have a check upon his space artifact we might have an idea of the proof!

For that reason, I have brought Duke Gordon's son and his belongings here with me! If you allow me to bring him inside, everything will be clear!

Whether I have proof or not!"

The whole Court Room was left speechless and shocked at that point as they didn't know what to actually think.

Even Duke Gordon himself was left speechless for a few moments as he didn't know what to think anymore, this whole situation was just too difficult for him to accept.

Still, there was no way he could allow his son to fall down, otherwise next, it would be him,

"Jena, you are trying all your tricks to defame my son! You robbed those special stones and placed them inside my son's space artifact, and now are just using him as a scapegoat!

I will kill you!"

With that said he jumped towards Princess Jena with all the strength he could muster, as if he was a knight of justice.

With the disparity in their strengths, it should be impossible for Princess Jena to actually have a way to protect herself.

As long as he killed her swiftly, and quickly and then pleaded to First Prince for his help, he was sure that he and his son would have a way out of this damned mess.

He hadn't forgotten that he was still in the presence of the current Patriarch, but all those people living here in Sacred Wolf Mountain knew that the First Prince had become the de-facto Patriarch.

First Prince's backup would be sufficient for him to escape the responsibilities of his actions, the First Prince had actually promised him this.

All the high noble Werewolves inside the Court Room were totally shocked and startled by what was happening. They would have never thought that one of their own would actually act like that.

But now was too late

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