Royal Dragon and Phoenix transmigrate to Earth

Chapter 705: Team 1’s Demise

Chapter 705: Team 1’s Demise

With such a blast, even if someone was covered by at least 4 or 5 layers of bulletproof they would still be unable to survive. 

The amount of ammunition used in the attack couldn't be measured in the number of bullets, bombs, or magazines only in terms of kilograms.

When the ammunition was finally over, the guys in charge seemed to have relaxed a bit, as they ordered a few of the cannon fodder soldiers,

"Company 2, Team 1 proceed forward and search the place for any sign of life!"

The guys that were singled out couldn't help but feel that something was wrong with all this mess and that they were doing a big mistake, but unfortunately, they couldn't disobey.

The good thing was that they were all fully equipped and armed to the teeth. Carrying anti-bombing suits, and oxygen containers on their backs, without mentioning their guns, knives, and hand-grenades.

On a battlefield, soldiers had no right to even question or think about the orders of their superiors as that was deemed as a great blasphemy.

If soldiers started questioning the orders they received the chain of command would most probably disappear completely, and there would only be anarchy and chaos.

This was no office or training ground, this was a battlefield, the slightest hesitation, the slightest chaos meant many lost lives of their comrades.

For that reason, no matter how unwilling these guys were to check inside the rubble and fire, they had no other choice but to do it.

With their weak determination and resolve the team approached the fire, as they looked around. This place seemed to have turned into a mini version of hell.

Even the walls seemed to be covered in flames, and these were walls made of steel and cement. One could imagine just what kind of temperature fire was burning this building.

Well, most probably the worst part of this scene wasn't the view and the flames, but that putrid and horrid smell of human meat burning.

Even these soldiers that had lived their lives through battlefields, blood, and death couldn't help but actually feel like they were extremely close to puking their intestines out.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

To them this was their job, their duty to protect the country, and to the higher-ups, this was a job to protect their authority and power while thinking for their people.

Certainly, there were people with high ideals that wanted to protect their country and the people living there, but most of the time it was just a war of interests.

These guys had been through quite a few battles, so they were able to understand something like this perfectly.

Unable to know whether they should feel bad or good for what had happened, they continued to walk forward and enter deeper into the building.

Their goal was the big dining room, where Tianlong WenHe and his new guest were supposed to be.

The truth was that they didn't have much information on who Tianlong Yun was, or what was his relation to Tianlong WenHe, they only knew that he was a great danger for their country.

These guys were trained that even if their own family, friends, or even God were the enemy of the country they would still fight him with every means possible.

So, Tianlong WenHe's, Tianlong Yun's, or the other ladies' life were nothing more than pebbles on their road to them. Even if those ladies were from important families of the country.

No one was more precious than their country, and no one's worth could exceed that of their country. That was what they all were trained and brainwashed with.

Intentional or unintentional brainwashing exists everywhere. Sometimes is the society brainwashing one person, and sometimes is one person brainwashing the society.

While the connotation of brainwashing seemed horrendous, it's in fact quite a common effect. For example, society thinks that people are useless if they don't have a car.

In order to become part of the successful part of the society, you need to buy a car as well, even if it means spending over your limit or creating debt.

While there are a lot of nice words to put it out, the truth remains that it's still brainwashing. These soldiers were trained and grown with the breath and in an environment where the country was the most precious thing.

Certainly, these thoughts sound like bullshit, but they still stand. For that reason, these soldiers were able to keep their composures as they walked past the burned or tattered human corpses.

It was a bit difficult and challenging but finally, they still managed to make their way through the burning building and reach the dining room, only to see the table empty.

The first thought was that these guys had perished under the blast that happened but thinking about it again it didn't make much sense.

No matter what, Tianlong WenHe was considered a Master, and expert that had the strength to deal with a whole army himself.

Even if that fatty had died, he should have at least left some clue of his death, or some body part behind, right?

Yet there wasn't even the smallest sign of him left in the room. Surely there were corpses burning in this place, and the heat made it impossible to stay, but they could still understand that much.

"Careful, there is a possibility that guy isn't dead yet! Check the surroundings carefully!"

"Yes sir!" x9

Once they heard the team's captain's voice, each and every one of them responded with vigor as they started checking every nook and cranny on this place.

They were looking for signs of Tianlong WenHe or at least signs of his escape route. Now that they had acted they couldn't allow the guy to escape their hunt.

A strong man was dangerous, but no matter how powerful he wasn't the most dangerous. The one who was the most dangerous was an injured beast, someone who had lost everything and wanted revenge.

The country and these guys specifically had already destroyed Tianlong WenHe's Mansion, killed and perished his wives, and had even injured him.

No one would believe that he would have no intention of taking revenge once he escape the claws of the Death Reaper.

Still, they were unable to find even the slightest sign of something like that, it was like the fatty had disappeared from this room in thin air.

Who knew what they would be thinking if they knew that it was exactly the case, but now there was no way that they were going to believe something like that.


As they were trying to make sense of the inside, they suddenly heard a scream in distance. It didn't seem like the scream of someone being burned, but someone who had suffered a deadly injury.

The first thing they thought, was that this should be Tianlong WenHe's scream, but things were a bit weird as the scream didn't come from inside the burning building.

As a matter of fact, it felt like it was coming from outside. Immediately the nine soldiers surrounded the captain, covering all possible angles while waiting for their command.

"Everyone keep formation and walk outside, we need to check the situation!"

As trained soldiers with experience no matter what formation they had to keep they were able to fluidly walk through the burning building and get outside.

In fact, the way towards the outside was even faster, as they felt like they had lost too much oxygen from their equipment and were on their last ropes.

The moment they reached outside though, they found a scene that they had never thought possible, as the ground was covered in corpses and blood.

Each and every one of the guys that had participated in this battle was now lying on the ground with cut limbs, exploded body parts, and lifeless, covered in dirt, blood, and other liquids.

It felt like a scene from an apocalypse movie, extremely horrifying and desolate. As if that wasn't enough, one of their leaders was throat lifted in the air and being tortured.

His whole body was shivering and trembling, liquids were coming out from many holes of his body, but his voice seemed to be missing still.

To be more exact, his mouth was open wide trying to scream all the time, but there was no voice coming out of it. As most probably he had lost the ability to speak.

The one keeping him up like that was other than the fatty that they were looking inside, and what's more there seemed to be no injury in his body.

He seemed perfectly fine, in fact, he seemed even healthier than they were, as there wasn't even the slightest sign of sweat on his face.

Out of nowhere, he used his finger to make a poke on the captives throat area, as finally, his voice seemed to have returned to the guy.

'Arrrgghhh, Arrrggghhh'

"Have you decided yet? Will you speak, or should I continue with this? Who sent you here?"


"Yes, I know! Anything else you want to say, or is it still not enough?"

"N-No, ple-please!"

"Well then simply answer my questions! If not, how will I give you what you want, without you giving me what I want!"

The captive didn't seem like he had any intention of answering though, as Tianlong WenHe waited only for 5 seconds, before blocking his voice once again and letting him go through the pain.

It was at that moment that the arriving team could finally recompose their selves and regain a bit of clarity. 

It was only now that they understand just how terrifying the monster in front of them was, but they couldn't give up and run away. They didn't have the courage to do that!

As they were still frozen in their fear

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