Royal Dragon and Phoenix transmigrate to Earth

Chapter 726: Married

Chapter 726: Married

The moment that the 1st grade Mayor said those words the aura around the vice-general lady in front of him changed by quite a bit, as she even started showing signs of killing intent.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa~! Calm down sweety, after all I am just saying there is a possibility, but you know that I wouldn't do something like that to you!

Especially now that we are about to get married in a week, that would be quite the mud in my reputation as well."

"You know that you are playing with fire when you are covered in gasoline, right!? I am not one of those stupid bimbos that you keep around here!"

"That's not really nice of you vice-general comparing yourself to my toys around the office, especially since you are still untouched!

But don't worry that will change soon!"

"You think that you can put me down Mayor!? Don't count your eggs before they hatch, even if the wedding happens, I will never allow you to touch me!"

"I know that you would normally say that, and there is where that idiot comes into play! I am truly curious, do you truly love him, or are you just using him!?"

The moment that Tianlong Yun said those words he made sure to keep a tight check in the vice-general lady's condition, and aura as well.

This woman wasn't simple and if he didn't pay enough attention then she might escape his senses.

Well, it seemed like he overthought this time, as for a moment her aura and her heartbeat truly got disturbed for a moment or two.

Even though this didn't exactly prove that she loved him, at least she cared about him and that was enough for Tianlong Yun at the moment.

"That doesn't concern you! Are you saying that you are doing all this just because you want to sleep with me!?"

"You catch things quickly, yes that is what I am saying! But let me correct you in one part though, these things didn't concern me in the past, but one week from now we will be married.

And they will become my full right concern don't you think? After all, I am not a man that likes to have a loose woman as my wife!"


"Oh please, don't pretend to get offended vice-general, not when the proof is right with me!"

"Mayor I will make you regret this, together with your family!"

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

"Well, let us care about it when that comes around! Right now I would love to have an answer!"

"I agree, but it will have to wait for when we get married, as I need to prepare myself! Can I see him in the meantime!?"

"Sorry for the question vice-general, but do you think I am stupid? Right now, that guy is the only insurance I have against you!

If I don't keep him somewhere far away from your sight and reach, I would lose my control over him!

Furthermore, what assures me that you wont try to give your precious first time to him, on your meet?

Wouldn't this beat the purpose of the game?"

"Hmph~! You better not regret this!"

As the vice-general left Tianlong Yun's office full of anger and rage, the guy responsible for that was focused on enjoying the sight of her back.

He had to say that this beauty had quite the body shape from behind, even though not looking much impressive from the front.

As he was thinking like that, one of the Masters responsible for his security couldn't help but appear beside him, and ask,

"Young Master are you sure about this? Even though she is going to be your wife I don't think that you need to go so far about her!

If you truly need someone, then my daughter has been asking a lot about you lately!"

Even Tianlong Yun couldn't help but forget about the woman who had just left and have a clear look at the guy that just sold his daughter to him.

It seemed like he had truly underestimated the people of this world, as they didn't seem to be worse than those from his previous world.

Shameless old people that would straight sell their daughters for some resources and standing. Still, that was only for a fleeting moment, before he said,

"That doesn't concern you right Master Il-joo, but I will say that the thought of your daughter is truly enticing!

Sent her to my quarters tonight!"

"Yes Young Master!"

The old man seemed to be fairly happy with the result, like he had just sealed a great deal for himself. One of those that would make him laugh even in his sleep.

Tianlong Yun just gave him a last look, before continuing to deal with his preparations, and work.

Just like promised, that night the Old Master's daughter entered his quarters, and in the upcoming week he would always enjoy time with her when he didn't have much to do.

Like that a week passed quickly...

Today it was finally the big day for Tianlong Yun, or at least the 1st grade Mayor that he was impersonating as he was getting married with the vice-general.

While it was a wedding, it wasn't a really mind-blowing one, as both sides seemed to just care about the formalization than the wedding itself.

To be more correct, more than a wedding it looked like a deal of exchange of profits. Tianlong Yun and the woman were just medium of exchange.

As he was being helped to get dressed for the ceremony from the old Masters daughter, Tianlong Yun didn't forget to say,

"Tonight I wont to come at this room at midnight!"

"Young Master wont your wife get mad at me for stealing her husband on her wedding night? I am afraid that she might kill me!"

"Hahahah~! Don't worry, good and pleasurable things are meant to be shared! I am sure that you also wish to witness her lewd expression when she gets subdued, right?"

"Young Master, you mean"

"That's right, tonight we are going to have fun all three together!"


"You don't need to worry, furthermore this is my order!"

"I-I understand Young Master!"

"Very well, now go on, my wife is waiting for me!"

In a short amount of time Tianlong Yun was ready to get married as he finally reached the main building at the base where all the high ranking officers were gathered for the banquet of the wedding.

Despite the situation and occasion the bride seemed to stay true to her personality, as she wasn't wearing any dress, but a white military suit.

It was quite attention grabbing, even Tianlong Yun had to admit that he was a bit surprised by her dress and appearance, but he didn't care.

He just walked forward full of pride and confidence as he looked around the room, and especially three figures that willingly or unwillingly had become his short-term enemies.

That's right, it was the three bastards that had almost killed him that night, the three generals of the base. Looking at their attitudes and expressions they seemed to be enjoying their selves right now.

Tianlong Yun had many ways to try and kill them tonight, but that would make his words he said that night carry less weight.

After all, revenge was revenge when the enemy felt the pain, and regretted his actions until their last breaths. And Tianlong Yun would make sure of it, starting with the vice-general.

During all this time the vice-general lady seemed to be looking at him with malice in her gaze, but fortunately she didn't do a thing to embarrass him.

The ceremony was short and extremely serious, but once it finished the they had a little bit of time to enjoy the party.

Due to the position and background of both of them, no one dared to say a thing that might embarrass the couple, as there were a lot of presents coming their way as well.

Once he saw the amount of resources, and treasures he had been given that night, Tianlong Yun couldn't help but think of getting married a few more times.

After all, to him these weddings in the mortal world didn't mean a thing, and he was just attending some sort of stupid function.

Since they were still part of the base, and there was also the question of finding and apprehending Tianlong Yun, the party had to close soon, as the couple finally entered their chambers.

The moment that they entered the room, Tianlong Yun started undressing his military suit, as he said to the vice-general,

"Well you better play your games quickly, as there is still a long night in front of us!"

"What do you mean?"

"Oh come one wifey, don't waste our time will you?"

The countenance, and image of the vice-general changed quickly, as her face turned into one of slight surprise and mockery as she said,

"Well it seems like you are much better than I thought 'husband'! Unfortunately you are still way below the required level!

Now, you better leave this room yourself, and just support me with all the resources and power of your family, if you don't want to suffer something worse than death!"

"You seem quite confident in your ploys! Well then go on, don't make me wait!"

"I know this seems useless but let me ask you once again! Are you sure!?"

"Yup, extremely so, now go on!"

"Well, I am positive that you have understood that I don't care as much as you think about that guy, right?"

"True, despite your tentative to find him a couple times, it didn't seem like you truly cared about him, more about his whereabouts!"

"Do you want to know why!?"


"Do you know who he is!?"

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