Royal Dragon and Phoenix transmigrate to Earth

Chapter 748: Advancing Plans Again & Sure fire Method

Chapter 748: Advancing Plans Again & Sure fire Method

It was clear that those guys were in doubt as to how much the general knew, and what where his plans were about the information, but they didn't dare to say or do anything to him.

As a matter of fact, they had already done whatever they could by notifying the person in charge of that project's security, and he should be here sooner or later.

Tianlong Yun could notice the unrest on their faces, and it was clear that he had snooped upon something he shouldn't have, but he wasn't worried much about it.

After all, soon this place would be on his hands, and all these weird faces would become even weirder, before actually being enslaved by him.

He had no intention of letting even one of these guys go, he was no saint by any means, and due to his life experience his trust towards other beings of whatever race or gender was practically zero.

His own blood brother and his own blood family had betrayed, tortured, and almost killed him in that dastardly plan, so there was no chance he was going to believe some unknown people.

He didn't care whether these doctors were good people or not, whether they were working for humanity's prospects and future, he only cared about how useful and obedient they were.

With those thoughts, he slowly walked towards the elevator, but surprisingly before he even went up, the elevator was coming down from the 0 floor.

This clearly meant that someone else was coming down and looking at some of the heart rates of the scientists behind him, he understood that it was someone they had expected.

These guys had actually alarmed one of the people in charge in order to come down, and deal with him. This certainly made things a bit more difficult, but not impossible.

He had only 4 seconds until the elevator got down and opened its doors, that was enough for him and his people to take down this place silently.

"You guys are really good actually, but you messed with the wrong guy!"

Before these words of his could actually sound through the venue, more than 300 disciples of Tianlong Yun that rested inside the Old Pouch and were training and cultivating under his guidance appeared outside.

While the doctors were shocked about the situation, on how it happened, and how it was possible, Tianlong Yun's disciples moved like wind and thunder detaining all scientists in sight.

There were only 30 scientists on this floor and area. Not to mention that their strength and power level weren't that strong, the best had a power level equal to early levels of Nascent Soul Realm.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

They cultivated only through the resources provided to them from the country, in order to increase their life expectancy to further proceed with their research.

None of these guys had any experience in fighting or even brawling. They were protected as delicate flowers in order to risk their lives and wellbeing.

In less than 3 seconds, the scientists were brought down, and transferred inside the Old Pouch by Tianlong Yun, while he brought the real general outside, and hid in the corner.

The next second the elevator stopped on the last floor and the door opened, as the 1st general of the base, vice-general's father came out of the door, accompanied by two men dressed in black, and the vice-general.

Tianlong Yun had no idea why she was there, but it was for sure nothing good as she was actually brought there detained.

Despite all that Tianlong Yun's attention was on the two black-dressed guards behind the general, as this was the first time he was seeing the duo, as one of them seemed familiar.

This didn't make sense even for him, how could he think someone was familiar when he was seeing them for the first time?

Could it be that he shared some kind of karma with the guy? Or was there something else entirely different in this whole matter?

"Sung-Ho, Sung-Ho, Sung-Ho! I have to say that I never expected you to be the first one to find out about this place and cooperate with this disobedient and useless daughter of mine.

I had always thought that you were a pushover as a general, and with a bit of convincing, you would take my side.

Never had I ever thought that you would actually do something like this!

So, what gave me away!?"

At that moment General Sung-Ho didn't need Tianlong Yun's orders to act angry, as he looked at the person in front of him with a death stare and said in an agitated voice,

"What the hell are you trying to do here Ji-Hoon what is your damn purpose! What is the meaning of all this!?"

"Me!? I am just trying to find a place in the sun for myself! Don't you think that our countries aren't as good as we thought they would be by now?

The people on top just replaced the old guys! So, I was thinking of doing the same, for the future of my country of course!

I wasn't planning on making my move so fast, but I think that I don't have much of a choice now do I?

I will have to start acting soon!"

"You are a lunatic! How can you even think of your plan actually succeeding? Don't you know the difference between those guys and you in strength?"

"I sure do my dear Sung-Ho, but who said that I was alone in this!? Do you think that I am the only one with such ideas?

Furthermore, I have a sure-fire method to work against them."

"There are other traitorous scums like you out there!?

What kind of sure-fire method do you have? Are you going to use nuclear weapons? You know that if you do that it will be the same as throwing this country in damnation for more than a few centuries, right?

I am sure that even you don't want to rule a useless jungle!"

"You are calmer than I thought you would be!"

"Do you think that you are the only one approached by those guys? I just decided to not meddle in this damned situation, playing it by ear!"

"That makes sense! After all, things are in the final stage, and only the spark is missing!

As for the weapon, haven't you seen it already!?"

"What do you mean!?"

"Come with me, it would be better to show you what I mean!"

"Show me!? Aren't you afraid that I might inform someone about this!?"

"Sung-Ho my comrade, how can I be afraid of a dead body!? You know that dead men tell no tales right?"

"So that's how it is! Well, at least I will witness this sure-fire method of yours before I die! I just hope that it doesn't disappoint me, and I don't die uselessly!"

Perhaps, if General Ji-Hoon hadn't been focused on General Sung-Ho he might have noticed that there was something wrong with the place, as there were no scientists around.

But even then he might have thought that Sung-Ho had extinguished them all once he found out that he had been discovered.

Still, to manage something like this without leaving even the smallest trace behind, this guy surely was an oddball.

Scientists were valuable yes, but in front of real strength, they were nothing more than farmed chickens, as their only option was to work for the farmer and give him the products he wanted.

Then whenever the farmer felt like it, he could actually kill them and turn them into food. This didn't include only scientists everyone else but the guys at the top were like this.

That considering that there wasn't someone above them as well, who would be treating them the same way they treated those below them.

Soon the two Generals and the escort surpassed the line that previously Tianlong Yun had been unable to surpass, and entered a big metallic sealed room, that had a sealed crystal cage in the middle.

Inside the crystal cage, there was a little kid of about 12 to 13 years old, dressed in a hospital patient's white dress, and looking like he was in terrible pain.

The kid seemed to have basically screamed his throat out, as he could only open his mouth in pain now, unable to make a sound.

All over his body, his blood veins had enlarged and turned purple, as his body was actually trembling and convulsing every second.

General Sung-Ho couldn't believe his eyes, as he looked at his homolog with red eyes, and clearly agitated angry face, as he asked in a harsh and heavy tone.

"What the fu*ck is this Ji-Hoon!? He is just a little kid, don't you even have a shred of humanity in you!?"

Opposite him, General Ji-Hoon heard those words with a mocking smile, and barely holding the urge to laugh out loud, looked at him with a calm and natural look, as he said,

"Do you even hear yourself Sung-Ho? The General who actually burned a whole town, killing more than 20.000 people of all ages, actually dares to talk about humanity?

Aren't you pushing it a bit too far, my friend!?"

"That I I"

"I don't really care about your feelings, or your thoughts in that or this matter! The only thing that matters to me is my plan and my weapon.

You see that shiny light beneath the dress, that is actually a powerful crystal that can suck energy from anyone in the surroundings.

The energy it sucks comes in all kinds of forms, including one's blood and vitality, and once the target loses the potential of energy will look for another target nearby.

The kid you are seeing over there is just a dummy piece taken from the school of one of the Grand Marshall's grandkids, his favorite

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