Royal Dragon and Phoenix transmigrate to Earth

Chapter 775: Going for a Date

Chapter 775: Going for a Date

Tianlong Yun's words certainly surprised Master Tang who was probably never expecting to hear something like that.

He had thought of all sorts of turns of events and routes, but what just happened wasn't in accordance with any of them.

A date!?

Furthermore, a date that would start with them meeting Young Master Qin Bao, was something that took him completely unprepared.

What frightened him the most though was the reaction of his daughter, and what would happen once they reached there.

After all, whether he accepted it or not, his daughter was extremely willful and stubborn. Even though he didn't want to admit it, there was a high chance that his daughter would do everything to stay there.

She would not care about his words and warnings, she wouldn't even care about the consequences of her actions, or how the Tang Family would suffer, she would still insist on staying there.

"Son-in-law, this"

"You don't have to worry about anything father-in-law I know what I am doing, and I am prepared to take responsibility for everything that happens!

Even if she stubbornly insists on staying there, I will walk on the same path as the Tang Family!"

It wasn't that Master Tang didn't want to believe those words, but just how many times he had heard them repeated from even older and better people than Tianlong Yun.

Yet the result was always the same, whenever their interests were suffering these guys would always change their minds faster than changing their clothes.

"Hahahah~! Father-in-law doesn't seem to trust me, and you are partially right, even I don't know what will happen at certain moments and times, but I know how to control myself.

Furthermore, I am not that stupid as to make the two biggest families of Huaxia my enemies at the same time!

I am not doing this for you, or for her though, don't get me wrong. I am doing this for myself, I want to have a look at this genius of the Qin family!"

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Saying that last sentence Tianlong Yun's facial expression changed all of a sudden, showing great expectations and excitement like he was about to meet a rival.

How could Master Tang not understand the loneliness of being on top, as the Master of the Tang Family, there was no one he could really confide in and rely upon.

His relatives would use everything they heard to their benefit while fighting for the Master position, while his wives were mostly spies planted by them and his enemies.

His children didn't have time for him, and even his normal confidante his third daughter was staying intentionally away from him.

It was at that moment that his complexion changed a bit, as he released a long sigh and said,

"Haizz~! I hope I don't regret this!

Third Elder, you take son-in-law to his resting room, and make sure that no one bothers him! I have to go and talk to my daughter!"

After saying that, Master Tang left the place, while Tianlong Yun followed that Third Elder to his quarters under the noisy voices of many people.

"Uuuuhhhh~! Third Elder, I have been inside that place for 2 months and my body has become really sore, how about we go for a walk in the city!

Of course, we will do so undercover!"

As Tianlong Yun was walking towards his quarters, he suddenly stopped midway, stretched his body, and said those words to the Third Elder.


The Third Elder was taken by surprise as he didn't expect to hear something like that. So he didn't really know how to react, or what to say for a moment,

"Come on Third Elder I am sure that you have grown a bit tired of the same scenery all the time, and would like to have a look at the secular world!

Furthermore, you know what they say, know yourself know your enemy and you will be undefeated for 10.000 battles. Of course, the Tang Family has information as well, but I would like to hear with my own ears.

Let us go for a walk!"

This Third Elder was a level 4 Great Boundary Ascension Realm powerhouse, everyone in the Tang Family had to talk to him with respect and didn't dare to propose something like that.

He had to admit that Tianlong Yun's words were extremely attractive and tempting, but he didn't know how would that Tang brat react if he knew about this.

Without wasting any time he quickly communicated the intentions to Master Tang, who after thinking for a moment, did give them permission.

With the condition that they lay low and kept their identities hidden, while Third Elder made sure to control all of Tianlong Yun's moves.

Since he had asked to do something like this, there must certainly be something going on. After receiving that instruction the Third Elder accepted, and they left the Tang Family Mansion dressed like normal people.

Tianlong Yun had intentions clear for this night, and he already had a plan on how to deal with this Third Elder as they started roaming the streets.

The reason why Tianlong Yun had wanted to come outside tonight was extremely simple, he wanted to meet with Lady Qin first, the representative of the Qin family that night.

He wanted to know the situation inside the Qin Family before making a move. This was a meeting already set up in advance, or it would be better to say that she had been waiting for him all this time.

The truth was that Lady Qin was a confidante of Young Master Qin Bao in the Qin Family, and also a member of his Shadow Clan.

Contrary to many expectations Tianlong Yun's and Third Elder's walk was pretty ordinary and normal, they didn't fight with anyone, and neither did anyone offend them.

Most probably that was due to the natural aura around the Third Elder, but Tianlong Yun never pointed that out, he seemed more concerned about hearing rumors while other people talked.

If there was one particular hobby of people, that they would do without even taking one cent that was certainly talking about other people and spreading rumors for them.

In one night, Tianlong Yun felt like he had heard of Qin Bao's biography more than three times, and that was just hearing people around him speak.

Upon returning to the Tang Family, Tianlong Yun immediately headed for his quarters, and even though there were many people who were concerned and curious about him, none of them bothered him.

This Third Elder guy seemed to be a great deterrence for them, as none of them was able to pass around him and meet with him.

Tianlong Yun didn't really bother with those people either, for him this was just a nice time for a good sleep. Of course, he didn't dare to sleep without protection as ShuiJing WeiXie kept an eye on him.

Even though nothing had happened yet, and the Tang Family was treating him right, this was still the wolves den.

Of course, the Third Elder and the Tang Family had no idea about the existence of the beauty, so they just thought that Tianlong Yun had great guts, to sleep carelessly in the wolves den.

The next day Tianlong Yun woke up early after having a great sleep and immediately prepared for the date.

He wore black pants, a white t-shirt that was stuck to his ripped muscles, and a black jacket. He looked like some sort of model, one that would certainly break a lot of girls' hearts.

Getting outside his room, he walked to the lobby only to find Master Tang standing right beside a black-haired beauty, that seemed to have become extremely skinny due to malnutrition.

Still, even in that state she still had an aura of freshness and beauty that many other young ladies could only dream about.

Tianlong Yun took a careful look at her, before returning his attention to his father-in-law and said,

"Well, since the beauty is ready, then I think that it's time to move out Master Tang!"

He purposefully didn't direct Master Tang as father-in-law as he didn't want to recur the beauty's anger right away. One could say that this move of his was really tacky move from Tianlong Yun.

At the same time that he was observing the beauty, she was doing the same to him! Even though it was a bit difficult to admit, she felt that this guy wasn't bad.

In fact, if it weren't for the fact that her heart lay with Young Master Qin Bao she wouldn't have had objections to marrying this guy.

Unfortunately, the situation was far from perfect right now, and she had someone that she loved, she couldn't give in to this guy.

Today was her opportunity, not only would she be able to see her love and his conditions, but also be rebellious one last time and stay with him.

Both Master Tang and Tianlong Yun could notice her intentions with a single look, yet there was complete confidence in Tianlong Yun's face, which made Master Tang think that he had a plan.

Right now there was nothing he could do, he could only tie up his hopes to Tianlong Yun, as he sighed and said,

"Sigh~! Ok, you may go!"

Tianlong Yun didn't even try to hold the beauty's hand as he walked forward while she followed behind him, with the Third Elder following behind them both.

After all, they couldn't allow Tianlong Yun to leave the Mansion alone, as who knew what the Yao Family might try.

Like that, Tianlong Yun's and Tang Family's Third Princess's date started, with their first stop being the Qin Family

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