Royal Princess: Doted On By The Mafia King

Chapter 143 - He Is Not Busy?

"Are you sure you are okay?" Eric asked when he noticed Rose looked a little pale and unhappy.

"Yes, I am fine. We can go back home since you are done," Rose said with small smile and headed towards the entrance of the café.

"Young master Jace looked a little different today. I don't why but I just can't see him in the person I saw this afternoon," Eric voiced out his observation. Even when Jace told him to stay away from Rose he sounded really gentle and harmless. He could not see the gentleness in the young master who walked past him only a couple of minutes ago.

"I guess everybody gets to face things in life that changes them completely," she said with sad smile.

Eric nodded in agreement as he helped her open the door of his car. When she sat comfortably, he closed the door and went over to the driver's seat. "Thanks for helping me chose the fabric and sorry for stressing you out," he said when he sat and wore his seatbelt.

"You are welcome. Anna has a very sensitive skin and she will definitely want to wear something comfortable," Rose said with a smile.

Looking at her, Eric found himself feeling jealous of Anna. He was an only child and except his cousin who used to live with his family when he was young, he did not have anyone else to play with. When his cousin left and his parents got too busy that he might not see them for days, he became really lonely.

He has not seen his mum for more than a month now and he was not sure he will see her at all till he goes to Star city. Rose's foster parents were also very busy people but Anna and Rose had each other. He felt it must be very good to have someone care and feel concerned about him in such attentive manner.

Rose looked outside the window as Eric drove her home but her mind was not on anything outside the window at least not anything she could see looking outside. She did not even seem to take notice of the buildings that they passed by or the people, adult, children and the cute dogs. She was thinking of what Jace said to her earlier.

She felt she needed and deserved an explanation from the two brothers. Jace was most likely done with his explanation he obviously won't want to explain further even if she asks him for a clearer explanation. The resentment she felt he had towards her made her not consider asking him for explanation.

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The only person she could ask was Liam. She sighed and looked at her phone with its beautiful cover shining under the smallest ray of light. She made a decision to talk to Liam about it. As soon as she got back home and entered her room, she called him but perhaps he was too busy to pick any call because his phone was switched off.

After taking her medications, the doctor who took care of her advised her to rest the following day at home and forfeit going to school because she was too stressed and her body needed rest. She agreed immediately feeling tired both physically and mentally.

She slept off almost immediately after she ate her dinner.


She called Liam once again the following day although her curiosity was half of what it was the day before. This time, he picked her call in a few seconds.

"Hello," he said with his voice just as musically deep and as beautiful as ever before.

The people having a meeting with him in conference room all found themselves very shocked by the softness in their boss' voice. They knew the boss was no longer with his family, so who could possible make the boss so soft and gentle.

They pretended to go through the papers before them on the table when the boss looked towards their direction. The glimpse they got of their boss' eyes which always seemed to remind them of the artic and gave them the feeling of being locked in an ice cell looked so gentle and warm melting all the ice they were frozen in.

They did not forget to note that this was the very first time their boss' personal phone rang while they were having a meeting and it was also the first time he picked a call from someone in a meeting.

A few did not miss the look of a very pleasant surprise on their boss' face when he looked at the screen of his phone when the phone vibrated before he answered the call.

Rose took a deep breath and exhaled fighting back the urge she had to simply tell him it was nothing and hang up. "Are you busy?" she asked carefully. She glanced at the wall clock and it was just ten in the morning and he must be busy with work. She immediately regretted calling him at such a time.

"No, I am not busy," Liam replied automatically and stood up happily. Did Rose sound worried about disturbing him? He smiled, this was a huge step. He made a mental note to write this date down although he had picture memory and will never forget this day ever. She did not sound like she was in trouble and in need of help which made him relax visibly.

The people in the room found themselves stealing glances at their boss who was shamelessly lying that he was not busy when they had just began the meeting and the person giving a presentation was still standing waiting for the boss to let him continue.

This was a day they all made sure to take mental note of. They actually saw their cold boss smile. The smile was small but not unnoticeable considering the cold personality of their boss.

​ "Could we talk?" Rose asked doubting the fact that she was making the right decision.

"Sure," Liam replied. "I will see you soon."

The people seated in the conference room for a meeting watched as their boss ended the meeting with only a wave of his hand when they had so many other things left to do and discussion in the meeting. They also watched surprised as their very dignified and usually relax boss hurry out of the conference room.

They were jealous of the lucky girl or boy who could melt their ice cold boss. Boy? Yes, rumors had it that their boss was gay because every girl seemed so invisible to him. A few boys tried to attract the boss' attention when the rumor began circulating in the HQ and when he did not show any interest either, they found themselves with no other thing to gossip than to conclude that he had a pretty boy at home.

"No, I mean . . ." Rose began but the beeping sound made her know that he had hung up. She only wanted to talk and not see him. She wondered how he intended to come to see her when he was still in Star city. At this point, she had a reasonable reason to regret calling him.

She glanced at the back of her phone the shiny polished diamonds shining back at her. Her friends had been very baffled when they saw it. They wanted to know how much it cost and even estimated its worth to a number which had six bold digits.

They were even more baffled when Anna told them it was a gift from a cousin. It was obvious that none of them believed that. The chain had a little pendant with the shape of a heart. Although they did not believe she got it from her cousin, she was grateful that they did not state the obvious because it saved her from answering a lot of questions she did not want to answer.

She wondered how he wanted them to meet. She was advised to stay at home and she really wanted to stay at home to rest. She remembered Liam was not like any other person and getting into her room was not a hard thing for him. She found herself looking around the room for anything amiss that might make her room appear disordered.

When she found none, she sighed in relief and returned to her bed. She read books while resting on her bed throughout that morning. She had no idea when Liam will arrive. She kept her phone beside her in case he calls.

She also did not forget to leave the glass door which led to the balcony unlocked although she knew a locked door was never an obstacle to Liam. She did not know how he does it but he always seems to have the key at all times.

She had her lunch outdoor. Mara offered to bring the meal to her room but she refused. She wanted fresh air and she did not want to stay locked up in her room for the rest of the day.

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