Royal Princess: Doted On By The Mafia King

Chapter 174 - The Money

"Silence is also an act of betrayal. He should have spoken in her favor before the whole kingdom remembered her as a Queen who was willing to sell her own very people for a greed they knew very well that she did not have. My mother was someone who could give almost everything she had to her people so why will she betray them? "

"Who do you think was behind it all?" Liam asked her as he watched her closely.

"What do you mean by that?" she had to ask when she could not come with what he meant with that question.

"Who do think betrayed your mother and kidnapped her?" He asked her again.

"What I think does not matter because it is not enough evidence to have them punished for what they did to my mother and I," she replied him. She shook her head uninterested in going further into that topic.

"Whatever you say here goes as evidence. I never said I was going to follow the law of our kingdom to get the throne for you and avenge your mother's death. I will have them pay in cruelest way you could imagine and the law of this kingdom cannot make that happen.. However, if you think it is best we let them get punished by the law then I can make that happen," he explained to her seriously and stood up to check the egg she was boiling for him.

"I don't want to hurt someone who is innocent but I am very sure that my step mother played a significant role in my mother's death and my disappearance from the palace. My father also played a role by not defending my mother when they said she made a deal and that she was the master mind behind the terrorist attack," Rose replied and continued eating her breakfast.

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"I have people investigating it and I really want to know how they got the footage that circulated and from what I found out, your mother really met with them but I don't know what they discussed in the meeting because I am sure she did not sell her people," he informed her as he returned with a bowl of sliced boiled egg.

"That looks appetizing," Rose said drooling at the site of the egg as steam escaped from it. It was the perfect distraction. She really did not want to talk about the video.

"Here, eat it all if you want to," he pushing the plate to her. "Take a slice then," he persuaded her when Rose shook her head and pushed the plate back to him.

"Okay, thanks," she appreciated as she took as slice and ate it. Warm egg was actually not bad at all for a delicious breakfast.

"What do you think about me calling you Rosaline?"  Liam asked her when he took back the plate of sliced egg.

"Not bad. That is my real name after all and you have already begun calling me Rosaline," she replied him easily and got up from the stool being done eating her breakfast.

"Yeah, I know. I just want to make it official. I will give you all you now own under your true identity. I have been tracking down some of the properties your mother owned that have always been under my family and those that she kept hidden away from the royal family. You are actually a millionaire," he informed her.

Rose's eyes shone in excitement. How was that possible? She returned to the island and sat down on the stool she stood up from earlier. "Well, how much do I have?" she asked him with a smile as she clasped her hands one the island.

"Enough to buy your mother's brand," Liam replied truthfully. "In fact that is actually a little underestimating."

"So, . . . what are the things she left?" Rose asked curiously. She was actually thinking of starting a large scale business and she needed enough capital to do so. This was very big good news.

"Houses and a lot of money in an account she left under the supervision of my father that belongs to you. Your mother transferred a huge amount of money only a couple of weeks before she was kidnapped to an account she asked my father to open in your name," Liam told her. "I have been able to take it from him."

"How did you take it from him? I thought you were not in good terms with your family," she asked.

"I hacked into their system and my father did not say anything about it although he knows what I did," he replied. "I handed the account over to you," he informed her.

"How did you do it?" she asked confused. She wandered how he was able to hack into a bank. "It is definitely not easy to do that."

"Yeah but I did because I am very good at things like that. I have gotten your identity back for you."

"Thank you," she appreciated as she slowly stood up when she felt bad over how she just felt about having all those things her mother left for her. "I will visit my mother when we arrive in Star city," she said as she slowly stood up from the stool and began heading upstairs.


Rose sighed when she stepped into the room. Since she jubilated over the money her mother left for her, she had been working on investigating what happened to her mother weeks before her death that made her leave such a huge amount of money for her. Perhaps her mother knew something was going to happen to her and wanted to ensure that Rose has enough to take of herself.

"The money is in a safe," Liam had to tell her. "What about visiting the safe before we go to Star city to see if your mother left a message for you in the safe? She has to be sure enough that you were going to survive it for her to leave the money behind," he continued.

It seemed that all the life sipped out of her in the morning that he thought she was sick again but she clearly did not have fever when he checked.

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