Royal Princess: Doted On By The Mafia King

Chapter 197 - Her Dance

"Oh," was all Rose could come up with as she stared ahead feeling a strong desire to go back to the hall she just escaped from.

"General Leo is known to be a very reserved person. I was shocked when I saw him cage you."

Rose could not help but look at her assistant like the lady was having an additional head.

"Sorry," the assistant apologized blushing in embarrassment.

"He is a general?" Rose asked as she tried hard not to run into the hall and give the young man the slap she was supposed to give him earlier.

"Yes. He is the youngest general in history. He is not so young but he looks very young. He is the second hottest ideal husband in this kingdom."

"Oh . . . A general without proper etiquette," Rose commented offended by what he did to her earlier, she is married for goodness sake.

"Oh . . . He is not always like this. I have never seen him so close to a woman. He is known to be very reserved. Some say he was gay but now I know he isn't."

"You will never know," Rose said as she waited for the door to open so she could go into the ballroom.

When Rose stepped to the ballroom, it was not hard for her to feel a domineering presence even more than that of the king.

She met the gaze of Liam's grey eyes which held no warmth as they looked at her intently.

She felt an unpleasant chill run down her spine and the hairs on her skin stood up as she walked to her spot.

She did not know what happened but she felt like he was angry.

After pondering for a few seconds without being able to come up with what might have caused him to look at her that way, decided for forget about it.

Her night was filled with a lot congratulations from people both the sincere and insincere ones.

Being that occupied, she had not time for other thoughts but when she noticed Liam was done talking to her father and now walking to her, she felt her heart beat fast.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

She maintained an elegant and confident façade as she watched him look at her with so much coldness that she felt like she might get frozen.

He was not supposed to be here in the room with her. She was not aware that he was going to be present.

She glanced at her father who was staring at Liam but soon looked at her when he felt her gaze on him.

She moved her gaze back to Liam's cold grey eyes and could not help but gulp.

The feeling she felt at this point was one you will feel when you have a strong desire to run but you know fully well that there is no need to run.

"You are stronger than this," she chanted on her mind as she watched him walk to her.

She felt strength from her chants. A princess must be strong. She was strong or more less she had to be strong.

He took her hand in his after greeting her with her title and bent his head to kiss it but his eyes never left hers.

She found herself engulfed in his gaze that she could not look away.

He closed his eyes as soon as his lips touched the back of hand. He pressed his lips and inhaled gently.

She smelt like Rose. He inhaled again and frowned when he perceived a foreign scent.

Like her hand burnt his lips, he pulled away and let her hand drop down.

Rose could not understand what made him angry suddenly as she furrowed her brow.

When his gaze hers again, she looked down at her hand where the warmth of his lips still lingered.

"I . . . I never thought you would come," Rose said trying not stutter obviously.

"The king invited me," he simply replied her. "I hope you enjoy your night, I have to leave now," he told her taking a step away from her.

"Are you okay?" she blurted out and bit her lips slightly shocked that she just asked him such a question.

"Hmm," was his very simple answer to her question.

"You don't look good," she told him worriedly.

Since she had started showing that she cared, it seems there was no way out of it to find out why he looked at her in such cold manner.

"I am fine. I am really busy. I will leave now. We will meet when you come to Star city," he told her in a low whisper.

"Stay and dance with me," she suggested knowing she will be invited very soon to dance.

"I am sorry. It won't be good for reputation. The first person you dance with, is the person you fancy most in this hall."

She watched him turn and left through the door. She looked down at her finger for a few seconds sulking over the rejection.

She took a deep breath and raised her head with a fresh new feeling.

"If Liam has a problem, it is none of my concern. We are only in a business relationship. He actually had the guts to reject me," she encouraged herself.

Just as he was done talking to her dad for a few minutes and he was done leaving the hall completely, the music began.

She looked at the well-known Royal band and slowly moved forward.

"He really must not mind that I will be dance with someone else despite knowing what the tradition of the first dance meant."

"Will you grace me with the opportunity to dance with you?" the General Leo said when he walked up to her.

Without a second thought, Rose gave him an obligatory smile and allowed him to take her hand in his.

He took her to the middle of the room. She glanced around and smiled slightly when she met Eric's gaze.

"You must not like this party," the general observed as they began dancing with one of his hand holding hers and the other on her waist.

It's been years since she danced like this wirh anyone. She knew how to but she still felt a little stiff despite the hours of practices to learn.

The last time she danced this way with someone was when she was princess and she could remember that it was a young boy about her age.

"Don't you think it unethical to dance with me a very handsome man and still let your mind your mind wander?" the general asked her clearly displeased.

"I . . ." she began to stop him from dancing with her so she could leave the hall but he pulled her closer and she could feel his body against at certain places.

"Let the dance finish, your highness," he murmured in tone that told her he felt wronged. "You should not leave a man in the middle of a ball room."

Rose inhaled but stopped when she could not withstand the scent of mint that came from him in a cool and rich way.

She made and attempt to pull away but he only used that as a very attractive move and had held very close to him.

"I told you that was rude," he whispered and he made space available between them.

Rose hid it all from her face as she remained calm praying impatiently that the music will stop but it seems the musicians thought they were having the time of their lives and will definitely want it to continue.

"The king wants us together. I also want us together. I noticed you on TV when you won an award. You looked young and beautiful.

"I was already considering looking for you in the Royal University but you turned out to be the princess.

"You should think about that. We will be a power couple. I am member of the Royal council and also a general.

"Don't you think that is enough support you need to become Queen in the future. You will have my support along with my subordinates."

"That is a good suggestion but what do you want in return?" she asked him.

"I want you to become my woman and let me be your man," he replied in a low whisper close to her ear.

"I like someone else," she blurted out when she felt the warmth of his breath on her.

"I could free you from him. There is nothing he could to do to hurt you under my protection."

"He gave me a better deal."

"You are not only very beautiful but you are also funny, your royal Highness," the general said in a manner that made her feel like she was watching him laugh.

"That was not a joke," Rose told him seriously.

"I can give you as much power and support you need than any bachelor will be willing to give you including the most ideal bachelor."

Rose's heart froze. She knew very well who that was.. She remembered the coldness in his eyes earlier and she looked up at the warmth visible in the dark eyes of the man she was dancing with.

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