Royal Princess: Doted On By The Mafia King

Chapter 207 - At The Cafe

"Okay then," she said still unable to take the smile off her lips.

Liam looked at her reflection on the mirror and he could not help but smile too. He actually got to see her dimple it is a pity he could only see it through her reflection.

"You should really stop talking about how you saved my life when you are unwilling to let me know how it happened," She murmured displeased

"I don't want to be the one to tell you. you won't believe me even if I do after all you don't trust me. If you get your memories back then I won't be accused of making up deceptive stories," Liam replied  seriously.

"Who else knows about what happened?" she asked becoming serious about the issue. She still found it weird to have a lot of missing memories and even falsely replaced memories.

"My brother was there when it happened and the doctors in the clinic I took you to and many others. However, don't you think I would have bribed them to say what I want you to hear?"

She found what he said very true but knowing his brother was witness, she decided to ask his brother knowing they were not on good terms and Jace will most likely not try to cover up for his brother considering the fact that Liam betrayed their family.

"What about Jace?" she asked him and watched him closely even if all the could see was the side of his back view.

"Jace will most likely tell you to ruin my plan or remain quiet in order to avoid getting involved in my business. You never know what the outcome of asking him will be," Liam replied easily.

He knows fully well that his brother has changed a lot of recent and has become very unpredictable.

"I will ask him then," she said seriously making up her mind to find out. "I will meet with your father and brother soon as the princess of the south, right?

"I want it to be very official. I am not in support of keeping it out the public's knowledge. I am going to use them to my advantage and I want you to make it possible.

"I want a pleasing headline for it. Something about the princess gathering her hunts man . . . no, that is a little extreme but I think something about the princess meeting the descendant of her grandfather's most trusted general.

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"I bet since your family serves the throne, your father will be willing to publicly pledge their loyalty to the me."

"Do you think it is right to show all your hidden cards?"

"I know a lot of people know about it already. It won't change anything to fearlessly show them I have someone by my side that is powerful in the south and he is strong enough to help me gain the trust and the support of the south?

"They know about it already, it won't make any difference to let them all know that I am not in the mood of playing hide and seek. However, you can be my real hidden card. Doesn't that sound great?"

"I don't know. Don't you think they are aware of our relationship already?" he asked not liking the sound of him being the hidden card although he plays a major role and this was all his idea.

"That is where the general steps in," she replied him natural and since she was engrossed in stating her plan, she did not notice him get tensed.

"The person you danced with during the ball?" he asked between clenched teeth as his grip on the steering tightened despite knowing what the answer will be.

"Yes. my father must have set that up. He hates you," Rose told him as a matter of fact.


"My father. Or rather, should I say he is scared of you?"

"I don't know what you are talking about."

"My father wants us to divorce. He told me on the day I left A city that he wants us to get divorced whole I remain with the general. I guess it is a battle of generals."

"I am not a general although I come from a family of generals. My father only left his post when your mother gave birth to you."

"Now, that makes it more interesting," she continued analyzing the situation.

"You seem to be enjoying this," Liam voiced his observation although he was happy that she was happy and could smile and let her dimple show.

"I am. I have business about talk soon I could at least have some fun before it gets all serious."

"We are still talking about business," he reminded her.

"Yeah, you are right," she said a little disappointed.

"The so called cold general actually has a flirty side to him. People like him strongly believe in their charm. I will take care of that part. I guess that's where I finally come in," she said glad that she was having the task of protecting her position.

"I can work things out to prevent them from knowing about our relationship and prevent them from spreading it out to the public even if they know," Liam said.

"What about the curious public. If I get into a relationship with the general won't that secure my position and make the north trust me?

"If I succeed, I could have the full support of the north since they won't oppose me becoming queen with the general on my side.

"His family have been generals for centuries and their loyalty lies fully with the north. It's the perfect scenario to create at this point," she explained to him.

Liam was trying not to be petty about this as he glanced at her reflection. "I think it is only right I also find myself a female partner," Liam said seriously.

"If that reduces suspicion," she said easily.

Liam's grip on the steering further tightened.  He could not believe what he just heard. She was actually very okay with it.

"She is a business woman. She is managing her father's business as the CEO. She has been trying to get my attention for a while.

"I think I should play along with her after all she is a member of the council and her father is a close subordinate of the king in fact he is the king's most trusted aid," Liam narrated.

"She has the perfect image," Rose said with a hint of sarcasm although she tried hard to sound natural.

That little presence of sarcasm was enough to make Liam relax and he was beginning to regret what he told her because he has never considered letting that happen.

Rose remained quiet for the rest of the ride. She did not want to hear any more of his plans.

She rested her head against the back rest and closed her eyes. She did not know why this plan of his made her feel very irritated by it but she will rather close her eyes to sleep and not listen.


He helped her open the door as soon as they arrived at the cafe she chose to talk to her friends in.

"I will leave from here," he told her after giving the key of her car to her.

"I guess you will be busy with arranging your date with the business woman. I won't delay you any longer."

She turned and walked away as she scolded herself for saying what she just said. It was really petty of her to say that.

Despite not feeling comfortable with what she just told him, she walked in an elegant manner that her effort to keep it all low key became fruitless. She got a lot of attention.

She was not sure if they knew her identity or they were only amazed by her beauty but she considered it as none of her business as she walked into the busy café.

She succeeded in getting the attention of both the staff and the customers.

This was something she got to witness when Liam arrives in a busy place; she never knew she will get to experience it personally.

She noticed her friend Eric standing in front of a door and walked to him.

She hoped the guards assigned to watch her closely because right now, those present seemed to have recognized her and they were whispering among themselves.

"Your highness," Eric said with a broad smile. He opened the door for her like a kind gentle man and she could not help but smile to appreciate that.

"You should not call me that when we are alone," she told him when she stepped into the room. It was a large room with a nice square table made of brownish red polished wood.

The four leather chairs around the table gave the room a business like vibe to it which was different from the casual decoration outside.

Outside the ceiling to floor door, was a beautiful rose garden.

"Will you like to stay here or out there?"

"I like here better," she replied easily, she wanted to enjoy. "I guess you have met Carl."

"He is arrogant."

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