Savage Queen's Secret

Chapter 105 - Let's Break Up!

"Jully! What am I seeing right now? I thought that you were pranking me, so why is the news showing these things?" Caixia asked in a rush, her heart beat thudding loudly.

Jully suspicious eyes set back for a while and she giggled, "When did I ever said that it was a prank?".

Now, what should Caixia feel? Happy that her husband was officially announcing their marriage date or sad that he didn't asked for her opinion even once. While Caixia eyes were fixed at the TV, Jully eyes were fixed at Caixia.

She just can't understand who Caixia really was and why she knew about everything? Could it be that her sister told her about it but that's impossible. No one will be able to tell everything about someone's else past in details and moreover the secret base was their little secret which Wu Aili promised to hide it from others no matter what.

Who really is Caixia? This question seemed to have invested itself in Jully's mind. Should she ask her directly but what if Caixia refused to answer her or made some excuses.

"Sis Aili!" Jully softly called for her sister and Caixia turned her head toward her with a reply "Yes".

It was unbelievable, to think Caixia was yet to forget to give reply when her past name is called, it made her gasp and then she swallowed nervously.

Jully eyes suspiciously stared at Caixia and she let out a sigh, "Who are you really?" finally she let out the words she held inside her for so long.

Caixia gulped and nervously averted her gaze, sweats forming on her forehead and lips held between her teeth.

What should I do to get out of this situation. I was off guard and let her catch me and now I am in an awkward position. Who in the world will even believe such a mysterious thing which happened to me. I can't seem to find a suitable excuse.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

At that moment she didn't wanted to face Jully with another lie but opening the truth seemed more like telling her a fictional story that was unconvincing.

"Caixia, won't you answer me?" Jully again asked seeing that Caixia has an obvious nervous expression. She could feel that Caixia blank stare had a meaning behind it, which meant that she was definitely hiding something but what was that?

Caixia got up and made sure that her eyes doesn't meet Jully's suspicious eyes, "Lets talk later, I will be going back for now".

"You can't!" Jully blocked her path, "before you answer me, I won't let you go".

The situation tensed as Jully stood in front of the door, her eyebrows creased and eyes squeezed with suspicious. She could no longer hold herself back once she have asked the question.

"I don't have any bad intention toward you," she replied rather then answering her worries.

It wasn't enough for Jully who was well aware of that fact. What she wanted to hear was the reason why Caixia was so much like her sister and knew almost everything about her but what Caixia was telling her was something she already knew.

"I am well aware of it, so tell me what I am asking. How do you know my sister and why did you answered when I called for my sister?" Jully voice was turning heavier with anxiousness.

She was feeling helpless by Caixia silence since she could feel that she would not get a clear answer again.

The door bell rang and Caixia gasped while being startled. Her eyes which were looking down, looked up at the door.

Jully turned back to open the door but before she leaned down and looked out with the tiny hole created next to the door knob.

Her eyes on Caixia as she got up after getting a glimpse of what was outside. The door opened and in front of her, Wang Shiwei was standing.

His eyes stuck at Caixia the moment Jully opened the door and he said while fixing his cufflinks of his coat sleeves, "Lets go".

He wasn't expecting Caixia to leave with him but the way she reached him quickly and nodded while looking in his eyes, he felt it unbelievable.

So, maybe she become happier after he announced their wedding date or why else she would run toward him rather then running away after being angry and leaving the house in the morning.

Before he could say something with his parted lips, Caixia held his arm and in a rush she said, "Lets go".

She gave him a nod and left after glancing at Jully. In truth she was just running away from Jully's question that seemed hard to answer and so Wang Shiwei misunderstood her reason for agreeing with him so quickly.

They reached outside of the building where car was parked. Caixia was still in her sleepers and it made her husband feel that she have missed him so much that she even forget to wear her shoes. But that seemed more suspicious!

 Wang Shiwei knew what kind of stubborn and aloof girl she was. She would never be in such a rush just because she was happy by the announcement and moreover she doesn't looked happy either. Rather she looked nervous and lost in her thoughts.

He escorted her inside the car and himself sat next to her. This time he wasn't there with his men but alone to pick her up, so they both sat in the front seat.

Shiwei after observing her blank expression leaned toward her while putting his hand on her seat and other hand near her head.

She flinched while being startled since he came, too, close to her and she was yet to realize it. Due to dazing off she didn't paid much attention to her surrounding and now that he was leaning closer to her, she gulped looking at him and moved her head a little back.

"Wh-what are you doing?" her lips stammered seeing his mesmerizing face coming closer to hers.

He gave a smirk and moved back to his seat after helping her wear her seat belt while she flushed up for showing such an anxious expression.

"Are you alright?" he asked with his mellow and soft voice.

She averted her gaze and looked outside of the window after nodding. He wanted to ask her about the reason she was being so tensed.

Was it because she was still mad at him for what happened in the morning or was there something else?

"Since you are coming back with me, I guess you have calmed down by now, but still you need to tell me why were your hands on her neck," he asked her directly to erase the eerie silence while at the same time he continued to drive.

His brows become furrowed and while she continued to head toward the window, he could still see her reaction by the window which was acting like a mirror.

Momentarily he felt that the reason why she left Jully house was for some other reason or more like running away because she didn't wished to face it, but what can it be?

"Don't ask rubbish from me! Go and ask her for the reason I tried to strangle her," she bluntly replied and then looked at him, "Why did you announced the wedding date without my permission?".

She looked furious and the thought Wang Shiwei had when Caixia accepted to go back without refusing, blew with the passing wind.

Of course he had an idea about it since she was acting weird but what situation can make her leave Jully house in a rush?

It was quite annoying that he didn't relied to my question. Although I accepted to come back, it doesn't meant that I accepted to officially marry him. Tsk, tsk!

"Did something happened when you were staying at her place?" he asked curiously.

"None of your business!" she refused to tell him, "but one thing is sure, I am not going to have a grand wedding with you in front of all those people".

His brows creased as he heard her and he parked his car nearby even before they reached the mansion.

"Why is that?" he silently opened his seat belt.

Caixia was looking away from him with an upset face, her hands were crossed and she didn't cared about him stopping the car in the middle of nowhere. 

Shiwei turned toward her, "Tell me the reason?".

"I feel like I have no place in taking decision when it is about the two of us. You don't even tell me before taking steps that include by life, yet you feel no guilt. Am I so irrelevant in your life?" she looked at him with those sad eyes of hers that his heart felt an unbearable pain.

Suffocating and heart wrecking, he was feeling more upset after taking a look in her upset eyes and even his mouth which was opened to give her an answer, shut back.

It seemed useless to tell her the reason when she looked at him with such an eyes which looked painful.

"Maybe, we should break up and leave each other to have a peaceful life," she said those words which made his heart painful.

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