Savage Queen's Secret

Chapter 41 - Invitation To The Ball

Jully was lying on the bed, her teeth showing up like a naughty cat and red hair covering her forehead.

She was staring Caixia with her eyes filled with lewdness. It enraged Caixia because she was well aware of Jully's weird and smutty thoughts.

She sighed, her hands on her forehead and eyes shut with distress. She quickly closed the door and stopped near the bed.

Jully rolled from the corner and stopped on the other end.

"You avoided Steward Kye, right?" she asked.

Jully nodded like a cat and hopped up with her excited face, "Isn't he your steward, so why do you hide it from him?".

Caixia sat on the study table and threw the hand bag on the desk, she slowly turned toward the window.

Outside in the garden, Wei-Lin was walking with a dull body posture.

She ignored it and said, "He is indeed my steward, but it's still too early to believe him".

Her eyes were seriously looking at her as she said those words.

Jully nodded stiffly while wetting her lips and rubbed her hands together as she felt the atmosphere getting serious.

"So sis.. no, Caixia! When are you getting me a new identity? No, first tell me, whom are you married to?" She asked and gulped after getting her sister glare.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Caixia looked in her eyes which was avoiding her out of fear. She was quite curious as to why Jully was calling her sister when she didn't looked like her previous self.

"Tell me! What's going on in your tiny head?" she asked and pressed her lips together.

She gulped and looked here and there while trying to pretend that she didn't heard anything.

"Don't act!" said Caixia furiously, "tell me silently, why do you keep calling me 'sister' when neither my face matches her nor my name".

Jully gasped and looked down, her hands scratching and rubbing each other out of nervousness. She was feeling depressed and all the smile disappeared as if it never existed.

"Will you believe if I say, that your smell, act, movements and dense self, everything makes me feel as if I am with my sister," the salty and shiny water dropped down as she said, her voice wavering and head down.

Caixia felt bad and guilty for her words which hurt her and she sighed.

"I know that you are not my sister, but even for a second, just let me believe it and let me stay in that peaceful shadow which my sister used to cover me," said Jully, her body trembling and cheeks teary.

Caixia gulped, it was going out of control, since she started to get emotional. Her both fist clenched and tugging tightly at the white skirt. She kept her eyes open, so as to control and dry the tears which was yet to droll out.

She, too, wanted to tell her after hearing those things and feeling the hardship she went through, but how to put it through. It's not like she could say that she transmigrated into someone else body, since these words would make her look like crazy person.

She stood up and loosened the grip and embraced her, "Ok, I won't mind even if you insist on calling me sister, but since everyone knows about your real identity and face in the underworld, you will have to change your look and identity".

As she said, she turned back and sat on the study table while turning it, too, at the back side, so as to hide her falling tears from getting seen.

"What did you find out after working as an assassin?" she asked.

Jully wiped her tears and stared at Caixia back which was facing her, "Only one thing. The group, sister was in charge of, disbanded and the one who was rumored to kill my sister, disappeared after that day".

Caixia gave it a thought.

She was trying to find some reasons suitable to kill a cherished friend, "Maybe I offended him and he used friendship to get closer and get his revenge, or why else he will leave the top group which was famous for its cruelty. One who defeats or kill the head, take his/her position".

As she was thinking, her eyes met Wei-Lin. He was staring her without budging off and she turned back. "Stay here, I will see you again once I get a new identity for you," she said and left without further delaying.

In front of her was Wei-Lin and she stopped, eyes looking at him confidently. He felt a chill as if his thoughts were being seen by her penetrating eyes and he gulped.

"Caixia believe me there..," he stooped as she raised her palm.

"Don't try to cover a lie with another, and just tell me the truth," she said bluntly.

His gaze down and fingers scratching the trousers. It become quite hard for him as she cut through his excuse, and he become confused of what to do now.

He grabbed his left elbow with his right arm and slowly he gazed up, "I have nothing to say anymore!".

"Does her… my father is still alive?" she asked.

He shook his head, "I can't tell you and please don't try to know anything, or you will be in danger," he replied while being depressed.

Her eyebrows furrowed and lips curled, she stared him detestably and said, "Then at least tell me, did you knew it from the very beginning, that I was the real daughter of the Lin family".

He nodded, "If it's possible, please forgive us, but no matter what happens, don't try to look into this things or it will be very hard for you to escape alive. That's the only thing I can say".

She nodded but in her head she was thinking of something else "As if! I will die from curiousness if I won't solve this mystery rather then dying from others hand. And who dares to kill me!".

Her eyes sparkled mysteriously which made him anxious, but he could do nothing more then letting her go.

Lin Company:

"How is the things going on, Mr. Luo," Caixia said as she entered her office.

Their eyes had a large bangs as if they haven't slept for months. Caixia smiled awkwardly and sat down on her seat.

Everyone left in the company was busy with the work.

Mr. Luo put a big bundle of files in front of her. She gasped, rather then answering her with words, he replied her with files that needed her signs.

"The main branch is still in the need of employees, so I transferred some employees from the other branches, but it still need more resources," he said and stepped a little aside.

Si-ting walked forward with a bunch of files which came up to his face.

Caixia gasped as she looked at a piles of documents which needed her cross checking and sign.

"Ahh! I will definitely die in this life from over working!" she mumbled and as Si-ting put the documents down, she gulped.

He was staring her with his hostile eyes, "Boss, you need to pay me goodly. I have done all this work without getting more then 3 hours of sleep in two days," he said with a pressurizing voice.

Mr. Luo pushed him aside and said, "We need at least one more investor or no one will think about becoming an employee here if the condition remains like this, even if we have funds, still the employees will all leave!".

She took a deep breath while staring at the piles of work and said, "I will take care if it, no need to worry".

Now, Si-ting pushed him aside and stepped forward, he took an invitation card from his bag and gave it to her. He was wetting his lips while being nervous, "Its an invitation from Ziu family".

She laughed crazily as she felt her mind running out of the fuel.

"Why the hell she is sending invitation? Is it for another insult?" she said while shaking her head stiffly, "just burn that piece of junk".

Si-ting nodded and turned back with the invitation, but he stopped and glanced at her while turning his head a little right, "But it is not from her, it is from Ziu Bingwen! Ziu Bingbing cousin's".

She rolled her eyes as if trying to take the output and smirked, "Si-ting, you will accompany me, right?" she said while turning her eyes on him.

He glanced at Mr. Luo, his lips pressed and he gulped, "I can't," he said while smiling and stepped back, "As I said, I haven't slept for two days, so I need some sleep or I might ruin the ball".

She sighed and asked, "When is it? When is his birthday party?".

He wetted his lips and glanced at the card, "Its today, at night".

Caixia was having an evil smirk as she dazed off in her thoughts.

Si-ting could feel it and he gasped, "I really am not going?".

She nodded and looked up at him, "Ok, I will take Zhi-Luo to accompany me, and who knows, he might meet a really pretty girl".

Si-ting gulped and looked down while his sweats rolled out, "I will go! I will go, no need to take someone else when you have such a reliable assistance".

She glanced at Mr.. Luo who was baffled by the situation, and giggled.

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