Savage Queen's Secret

Chapter 88 - Reporters!

God damn! Geez, her luck! It sucked and that's what she wanted to shout out loud after receiving the call which was on loudspeaker.

Her thumb finger reached the screen showing the speaker sign to lessen the volume but her cell phone got snatched by her husband.

"Haha! I think someone is trash talking here," Caixia smiled while looking at Shiwei but turned her face around after getting a frown from him.

It's not like I am really having an affair with that geezer but gosh, why am I feeling so nervous! Caixia was somehow feeling guilty even without doing anything wrong and the reporters outside was killing her patience.

She rubbed her back of hair while her eye brows were creased since all she could hear now was the reporters noise even though her image was deleted from the social media.

She wanted to hear what Wang Shiwei was talking with Lee Sham but in truth his lips only parted to clench his jaws and not speak.

She couldn't even hear what provoking words Lee Sham was saying while mistaking Wang Shiwei as her due to the silence as the reply because the loud speaker was off. And he shut the phone not the call but the whole phone after banging it against the desk.

"What happened?" she asked as she gulped thoroughly after looking at his creased brows.

He didn't replied standing next to her and turned around to walk toward the window. Caixia could guess that he was going to have a look at the reporters.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

So, what are the chances of Wang Shiwei being seem by the reporters from the second floor where Caixia office is? What if they saw him in unbuttoned shirt through the window and that thought strikes Caixia as he reached the window and she quickly grabbed him from behind.. more like embracing him.

Unfortunately it happened! Although the reporters couldn't guess who was the man whose abs were showing more because the windows where having curtain glass yet there eyes could see the hazy body of a man who was being wrapped around by a woman from behind.

"Look there.. it's a hot news! Quickly snap the images!" a reporter with wrinkles said as his eyes suddenly grasped the view which many die to get a picture of and he said those words to his junior who was handling the cameras.

Caixia heard it and for her it felt like the hell was searching for her with lambs on.

Tsk! I am fuc*ed up.

She stepped away from him and also forced Wang Shiwei away from the window.

"Now, tell me how will you deal with this another scandal," she scowled as she stared at him and turned away while brushing her hand past her hair to get rid of the ticklish hair disturbing near her forehead.

"How to deal with it, is too, easy!" he replied with his seductive lips that made it sound really easy but was that really true?

Well if Caixia deletes it before reaching the social medias hawk like eyes who always wait for crispy news, it will still be impossible to hide it from everyone but if she buys off the reporters and paparazzi then it might work but it will be, too, tiresome and moreover it will need money which she currently lacks.

"Easy? Are you going to buy the reporters who clicked the pictures of you?" she asked furiously.

She was standing near the chair while calming her furious self while he was standing beside the window.

She was agitated that the reporters might blabber nonsense that Lee Sham was inside her office after seeing a man but something she was sure about was that her husband will not let it happen.

"Why not!" he replied to her with a smirk, "But there is a more easy way to get rid of them".

Caixia eyebrows curiously twitched as she perked up her ears to hear his easy answer which seemed tempting but can it really be so easy for her as it sounded?

"Lets go down and I will tell you," he said but seeing her brows furrowed, his brows creased.

She didn't liked his idea since if they headed down together and seen by the reporters, another scandal with another man will be created but his words sounded tempting as if he was trustable and everything will work out.

"So, are you coming with me or are you going to let others create another scandal of you with an unknown man?" he asked after getting no reply.

Unknown man! Hmm.. he is right but what is going through his mind? It's not like he will announce to everyone that we are married because that will not make sense, so I guess I should found it after going down with him.

And that was the starting of Wang Shiwei sweet trap!

He buttoned his shirt and gave her his tie.

"What do you want me to do with it?" she asked as she tilted her head while holding the tie.

His eyebrows drew up as he showed her an expression saying 'Isn't it obvious? What does a person do with a tie'.

Caixia understood his obvious look but for her she have used tie many times to wrap around others neck to twist it or sometime to tie their hands down while she was living as Wu Aili. So, all she knew was that but not tying a real tie.

She looked at him while gulping awkwardly since she had no idea how to tie it around his neck.

"I.. don't know how to tie it!" she replied while being a little hesitant.

He broke into laughter as if hearing a joke from an employee that don't know how to do his job. And then after shutting down his laughter, he locked eyes with hers and wrapped his hand around her waist to bring her closer, "As my wife, you should try it even if you don't know".

She frowned hearing his cheesy words and slapped his hand away from her waist only to throw the tie on him, "If you are such a good husband then tie it yourself rather then disturbing your wife with it".

He smiled brightly after hearing the word wife and husband coming out of her mouth for the first time. She already had turned around to leave the office so she couldn't see his charming and lovable face as he smiled.

He threw the tie on her desk since he wished to leave a mark of his in her office.

"So, you are coming with me, right?" he followed her and asked.

 She nodded making an obvious expression and he gave her a soothing smile. Turning her gaze away from him to keep herself and her heart calm, she walked down the spiral stairways and ended up at the down floor only to be stared by their employees.

The staffs and employees already have got an idea after the reporters started to shout that their was a naked man inside her office. So, they were trying to assume their relationship by their peaky stares.

Daoming didn't had the time to smile lewdly by those words coming out from those stubborn reporters who refuses to leave there as if someone was paying them to cause a ruckus.

He had been engaged with a messy fight with Jully and while staring at them grabbing and pulling each other ears, Caixia felt dumbfounded.

She never expected their chemistry to reach up to their ears and she nodded thinking that she should except it as Jully's sister.

Wang Shiwei patted her shoulder and wrapped his arm around it to grab her distracted attention, "Lets go, or the reporters might break in".

"Ah.. I might break them before they break my company assets," Caixia muttered like a villainess and went outside without understanding her position with Wang Shiwei which looked like more of a couple with his arm around her shoulder like a gentle man.

His coat was on his free arm and they finally stepped at the door of the company from where it all started to begin.

The guards where keeping the reporters and mostly paparazzi away from entering the company sneakily but they were outnumbered and as soon as they saw Caixia, they become more active and rushed toward them pushing the guards away.

Snap.. snap.. snap.. they continued to click their pictures but they themselves were stunned seeing Caixia with a man they called unknown and thought that maybe it was Lee Sham again.

Their mic outstretched toward Caixia and Wang Shiwei and questions were outnumbering themselves as they started interviewing but it become a mess as they all asked together after becoming more active seeing the presence of the emperor, the President of Wang Group and the husband material of all the woman in front of them.

Daoming and Jully quickly meddled between them and their boss to keep a certain distance.

They slowly but pushed them back to keep their bosses safe.

Caixia sighed and put a lock of hair behind her ear but her ear turned red as Wang Shiwei suddenly kissed her out of nowhere in the public.

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