Saving The Abandoned Empress

Chapter 86

86 Chapter 86 ~ “Threat”

Cathain was about to leave when he suddenly felt a force pulling his sleeve and turned out in confusion.

“...Happy Birthday.”

Although Eleanora’s eyes was still closed and she went back to sleep like she didn’t murmured anything just now.

Although her wish was rather cold without much emotions but Cathain felt very warm and happy in his heart.

“Thank you, my empress. I hope i can spent my every birthday with you till my last moments of life.”

Eleanora didn’t replied and but Cathain was sure that she have heard him.

To Cathain, his this birthday was the most meaningful because this was the first birthday that he celebrated with her.

Eleanora used to attend his birthday banquet before this too but she was always crowded with people no matter where she went.

Where, even after closing her eyes, Eleanora couldn’t fall asleep.


Everything was feeling like a joke.

The man who killed her and might kill her again in this life is asking her to trust the current him.

She was betrayed again and again in her past life, how can she trust his words so easily?

Eleanora is no fool in this life...


“Where’s my sapphire pin?”

“Umm... put on a little more foundation under my eyes.”

Eleanora was busy since morning to get ready for Cathain’s coming of age ceremony.

She have to prepare well because this life is different then the past she remembers.

That ceremony was simple... Eleanora, who had just become a knight at that time attended the ceremony during the war with Kingdom Republic.

But there is no war now. Also at that time, she didn’t had to give the emperor her answer about her engagement with the crown prince.

Eleanora heavily sighed as she turned her eyes away from the messy stuff infront of her dressing table.

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As the crown prince’s fiancée, she had to enter with him at the ceremony today, so all eyes would be on the crown princess, the only saintess of the empire.

Of course, many would try to find faults in her like she remembers from her dream.

At that time, because of excessive training, Eleanora had scars, calluses and tough muscles unlike other ladies.

Also as she had stayed in battle field, she was slightly not dolled up like them.

So this time, Eleanora isn’t going to make any mistakes.

She was afraid of the arrival of today’s ceremony until yesterday, but she wasn’t scared anymore.

Perhaps, it’s because Eleanora already found her answer that she will give the emperor tonight.

Eleanora wouldn’t care even if things went wrong. Now that her father would return soon and everything regarding Cathain was messed up, her mind was blank.

‘This time... I won’t let anything go wrong.’

Eleanora examined her outfit and look for the last time and she felt like perfect.

‘Be brave and courageous even in dead. Don’t bow your head for mercy and don’t show mercy for them who wronged you.’

Eleanora’s mother, Eunicelia’s words kept ringing in her mind and courage filled her anxious heart.

Eleanora puffed her chest high as she exhaled a heavy breathe and smiled in the mirror.

‘I will get you justice and also... i won’t forget to live the way i want in this life, without mingling the past affairs.’

Eleanora spoke to her past self as she thought she had seen the adult Eleanora smiling at her in the mirror for a brief moment before she disappeared like she appears suddenly.

As if the past self was telling her that she believes in her, she is doing great and... right thing.

‘I believe in you. Punish the person who made us like this and... live your own life happily.’

Eleanora felt like she was floating in her dreams again, conversing with the adult Eleanora until she got in the carriage.

“Are you okay, lady? You look distracted.”

Sir Raymond spoke with a worried look as Eleanora got out of the carriage with the royal knight’s help and she could hear faint whispering of people’s about her.

Eleanora finally snapped back into the reality as she glanced at the people around her and she recognised most of them.

‘How pathetically they live... all of their life, they just kept going on whispering about others and then die... as others starts to whisper about them.’

Eleanora tidied her pastel white coloured dress with gold embroidery and shiny jewels used as decoration.

The bare shouldered pastel white dress and her silver hair made her skin look more milky white and her cheeks pink because of the cold breeze.

Her dress was undeniably the most uncommon and expensive dress that one would need to think twice before buying.

But then suddenly she felt a murderous gaze on her among the crowd and stopping on her tracks she smriked.

“I, Evan De Henrich Raven, am honoured to greet you, the holy saintess and the future moon of the empire.”

Duke Raven gritted his teeth as he bowed his head a little to greet Eleanora, who was his superior even at this younger age.

But then Eleanora noticed that the duke bent his elbow to hit something behind him and a person slowly tilted his head to meet Eleanora.

His light blonde hair looked dazzling under the bright light as he finally looked into her blue eyes with his deep forest like green eyes.

“I-I, Cedrick De Evan Raven, am honored to greet you, the holy saintess and the future moon of the empire.”

“It’s a pleasure to meet you, Duke Raven and the young duke.”

Although Eleanora’s voice sounded like a fourteen years old but her tone and superior aura was unbeatable even to an adult.

Eleanora had her all attention on Cedrick.

He was always a little shy and he used to back off right after he finished his greetings every time they meet in their past.

Cedrick Raven was nothing like his snake like father and sister.

By this time, the duke should have founded his daughter Jennifer right?

Is she already working in the palace?

Would the current Cathain change like before too once he saw Jena again?

Eleanora felt heavy in her heart as she thought of going through the past incidents again.

But unknown to her, Eleanora was subconsciously staring at Cedrick for a long time as she was lost in her time.



The sudden calling made Eleanora surprised and she doesn’t even have to look up to see who it was...

Eleanora wanted to dig a hole and hide!

A big hand possessively wrapped around her waist and looking up, Eleanora found Cathain smiling.

Seeing his smile... Eleanora felt disgusted.

‘Does he thinks i don’t know this?! This is his smile when he doesn’t like something. Just who got on his nerves this time and made me suffer?’

Cathain was also wearing a pastel white suit which was made in pare with Eleanora’s dress.

Unlike Eleanora, who looked more soft and innocent in white because of her silver hair; Cathain looked more fierce and ruthless as the white suit not only highlighted his black hair and red eyes more, it made him look powerful and domineering.

He was dressed up very handsomely, not a single flaw could be found in him.

Hearing the Crown Prince calling Eleanora ‘Wife’ in the midst of the crowd, the whispering became louder.

Despite the great shock, Duke Raven and Cedrick quickly maintained their posture and greet him where Cathain was like there was no one around him except Eleanora.

“Wow... you look so pretty that i think my heart is going to jump down.”


“Don’t you think we look very good with each other... Young Duke?”

Cathain tilted his head and put his chin over her head as he hugged her from behind more tightly, where Cedrick was dumbfounded as he heard Cathain’s words.

‘What does that have anything to do with me?’

Eleanora was really embarrassed and because of this, her cheeks become more redder.

“...I think we should head in now, Your highness the crown prince?!”


Eleanora spoke as she gritted her teeth and her expression told Cathain that she was angry.

“You... okay, let’s go.”

Eleanora felt that Cathain was acting strange. She also didn’t like his possessiveness but she can’t dislike it either.

The huge insecurity she has in her heart could only feel safe by Cathain’s endless possessiveness and obsessive personality.

In the end, Eleanora could only sigh.

Cathain’s hand was still wrapped around her waist and Duke Ravens gestured him to walk ahead.

“After you... Your highness.”

Pulling Eleanora in his arms, Cathain started to walk but he briefly paused for a moment and whispered something to Cedrick Raven.

Then patted his shoulder before he walked way, leaving the dumbfounded Cedrick and the curious public.

No matter how much Cedrick ran his thoughts but he couldn’t understand Cathain’s hidden meaning behind his words.

‘Don’t even dream about it...’

Just what he meant by this?! Was it a threat?!

But for what?!

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