Secretly Meeting With My Boss

Chapter 11

Chapter 11

And so, his genitals were intense and impressive.

The penis, which usually boasted a thick and bulky feeling, grew to the point she doubted her eyes when he got an erection. It was so large that I wondered if it was really real.

One of the few genitals that So-young had ever witnessed were small and dark-black and wrinkled. However, Taekyung's penis was the color of pure pink, and the round mushroom-shaped glans was glowing with a colorful red color. The pillars with bulging veins were very thick and long, giving a strange sense of satisfaction just by looking at them.

[Can I hold your hand?]

When Taekyung pulled her wrist, So-young felt the area he held, burning. He smiled with his eyes and made her hold his genitals. The feeling that touched the palm of her hand It was a touch that So-young hasn't felt so far.


Every time a satisfying moan escaped Taekyung's mouth, So-young felt suffocated. Her eyes staring intently at him under her nose were wrinkled, and her normally clean eyes were burning red.

When So-young gave strength to her hand holding his penis as if possessed, Taekyung bit his lower lip and closed his eyes. She could feel the burning genitals fluttering through her palms.

Taekyung's flat abdomen went up and down irregularly. He tilted his head with a distorted forehead. As her gentle fingers caressed, he felt So-young's hand and stroked the soft flesh between his fingers. The sensation heated up between the legs. It was his first time getting that kind of excitement.

"I'm going crazy"

So-young, who was absent-minded, jumped up. Then she immediately went into the bathroom and took off her clothes. With her underwear rolled down, she groaned briefly. It was something she guessed because it was slippery enough that her legs felt uncomfortable. Her underwear was soaked.

When. she saw the penis of her lover whom she had dated in the past, she was disgusted, and she was unwilling to give her body. But when So-young remembered Taekyung's penis, she was soaked.

If I stayed there, I didn't know what crazy thing I would have done.

So, So-young ran away.

Without thinking about the future.


She thought it was too late to do that. So-young gulped as she remembered Taekyung, who would have been left alone. She asked him to show his genitals at first and even touched him, and ran away without notice, leaving him alone.

I guess he thought I was a crazy girl.

No, the team leader who showed his genitals can't be called normal at this point too, right?

So-young was very confused and could not make any conclusions. Nevertheless, she thought she should apologize to Taekyung. But she didn't have the courage to call him. What should I say?

I'm sorry that you took off your pants, and I didn't do anything to solve that erection before running away so I'm sorry.


So-young put down her cell phone helplessly. She already felt afraid of Taekyung's reaction. But anyway, she thought he would have somehow solved the problem with his erection. There's no way he'll be in that state until now.

So let's think about tomorrow's work.

So-young sighed and touched the sink with both hands. So much had happened today that she needed to take a mental rest for now.

* * *

Whether it was because she experienced a stimulus she never thought she would have experienced in her life, or because the heat in her body, which did not subside easily, So-young didn't sleep at night and got up at dawn.

She was exhausted because she had worked late the night before and didn't sleep well, so it was normal to be tired, but her mind was clear as if it had been awakened because of the excessive adrenaline secretion.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

She arrived at the office earlier than usual and it was quiet.

Yesterday, here That's what happened.

So-young, who thought about yesterday without realizing it, hurriedly shook her head. She looked at the team leader's seat, pressing her slightly heated cheeks with the back of her hand.

Taekyung seemed to have yet to go to work. So-young sighed with a feeling of regret or relief. It was just when she turned on the laptop.

"Are you relieved that I'm not here?"


So-young screamed at the low sound from her ears. When she grabbed her ears and turned her back around, Taekyung stood with a flat smile.

Taekyung was clean and bright as usual, but his expression was not. No matter how dull So-young was, she could tell that he was extremely uncomfortable.

"T-team leader."

So-young, who screamed, looked down while hesitating. Taekyung, who looked at her intently, sighed softly and touched his chin.

"Manager Han is really.. an unpredictable person."


If anyone had even the slightest bit of compassion, I dont think one would run away in such a situation.

So-young, who didn't know Taekyung would mention yesterday so casually, turned red. In contrast to her, he was very calm and even seemed confident.

She didn't have an excuse. So-young asked Taekyung with a voice that she barely squeezed out.

" Did you get home safely?

"Well, I don't know if I should say I went home safely.

Taekyung lightly swept the back of his neck and tilted his head. As he tilted, his eyes glanced slowly over her face. It was a strange gaze as if Taekyung didn't know So-young.

Taekyung, who had been silent for a while, bent his lips and jokingly spoke in a light tone.

"Well, because of the situation, I needed to take care of it When I got home, it was past midnight."

It was an answer that left room for imagination. So-young's face heated up even more red. Taekyung smiled low.

"I went to work early because I couldn't sleep at all."


"It's nice to have you here."


The team leader was the same as me.

So-young swallowed. She was aware that she had to say something, but she couldn't say anything as if she was a fool. In fact, it was ambiguous whether or not he wanted to continue this conversation.

When So-young kept silent, Taekyung shrugged with a boring look. And he turned away as if he would no longer bother her. At that moment, an unknown impatience was concentrated at the bottom of So-young's chest.

"Team leader."

Taekyung, who turned around, looked more bored than before. So-young stroked her lips well and uttered contextless words.

"I think it was because I was at work."

Taekyung stared at So-young as if he was wondering what she meant.

So-young was still not sure if it was really okay to do this with Taekyung. Nevertheless, she didn't want to end it with him in such a one-off manner.

So-young recalled the tension she felt yesterday. The heat that heated up the body. She wanted to feel the hot sensation once again. She wanted to experience more than that.

"So, I mean If it's a more personal place.


"I don't think I will run away this time."

Taekyung paused as if he had heard something unexpected. Then, he soon rolled up the corners of his mouth.

"Manager Han, do you know what?"


Among all the people I've met, there has never been a person like you. "

"Is that so"

So-young, herself doesn't know why she's doing such a crazy thing, much more than Tae-kyung. As she nodded, he smiled as brightly as a flower in full bloom.

"Are you confident that you won't throw it away this time?"

"Yes, I will never do that. If you want, I'll stamp my finger."

Tae-kyung eventually burst into laughter at So-young's determined answer. It was not a fake smile that was used to hide the uncomfortable feeling. The eyes, which usually gave off a cold feeling, drew a gentle curve, and the lips that looked good were wide bent, revealing neat teeth.

So-young stared at Taekyung, who smiled happily. Her heart pounded as if she had been attacked suddenly. He lowered slightly to meet her eye level. The eyes were still filled with joy.

"You always do your best, whether it's work or not."

"So, I'm."

"I've said this before, but you don't have to overdo it."


"You're doing well enough, so don't worry too much."

Taekyung, who said so, smiled at So-young again. This time, it was a smile of encouragement as a team leader. So-young nodded with a bright red face.

Is it. Really okay as it is?

So-young vaguely thought about it.

* * *

A few days have passed since then. On the surface, daily life continued the same as before, but this time both of them were definitely conscious of each other. Their eyes met more often than ever, and conversing also happened more frequently.

Cha Taekyung: Do you want me to take you home?

One Friday ahead of the weekend, So-young received a message from Taekyung. The fast-moving hands on the keyboard stopped.

It was not a busy day as urgent work was arranged or done. Not only So-young, but everyone left work early. So-young stared at the vacant seat of Manager Joo, who disappeared early, saying it was her wedding anniversary, and then turned to her monitor.

Han So-young: I'd appreciate it if you could do that.

Cha Tae-kyung: Take your time to pack up and come to the first basement floor.

Taekyung's messenger status changed offline, and soon a tall doll appeared in the team leader's seat.

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