Shadow Author

Chapter 54 34. Dealing With A Curse (2)

As my shoulder brushed up against Evelyn's my breath got stuck in my throat and didn't dare to release it for fear of retaliation.

I didn't care that I messed up Mana Breath for the second time because living was far more important than getting slightly stronger.

Trying my best to make the situation seem like it wasn't as big of a deal as it truly was I blocked out Evelyn from my mind.

Looking over at the three other girls they finally found a space to squeeze into which left no additional space besides being in front of Evelyn.

Once everyone was inside the original two girls were even more desperate to escape so they again pressed the button to get off at the next floor.

The group of five didn't voice out the floor they wanted to get off which made me think that they too were fine with getting off on the next floor.

Yet I couldn't help but think for a second time how stupid they were. If they also didn't want to be stuck in the elevator, then why did they get on in the first place?

Unfortunately, my question would never be answered as the doors closed and we moved down to the next floor.

'Two more, I just have to survive two more.'

Two floors below our next stop would be the level where Charlotte's room is located and once we get there I'd be free.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

However, once we came to a stop on the next floor two more girls entered before anyone could get on.

Once the doors shut behind them they too realized their mistake.

As a result, rather than being shoulder to shoulder with Evelyn I was now halfway pressed against her and another unlucky girl was forced to stand in front of her.

By this point, there wasn't a centimeter of free space as every person was making contact with at least one other person.

Once the elevator started up again the button for the next floor was pressed again and I was now only one stop away from being home free.

In my mind, I was praying that there wouldn't be any more people and all of them would leave but as if I was cursed things turned out for the worst.

Once we came to a stop rather than a bunch more girls coming inside like I expected there was only one person.

However, this one singular person made everything so much worse.

The reason being was that the person was a boy. Similar to me he must have been leaving his girlfriend's room and wanted to take the elevator down to get to class.

Normally one more person added wouldn't account for too much space as there would be just enough room to fit him — although I would be on top of Evelyn by the point — how his man wasn't normal.

He was obese!

He had to be at least 200 kg and 165 cm!

This man who was in his teenage years and in an athletically competitive school somehow let himself get so big that he looked more like a round ball than a person.

Therefore not only by having him join us would we far exceed the weight capacity and endangered all of us but his size took up three spaces someone of my size could.

Simply put if he walked in we would be fucked.

And it seemed like the world was in the mood to fuck me over and over again because the man had no self-awareness as he took two huge steps and entered the elevator.

Doing so he practically pushed away any nearby girl as they were parted like the Red Sea.

This resulted in them all being pushed up against each other and him.

Then as expected no young girl would want to be nearby and touch such a person in a tight space so they all tried to make as much room as they could between themselves and him.

All these factors resulted in a terrible outcome for me as I was completely pressed against Evelyn.

In the far corner of the elevator which was crowded and stuffy, with people pressed up against each other in a tight space Evelyn and I were trapped.

As we were forced to stand directly next to each other pressing our bodies against one another my mind was filled with dangerous thoughts.

I couldn't help but pray for the elevator to start up again so that we could leave as fast as possible.

However, due to our positioning, I had to turn my back to the doors and panel to face Evelyn in order to take up the least amount of space possible.

Unfortunately, by doing so I had no idea when the elevator would start up again and by facing Evelyn it meant that our bodies were pressed so close to each other that we fit perfectly into each other's embrace.

I tried my absolute best to avoid eye contact and keep my hands to myself, but the close quarters made it impossible to ignore her presence.

The two of us were so close together that the tension building between us was almost palpable.

By this point, I was breathing heavily being in such proximity to the girl that I knew she could feel it on her neck which made things even worse in my mind.

Although Evelyn hadn't said a word the entire time we'd been in each other's embrace and didn't complain once I could feel her heartbeat racing — or mine was so loud that I got it confused with hers.

Unfortunately, my question as to whose heart was beating faster was answered as a person behind me pushed hard into my back which caused me to press up against Evelyn even harder.

When that happened I learned that her heartbeat was actually beating even faster than mine. The reason I knew this was because her breasts were so far pressed into my body that it was impossible to mistake.

Worst of all due to all the contact we were making which indirectly caused some parts of our bodies to rub against each other I could feel two hard points stab into me.

The moment I felt them I almost lost all reasoning but I held myself back.

Even though we both had our school uniforms on I could still feel them through the clothing which proved how close together we were.

Evelyn was well aware of what was happening to her body so she tried to move away from me.

But this just made things worse as when Evelyn shifted most likely in an attempt to create a small amount of space between us it backfired greatly.

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