She’s Not Our Daughter!

Chapter 10 - Two Starting Points

Translator and Editor: Lily and Nabi


Chapter 10 – Two Starting Points

“Yes, I am very sorry to hear that the great mistress is senile, Milady…”

“…’Tis only a rumor.”

Andante dismissed the rumor. Though the maid seemed to have more to say. Andante, who had her fist tight enough to make the back of her hand stand out, quietly opened her mouth and urged her to continue.

“Yes, keep talking.”

“Yes, Milady. According to the maid who visited the duke’s estate, the great mistress said that she would be the chaperone of that little commoner woman.”

Andante chewed the flesh inside her mouth and opened her eyes.

What kind of person is my mother-in-law? She has never been my chaperone, so there’s no way she’d be merciful to a petty commoner woman.

“It can’t be true. Even as her daughter-in-law, I have never been so favored by her.”

Her mother-in-law, the godmother, was a noble herself.

Although she was no longer socially active since some sort of incident five years ago, she was the winner of “Kanne Fleur,” which picks out the flowers of the social circle for all nobles. The record remained unbreakable until decades later.

Furthermore, she, a convict, has even touched all kinds of noble spirits with her serpent-like tongue. The only person that the godmother cares about is her noble nephew, Cassius Idios, who resembles her.

“I’ve heard that the woman had a child with the duke.”

“That’s a scandal.”

Whether she has a child or not, I was convinced that I needed to discipline her.

“Yes, Milady.”

The connection between Marchioness Mails and Duke Idios was very close.

That is because the upper social class have been connected since the previous generation, and it was also in a situation where it was managed together. Therefore, the higher Duke Idios’ position is in society, the higher the position of Marchioness Mails.

Such a special relationship.

Therefore, the more impure rumors circulated about the duke, the more closely the marchioness had to pay attention to it. Andante had a burning temple and took a long deep breath. After a moment of excitement, her heart started to beat unusually fast. The maid carefully touched her mistress’ neck to induce breathing.

“…Milady, b-breathe.”

“Ahhh… Yeah.”

“Shall I call a doctor?”

“You should. I’ll be prescribed sleeping pills.”

Andante suffered from a terrible incurable disease. She had an irregular violent heartbeat. According to her doctor, he said she had a time limit.

It’s a disease that no doctor has ever cured.

“Rest is the most important thing, don’t push yourself, Milady.”

“…Shouldn’t we get rid of the scandal related to the duke’s mansion? It’s an important time.”

It was not that it wasn’t, but the current Marquis Mails and Duke Idios had joined hands to import valuable goods from the east continent.

A business targeting social ladies. The Mails family has invested hundreds of millions toward debt. Therefore, they were paying keen attention to small and trivial rumors circulating around the social world.

“There will be no stain on the family name for the time being.”

The maid, who was watching Andante, huddled up. Although the body of the great mistress may not have been the best, she was like a beast in the social world.

‘She’s the one who can bring that beloved commoner down to the abyss.’

No matter how much that commoner soars and grows, she can’t live by baking it up to Andante.

“Yes… I’ll have to get rid of the ships from the east continent before they reach the harbor.”

Andante’s eyes became more determined.


Meanwhile, Sierra, who was completely unaware that Andante was targeting her, was still lying in her huge bed with Hanael today.

‘The life of a rich unemployed human, that’s the best.’

As I laid down, I started to miss the times when I was selling medicine at Supe Village.

‘They elderly with arthritis, they’re waiting for me.’

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

No matter how smart the head of the pharmacy department is, they’re not comparable to Sierra’s genius ability. Because Sierra is really smart.

Thanks to her sister’s strict warning to hide her abilities until she became an adult, she did not show her ability until the academy…

‘I envy Lina. She’s good at her job.’

Not long ago, Sierra was able to contact Lina, thanks to the help of the godmother. Lina became a decent doctor, but she said she could not make time to meet her immediately because she was very busy preparing her clinic. But fortunately, I could keep sending and receiving letters from her.

Lina’s letter was delivered to Sierra again today.

[ Phew, did you know my clinic has been really busy? Nowadays, noble wives have reputations, so they often look for me. Sierra, do you intend to open a pharmacy in the capital? Why don’t you make your name known in the capital, rather than that rustic Supe Village? ]

How dare she insult Supe Village!

Sierra was furious for a while, but she envied Lina, who showed her skills without hesitation.

‘I want to open a pharmacy in the Capital city later. I’m really confident I’m going to do a great job at treatments.’

It could be dangerous if I stand out, and my sister told me to hide my abilities until I became an adult.

‘…Now that I’ve come to think of it, I’ve not received a letter from my sister nor Abel. Is there something wrong?’

With a worried sigh, Sierra folded Lina’s letter in half.

‘I’ll have to reply later.’

Sierra folded Lina’s letter and stroked Hanael’s hair. She had fallen deeply asleep. Then, there was a knock at the door.

Knock knock. It was a neat knock.

“Miss Sierra.”

Sierra listened closely. It was the voice of the maid.

“…Oh, yes. Come on in. ”

“His Grace has sent you a letter.”

The maid’s expression and tone were as if she were helping a pair of lovers in a secret relationship.

“Oh, yes. Give it to me.”

Sierra casually accepted Cassius’ letter.

[ I’m going to have a fine dinner at a restaurant at six o’clock today, so get ready. We’ll eat at the restaurant and together, we’ll write a request for a paternity test kit from Hipo Kingdom. ]

If Cassius simply asked me to have a fine dinner with him, I’d refused because I would think it was a date request.

Sierra’s biggest task right now was to “complete her paternity test and get away from Cassius.”

But now, Cassius irresistibly attracted his bait with a “paternity test kit request.” Sierra only has one choice.

“Miss, I’ll be going to a restaurant outside the mansion at six P.M. with the duke.”

Glancing at Sierra’s insensitive expression, the maid looked up in surprise.

The maids saw Cassius pay close attention to remodeling the interior of the mansion these days, and all of them saw clearly that the godmother liked Sierra.

Cassius, who has been living all this time, often laughed these days, and the godmother, who was always picky about small mistakes, became more gentle.

All this was thanks to Sierra, a butterfly-like woman who visited the brutal mansion, giving it the warmth of spring.

In short, Sierra was like a jewel to the maids.

“You two are having a fine dinner… I will make preparations in your honor.”

Of course, Sierra didn’t know how brutal the duke’s estate was before she came.

“There is no need to…”

“No, I will decorate you beautifully.”

“If you must…”

Sierra, who had always lived as a commoner, thought it would be quite fun to dress like a noble.

After checking the letter through the maid, she began to dress up.

She applied light makeup, dressed in an old fashion dress, similar to a dandelion. It had the color of fresh-yellow and a square neckline. It was a beautiful dress with a delicate floral print.

All of it shone in harmony with Sierra’s innocent appearance.

“…You are very beautiful, Miss Sierra.”

The problem was, the maid burned Sierra’s spirit. She finished freshening up too soon.

“Would you like to take a walk?”

Sierra nodded.

Of course, the maid hid her dark conspiracy to further strengthen the relationship between Cassius and Sierra.


“Oh, dear. I’ve lost my way, and we somehow ended up at the training grounds.”

The maid stuttered and Sierra rolled her eyes. Anyone could see she was clearly lying.

‘…Miss, you’re a bit of a fuss.’

However, Sierra decided to overlook it generously. After all, Sierra and Cassius were supposed to meet. It would be even better to wait in front of the training grounds and head over to the restaurant together.

The outside of the corridor was glass, so we could see each other from the inside and outside.

“As expected, His Grace has turned the training grounds upside down. Ha, ha, ha.”


I don’t know what to answer to that.

Sierra changed her mind to stare at Cassius. He was sparring.

‘That’s how Cassius used to be.’

Sierra nodded.

I felt that I had to admit that Cassius had changed a lot from the past.

Cassius was dressed in comfortable clothing to spar. The sweaty white shirt secretly revealed Cassius’ body. Whenever he moved his sword, his muscles would move along with it…

Sierra shut her eyes tightly, then slightly opened one.

Cassius, who found her in that short space, quickly opened the door and stood in front of her.

He was still staring at Sierra and the light pouring out from beyond her. It seemed difficult to face the situation without a sense of reality.

Sierra, who felt somewhat awkward, continued with a fake cough.

“I watched you spar. You’re good with that sword.”

“…I tried my best.”

In a deep voice, he emphasized.

“Fencing, you said you liked it.”

More like “I tried just because you like fencing.” Sierra looked away with an awkward smile.

“…Did I? I don’t recall.”

Cassius, who had no intention of changing the subject, answered obediently.


At that same time, he tried to stoke the hair flowing down Sierra’s neckline carefully, but stopped.

“Apologies, I’ll get you dirty with my sweat.”

He picked up an old but clean handkerchief and wiped his hands. Sierra squinted and watched the scene.

‘That handkerchief seems familiar.’

The demon of the battlefield, Duke Idios, said that. All the knights around were shocked by the way he acted like a little puppy.

Though Cassius and Sierra were in their own world.

Cassius was staring intently at Sierra, who was lost in thought.

Come to think of it, I once admired knights who looked free-spirited during my academy days.

I once told Cassius, “Your fencing is so cool!” Then, Cassius blushed embarrassingly. He said he would work harder from there on. Of course, Cassius didn’t mean much because he blushed at Sierra’s words all the time.

Maybe it’s because of the memories long ago? Then, while I was immersed in my thoughts, Cassius’ face came closer to mine.

“How was it, my fencing?”


Sierra didn’t know a thing about swords. So, she scratched the back of her head awkwardly, not knowing what to do.

“Tell me I did a good job.”

Cassius tilted his head at an angle. He had a smirk plastered on his face. The young smile on his cool face almost looked like that friendly one from the past.

“Not much? Then, I’ll try harder.”

He raised his hand briefly as if he were escorting her. Sierra made a serious commitment. She couldn’t ever be tempted.

Cassius’ fingertips brushed Sierra’s fingertips.

“…And, Sierra.”

He whispered low as he stared down at Sierra.

“You look very lovely today.”

It was a comment that was dripping with honey.

“I wish to say that to you every day.”

…His voice was so affectionate that someone would think he loved her. His eyes curved softly, and he smiled.

It was an obvious temptation.


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