Shocking The World After Bringing My Family Back In Time!

Chapter 323 - 323: Lin Yi

Chapter 323 - 323: Lin Yi

Translator: Dragon Boat Translation Editor: Dragon Boat Translation

When Jiang Xia heard everyone praising Lin Yi like a hot cake, she thought he must be very handsome. However, seeing him today proved the praises were exaggerated.

Villagers had a certain bias when it came to city folks. It was as if being from the city was synonymous with being superior. No matter how average or even unattractive a city person might be, in the villagers’ eyes, they were seen as handsome, wealthy, beautiful, and graceful.

Although Lin Yi had a fair complexion, he looked quite sly. His eyes, small like Jiang Hong’s, frequently emitted judgmental glances, which was very off-putting.

He was dressed in a city-style cream-striped suit, the latest fashion, along with leather shoes. On others, this attire might look tall and handsome, but on him, it made him appear more like a stumpy dwarf, emphasizing his short stature.

Jiang Xia estimated he was at most 1.7 meters tall.

Jiang Hong, being well-fed and taken care of at home, was the tallest among the Jiang family’s daughters, standing at an impressive 1.69 meters and looking robust. When the two stood together, Lin Yi seemed even less spirited than Jiang Hong.

But Jiang Hong seemed satisfied. As long as she was marrying someone from the city, it was better than Jiang Qing, who married someone from the mountains. Jiang Hong’s sole hobby for her 19 years was to outdo Jiang Qing. As long as she could surpass Jiang Qing, she’d be happy marrying anyone, even if he were as unattractive as a weasel.

With a blush on her face, Jiang Hong constantly tried to get close to Lin Yi. Lin’s mother clearly disliked what she saw, especially after noticing the daughter of the second Jiang household, which further soured her mood.

She whispered to Madam Wu, “Doesn’t this family have another daughter of marriageable age? Why did you specifically choose this robust and older girl?”

Madam Wu explained softly, “Madam, Jiang Hong is the daughter of the eldest household and thus inherits a house. If you chose the other daughter, you’d lose the house.”

The Lin family originally hailed from the countryside. A few years ago, they suddenly became wealthy and, taking advantage of relaxed policies, moved to the city. They enjoyed putting on the airs of city folks. When out and about, they preferred to keep people at arm’s length and insisted on being addressed as “Lord”, “Madam”, and “Young Master”.

Madam Wu had often gossiped about the Lins behind their backs. However, since the Lin family was generous and paid a handsome commission, Madam Wu humored them as if they were children.

When Lin’s mother learned of the house that came with marrying Jiang Hong, she held her tongue. After some formalities, she sat at the main table with the old madam, and the meal began in the courtyard.

The Old Jiang family really went all out this time, setting up five tables in the courtyard. Apart from their family, they had invited the wealthier families from the village.

Zhou Lan, eyeing the dishes on the table, noticed they even had braised pork belly with preserved mustard greens. Given the old madam’s usual frugality, the fact that she was willing to spend on meat to treat everyone indicated just how much she valued this city-bred son-in-law.

Once everyone started eating, Old Master Jiang emerged from the house. His eyes were lifeless, circled with dark rings, and he was not keen on talking. He sat down at the head of the table, looking tormented as if possessed by a malevolent spirit.

The villagers were shocked seeing the Old Master like this. He was always vibrant and brisk in his movements. However, after the bed in their house collapsed, he had disappeared for a month.

Now, he looked gaunt, his back hunched as if he had been seriously ill.

A few kind-hearted villagers tried to chat with him about his health, but he responded coldly, and eventually, no one tried to converse with him.

Zhang Ling, sitting next to Zhou Lan, couldn’t help but whisper, “Grandpa stays in his room all day, doesn’t come out. Meals are brought to him, and once he’s done, someone takes the empty plates out. It’s as if he can’t bear any light, and he never eats with us. Even grandma moved to our room and doesn’t stay with him.”

Zhou Lan, curious, asked, “Didn’t the bed in the main room collapse? Where does dad sleep?”

“On a plank of wood. We suggested he move back once the bed was fixed, but he refused vehemently, even yelling at us. He found a wooden plank from somewhere, placed it on the broken bed, and made do. He often mutters, Til stay right here, waiting for someone to return my box.’”

Zhou Lan and Jiang Xia immediately realized: the Old Master must have discovered the missing box of gold. Now, he’s lost his appetite, consumed by thoughts of that gold.

The old man’s behavior seemed foolish. Whoever stole the gold wouldn’t return it. Yet, he guards the broken bed every day, torturing himself over it..

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

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