Shota's Isekai NTR Adventure

Chapter 177 Disappointed

Chapter 177 Disappointed

This cave was just the same as the other one that I had come from.

It was a well lit passage that led deep into the mountain that I couldn't see the end of, but there weren't any demons here.

So I could quickly move through this place.

Eventually, I reached a room that was very similar to the one that had been outside the cave that our human group had been held in. It was so similar that I couldn't help wondering if I had somehow made my way back to where I was before.

After all, there had been two in that room.

But when I looked carefully, I saw that this was a different place.

The furniture and everything was different.

At the same time, I wasn't able to find the marked rocks that I had left behind, so that meant that this was a different room.

It was also surprising that there wasn't a single guard in this room.

It was just like the room outside the cave that we had been tied up in, there wasn't a single guard here.

It seemed that the demons really didn't have any order among them…

But that wasn't surprising since that was something that I had already known from the game.

After making sure that there would be no one that would interfere with what I was planning on doing, I made my way over to the two other passages in this room.

The first one that I checked seemed to be a tunnel that led to another place, so I ignored that one for now. The other one was naturally the cave that was holding the prisoners.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

When I peeked through that passage, I found that this was indeed the case and there were a bunch of figures that were lying on the ground.

All of them were tied up like we had been, but these ones had sharp ears.

Judging by the look of them, it didn't seem like anything had been done to them yet.

I looked over the entire group and it didn't take me long to find the one figure that I had been looking for.

I was about to make my way over, but then I noticed something different about this one figure.

When I looked carefully at it, I noticed that it was…moving slightly.

It seemed that the owner of this figure was already awake and was just looking for a chance to escape.

Since that was the case, that was good for me.

If there was one person that I trusted, it was her.

The owner of this figure was naturally Moon.

So I slowly made my way over since I didn't want to wake up any of the other elves…after all, there was still a traitor here…

When I came over, I saw that she was trying to stay still while thinking of a plan. Her eyes were closed, but she was still moving around as if she was trying to hear what was around her.

I made sure that there was nothing else there before coming up and tapping her on the shoulder.

The moment that Moon felt this, she immediately looked up around her.

However, she wasn't able to find a single thing.

That is until I took the tile off my lapel and revealed myself.

She opened her mouth as if she was about to say something, so I quickly covered her mouth so she couldn't say it in the end.

But that didn't stop her from glaring at me.

After making sure that she wouldn't talk, I slowly took my hand off her mouth.

However, I could still see the look of disappointment in them that confused me a bit.

After taking my hand off her mouth, she asked me, "What are you doing here?"

I was even more confused when I heard this before asking, "What do you mean? I'm here to rescue you."

"Rescue? After you betrayed us and sold us out to the demons?" Moon said in a cold voice.

When I heard this, I couldn't help revealing a surprised and confused look.

Seeing this, Moon's expression relaxed a bit as it was also filled with a bit of confusion.

After all, she had been under the impression that…Zwein and the humans were working with the demons. But the way that he reacted…she started having her doubts.

The two of us took a moment to calm down before I started explaining the situation to her.

While Moon listened to my story, her expression didn't change once.

When I was done, she looked right at me and asked, "Do you swear that this is the truth?"

I couldn't help being a bit taken aback when I heard this, but I gave a firm nod in the end.

Moon hesitated for a minute before saying with a sigh, "Alright, I believe you."

After all, there was a small part of her that did believe this since there was a fact that she couldn't help being bothered by.

Even if the humans had betrayed them…how had they led the demons into the forest?

The forest was filled with traps that they had set up and unless there was an elf guiding them…they shouldn't have been able to make it that deep.

So there had been doubt towards her fellow elves in the first place.

But it was easier for her to blame the humans than to blame her fellow elves, so she had jumped to this conclusion readily.

Still, there was no denying the doubt that had been inside of her…

After taking a moment to calm herself down, Moon said, "Alright, untie me and let's get out of here."

I shook my head as I said, "No, that's a bad idea."

Moon raised a brow and had a confused look as she waited for me to explain.

I said, "This place is filled with demons and you don't even have your weapons, how are you planning on fighting?"

Moon's expression couldn't help turning a bit bitter because she knew that he was right.

The weapons that the elves summoned out of thin air didn't actually come out of thin air. They were stored in the magic Storage Rings that all of the elves had.

But their Storage Rings had been taken from them, so they didn't have any weapons right now.

Even if they had powerful magic, that didn't mean a thing since the demons also controlled powerful magic. Without being at full power, it would be impossible for them to break through the line of demons.

So after a sigh, Moon asked, "Then what do you plan on doing?"

I reached my hand out and showed her the tile that was in my palm before saying, "I can use this to sneak around and find the weapons. I'll bring them back to you and my group and then we'll break out together."

Moon looked down at the tile in my hand and she couldn't help slightly knitting her brows.

After looking at it for a bit, she gave a nod of agreement.

That was because she could sense the magic power that was coming from this tile.

This tile was without a doubt a powerful magic item.

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