Shota's Isekai NTR Adventure

Chapter 197 Cleaning Up (4)

Apollo was surprised that Moon had called him aside to talk alone, but he still followed her.

As they walked through the forest, he couldn't help feeling a bad feeling.

It was as if he was a cat and his tail had been stepped on…as if he had been caught with his hand in the cookie jar.

So as they walked through the forest, he was already thinking about what he was going to say.

When they finally stopped and Moon turned around, Apollo didn't give her a chance to say anything.

He knew that whatever was happening would be bad for him, so he would need to take the initiative before Moon could even say anything.

Apollo said, "It's a good thing that everything turned out alright, but…"

After a pause, he revealed a serious look and said, "But the things that you've done have really crossed a line."

Moon had a calm look at first, but she couldn't help knitting her brows the moment that she heard this.

Apollo didn't mind this as he continued, "I heard that you used our sacred magic on the human…You should know what kind of taboo that is."

Moon knitted her brows even more when she heard this.

Apollo couldn't help relaxing a bit when he saw this.

He could tell that she was getting worried when he said this, so he didn't hesitate to keep pushing.

Apollo said with the same serious look, "You should know what will happen to you if the others were to learn about this. The elders won't have a choice but to…"

He left his words hanging, but the meaning behind them was clear.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Moon didn't say anything as she just looked at Apollo with knitted brows.

Apollo felt more and more excited when he saw this.

He had already planned out everything that he was going to say and seeing the reaction that he wanted to see, he knew that his plan was having effect.

So the next thing that he had to do was to push Moon into a corner and then offer her a solution.

But before he could, Moon suddenly raised her hand to stop him.

Apollo was caught off guard, so he wasn't able to say anything, but that didn't matter.

Moon just calmly said, "I wanted to talk to you about something that I found in the demon hideout when I was searching it."

The moment that Apollo heard this, he couldn't help feeling a chill run down his spine.

He was about to say something, but Moon beat him to it once again.

Moon said in the same calm voice, "When I was searching through the demon hideout, I wasn't able to find anything at first."

Apollo's heart was still in his throat, but he did feel a bit better when he heard this.

It was just too bad that this was a deliberate pause from Moon.

She then waved her hand and there were bits of papers that appeared in them.

Apollo didn't react at first to those pieces of paper, but then he noticed something was off about them.

These pieces of paper had faint burn marks on them, as if they had been thrown in some kind of fire.

Moon had been waiting for Apollo's reaction and when she saw the look of recognition that flashed in his eyes, she knew that she had caught his tail. So she didn't hesitate to keep pushing him.

Moon continued in the same calm voice, "I found these when I searched the bonfire outside. It seemed that whoever threw this in the fire had ripped them before throwing them in. However, when I look at them closely, I can see that it used to be some kind of letter."

Apollo's palms were covered in a cold sweat when he heard this.

But he forced himself to act calm as he said in a shaky voice, "Perhaps it was a secret letter from their superiors that they wanted to make sure that no one could read."

Moon just narrowed her eyes to look at Apollo when she heard this.

Apollo couldn't help turning away when Moon's gaze fell onto him.

He didn't know why, but it felt like this gaze was burning a hole in him.

So he couldn't help saying, "What are you staring at me for? It's not like I know anything about this."

Moon didn't answer right away as she just gave a hum sound in response. But then she suddenly said, "When I looked at a few of these pieces, I found that there were still some parts that were intact with full words on them. I looked at them closely and I couldn't help feeling that they were a bit familiar."

This time, Apollo couldn't help looking at Moon with an incredulous look even if she was still glaring at him.

He opened his mouth a few times, but there were no words that came out.

Moon closed her eyes when she saw this, taking this as his admission of guilt.

After a long sigh, she finally said, "I don't know why you've done this, but since we've known each other for so long, I won't make it hard on you. As long as you disappear from the village, I won't say a thing."

Apollo's face twisted when he heard this and it seemed like he was about to snap…but he held himself back in the end since he knew that there was nothing that he could say here.

As long as Moon wanted, she could make his life a living hell.

It had started with Apollo threatening Moon, but now it had become the opposite with Moon holding all of the power.

He could still go through with his threat, but the problem was what she held against him was a thousand times worse than what he held against her.

So with that same twisted look on his face, he turned around and suddenly disappeared into the forest.

Once he was gone, Moon gave a sigh and walked back to where the rest of the group were.

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