Sin and Virtue System

Chapter 45 45. Left One Or Right One, Maybe Both At The Same Time!

[The infirmary of the Royal Academy]

After the chaos, things calmed down a little bit. Those students who were not traumatized much started living their regular lives. Mainly the third and fourth year students ignored the mess and continued their everyday lifestyles.

The teachers appointed for the fourth year of the academy were special, so they did not teach any year other than the fourth. Because of this, the teachers from other years' faculties had to distribute the workload as they cannot let the students in the second year sit idle for long.

Despite the environment, a certain someone was depressed to no end. He was none other than Thomas. After the letter he sent to his adopted father, he received a blunt and harsh reply. He only hoped for a positive reply from Jin.

"Ha...." He sighed as he sat on his bed and looked at the ceiling with a blank face. As he waited for Jin to finish lectures and bring the news from his end.

*Knock* *Knock*

"Hm? Jin? Is that you?" Thomas' face bloomed as he heard the knock on the door, but it soon turned solemn after looking at the person arrived.

"Sorry to disappoint you, but it's me and not Jin," Emma said and entered the room.

As Thomas was about to express his annoyance,

"Before you say anything, here is the motherfucking letter of your boyfriend, and don't you ever fucking dare to look me with those eyes, because currently I am courted by three different noble families, so take this letter and die!"


She didn't even wait for Thomas' reply, threw the letter on his face, and went to do her job. She was annoyed as she had to take care of Thomas all by herself because she lost the draw with her fellow sisters. When she tried to be friendly with Thomas, he gave her annoyed looks which made her furious, and he asked nothing else but 'Is Jin here yet?', 'Did Jin send any message?', Jin this and Jin that. Thomas did not mind her and opened the letter.

"My friend Thomas,

After I sent the letter of my well-being to my family, they called me back immediately for a few days. The call was from Grandfather so I had to leave immediately. But rest assured, we will find Lisa at all costs.

-Your friend, Jin"

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Thomas felt relieved after reading the letter. He trusted Jin, but after not being able to contact Lisa and getting panic attacks every night, he became impatient.

"I must get well soon so-" Thomas clenched his fists and was about to vow when he heard another knock on the door.

*Knock* *Knock* *Knock*

"Who is it?"

"Can I come in?" The person answered and without waiting for the answer he entered.

"Yes, I can." The person jested.

"Why are you here, Kevin?"


[Amaya's room.]

"Being beautiful is a sin for sure," Amaya said as she wore her favorite pair of underwear.

"A young girl like me has these big boobs~

Oh~ Oh~ Oh~

What if my guy had to choose~

Left one or right one, maybe both at the same time!

He might just knead them to suck my juicy lime!

Oh~ Oh~ Oh~" While a maid changed her clothes, Amaya sang a self-made song. The maid had a serious look on her face as well as a tinge of redness.

After the maid changed her clothes, Amaya kissed her reflection in the mirror and kept looking in the mirror while singing and dancing.

"Young miss, may I ask you something?" The maid, with a red face, asked Amaya's permission.

"Hm? Sure." Amaya glanced at her maid from the corner of her eyes.

"Why did young miss choose that Kevin boy? After all, young miss is courted by even the princes from different kingdoms." The maid was curious about Amaya's decision to get closer to Kevin.

"Not really. He is not rich, but he is strong. Someone who can face any danger and fight for you, like an iron wall, he is the best guy a girl could ever ask for. Not like I need a rich boy anyway. Also, he has a wide chest... and toned abs too!" Amaya answered vaguely.

"O-oh..." The maid was speechless. Amaya couldn't care less about the maid. For her, as long as Kevin was there she had safety and security.

Amaya's attitude to keep every precious gem in the market for herself was something of a boon and bane at the same time. Unaware and careless for the future was Amaya's nature.


[Staffroom in the Royal Academy.]

"Adelio... you bastard... why did you die? Now, I have to do your work too." Mia said as she threw her stuff on the table.

"I already teach chemistry and healing to first and third year, why the fuck do I have to teach the second year, and can't those filthy brats and bitches do 'holy magic', does that even make any sense?!! Like hell, I care! Fuck you, Alice!!!" She swore that if she see Alice, she would bake her and feed her to pigs that day. However, Alice had long locked herself in her cabin.

"Ugh!!" Mia was frustrated as she didn't get a chance to continue her research and development of a certain medicine.

"Um... Miss. Aubry if you don't mind I can take the classes in your stead." A (beta male) teacher confidently approached Mia and tried to be an opportunistic person as he thought of helping the beautiful purple-haired woman to win some brownie points.

"Oh~ Mister Umm..?"

"Oh, let me introduce myself, I am Prof. Serious Grey, a former A rank demon hunter and a permanent teacher in the Royal Academy and working here since-"

"Yeah, whatever, it is very sweet of you to help me, and I appreciate it very much. The papers here are the remaining syllabus of the second year students. Also that dead meat, I mean, Late Prof. Adelio has prepared some notes for all of his lectures this year, so those notes are on that shelf over there. Thank you very much for your consideration Ms. Umm, yeah." Mia gave that professor her best and sweetest smile and pushed her responsibilities onto him. Immediately after that, she dashed out of the staff room without even waiting for his response.

"..." Things happened so fast that Prof. Grey wasn't able to cope. He fell for Mia's honey sweet smile.

"I've never seen a person to cuck himself, have you ever, Albert?" A teacher commented after looking at Prof. Grey's blank expression while doing his best to hold back laughter.

"They say it's good to have your first as early as possible, Robert. Today was that first, I guess? Pfttt..." Albert answered.

"HAHAHAHAHAHAH~" The whole staffroom exploded in laughter and kept laughing to their heart's content. While Prof. Grey played Mia's smile on rewind inside his head.


[At an unknown place.]

A woman covered white and golden veil sat on her bed, which was made from a rare bird's feather. Her whole body was covered with a white cassock with golden patterns. Her room was painted in white color and her furniture, even the plates on which she ate food were made of gold.

The room was huge and had every luxury any person could ever wish for. However, this room filled with luxury was still empty for the woman under that veil.

There were multiple mirrors in her room, but she held a small mirror in her hand and contacted a certain someone from time to time.

"Why isn't she picking up today?" The woman wondered and again infused her mana in the mirror in the palms of her hand. But to no avail.

"She is busy huh?" Putting the artifact away, she lay on the bed.

If offered a luxurious life, with free food and servants appointed for them, any rational person would accept the offer without hesitation.

However, if the cost for it was to be your freedom, then?

"I can't even imagine any color other than white and golden now." The woman said with a dull voice.

"Tsk, I forgot to count time." Lightly punching her fist on the bed she continued looking at the ceiling. There was no way for her to know the time as there wasn't any window in her room. If she forgot to count time, she won't know the time.

This boring life was regular for her now,

"Hm?" However, today, she felt a little different.

"Why is my power... decreasing?" There was a slight, very tiny tremor in her power. And as a person who had nothing to do in her life, this change did not go unnoticed by her. Her eyes turned heavy and drowsiness took over her.

"Something is odd... someone is... chastity... a change is coming... like a tide... and it might devour the whole... Kingdom... or even the world...Zzzzz" She said, but soon she lost her consciousness and slept.

The sleeping woman in the veil was none other than, 'Her Holiness'. A woman whose real name was known to only two people. The person she tried to contact and herself.


[A/N: We are close to the end of Vol.1 so I am covering every character possible and at the same time I am trying to make them entertaining and worth reading. Hope you like it~

Also, I have got a name for her holiness from one of our readers, but I plan to introduce her in the next volume. Thanks~]

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