Sin and Virtue System

Chapter 64 64. Preparations [2]: <Spiritual Sword>

Emotions and desire.

"Demons feel any and every emotion amplified. Once that particular emotion is amplified to a certain level, it becomes a desire. Since I was disappointed in them, they decided to train on their own. So they desired to make me proud of them."

Logan didn't know how he should react to this.

Even if he had forced their loyalty to him, they were all serving him as their true lord, without any complaints.

They were training to not let him down even without his orders...

It was heart-warming, even for a demon like him.

But then again, how can he, a demon like him, call himself the Lord of these demons working under him, if he cannot even do a simple thing like creating an arc with his sword?


If he can't do it, then he doesn't deserve this second life!

An emotion lit up and started burning inside Logan.

It was his anger that spread inside him like wildfire. Ssssss-

Suddenly, the air around him, which was cold since it was winter, started turning warm.

The hilt of Gazel's sword made a sizzling sound and the cold blade of the sword turned redder and redder; as if it was burning.


'Burn! Burn! Burn!' He felt his anger amplify.

He wanted to change his miserable and weak state. And for that to happen, he must be ready to do anything!

His anger turned into a desire to change himself.

He was a follower of "action speaks better than words", so he jumped off the roof and went back to his previous training area.

It was time for him to do something.

Something that could give him a strong offensive move!


This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Inside the forest, near the river, Logan held the sword in his right hand but stood there without any movement and focused on himself.

With the motivation to work hard until he gets what he desired, he wanted to swing his sword.

However, before doing so, he wanted to understand that sensation.

"Ha... I feel like burning... My body is burning..."

He imagined his body on fire, the smell of burning flesh, and the boiling blood, which further helped him.

To test this, Logan tightly held the sword in front and tried putting his emotions in the sword but he felt like the sword rejected those emotions immediately.

"Hm? Maybe a little more."

He let the burning sensation amplify and tried again.


The sizzling sound of his heated sword resounded in the forest.

"Huff..." But when he tried again, the sword rejected it again as well.

Earlier, while experimenting with it, Logan had tried a lot of things.

He had put his demonic energy, mana, and affinities inside the sword, but he couldn't replicate the beautiful arc once again.

Those particles appeared only when he was trying to replicate the sensation.

So this was his hint.

He only had to understand that feeling and then he could recreate that arc!


Minutes passed, hours passed, but Logan kept practicing. He failed again and again, but he kept repeating his actions. Unless he achieved what he desired, he refused to give up.

Until then, he did not swing his sword.

After some time, he felt thirsty.

"Ha... ha... ha..." His breathing was wild and haggard.

Suddenly, as if responding to his call.


A particle, similar to a fire particle, came out of the sword and fell to the ground.

The moment Logan realized this, he did not waste time.

"Ha!" Like a hungry beast, waiting for his opportunity, he immediately swung his sword.

Swoosh! Ssssss...

Like magma falling on the ground, the sparks created a mini-arc of sparks and fell. When those sparks touched the ground, the grass lit up.

"Haha... hahahahah." Logan laughed like a maniac.

He felt happy. Although not what he wanted, it was still some sort of success.

"Ha..." He breathed cold air and again took a stance.

"I am thirsty... gulp! Thirst...?" He licked his lips as he felt his throat dry.

"Blood..." And it was then that he remembered the missing element.

"Bloodthirst." His eyes shone brightly at that very moment and again, he swung his sword.


Swoosh! Once again, sparks flew out of the sword.

But instead of falling to the ground, they stayed in the air and an arc of red particles formed in the air.

It was small, blurry, and not beautiful at all. It was incomplete an incomplete arc.

The arc disappeared just as fast as it had appeared.

"Huh?" But for Logan, it felt like the most beautiful thing in the world.

His efforts were worth it.

"HAHAHA~ Again!" With a bright smile on his face, he took the stance and swung the sword again.

"HA!" He put even more desire this time.

Swoosh! And a similar result but better than the previous one appeared.


Like a child, he started swinging his sword.


The night passed and the sun arrived at its zenith.

After Logan started using it, at one point the sparks, instead of falling like snowflakes, united and formed a smooth mini-arc.

Instead of swinging the sword without any meaning, he was swinging the sword while putting every ounce of his desires inside it.

"Ugh!" After practicing multiple times, he fell on his butt when he saw what he had done.

"Ha... I-I did it!" he was extremely happy with the result.

Even though it wasn't perfect, the arc was satisfactory.

Now all he had to do was to move the arc toward his desired direction and voila! He could slash his opponents from distance.

Not only that, but he could also put more desire and kill an opponent stronger than him!

He had successfully created <Spiritual Sword>.

But his celebration did not last long. He had been holding his thirst for too long. This was the problem that occurred after the overuse of his newly created sword technique: <Spiritual sword>.

"Huff... huff..." The bloodthirst increased and he felt his world turn red.

Earlier, he wanted to taste blood, but now he wanted to bathe in blood.

His throat felt dry and at that moment he ran into the forest, to find any beast he could.

"Grrrr..." Any beast or monster that saw him coming toward them, ran for their life.

"HAHAHAHAH~" Even though he was behaving like a maniac, his every swing contained good technique and a beautiful small red arc.


The whole afternoon, he chased after any living being. Birds, animals, and monsters, he spared none of them.

Killing these beasts satiated some of his blood thirsts.


*Sniff* *Sniff*

Suddenly, he sniffed something different in the air.

A frown appeared on his face.

"What are demons doing here?"

What was this sudden surprise?


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