Since I’ve Entered the World of Romantic Comedy Manga, I’ll Do My Best to Make the Heroine Who Doesn’t Stick With the Hero Happy.

Chapter 3: Sei Shimada's Feelings

Chapter 3: Sei Shimada's Feelings

Sei Shimada POV

That night, Sei Shimada was writhing in her bed, sprawled out on the floor.

What the heck is up with him!?

The only thing that comes to my mind is what happened after school today.

It was the same classes as usual, the same school as usual.

Until Shiho called me after school.

Shiho had asked me to stay behind because she needed to discuss something with me, and we were talking alone in the classroom.

The story goes that Yuuichi Shigemoto, whom Shiho likes, asked her out on a date.

However, there are rumours about how Shigemoto is dating Kaori and some say that hes her fiance.

She asked if it was okay to date such a person, and even more so, if it was okay to confess her feelings to him.

I advised her in a sincere manner.

When I gathered information about Shigemoto for Shiho, I heard that those two were childhood friends, that the rumor that they were dating was a lie, and the fact that they were engaged was also a lie.

However, it seems that Kaori Tojoin really likes Shigemoto, and all the rumors are just rumors that Tojoin has spread to keep Shigemoto around her.

When I told this to Shiho, she was openly relieved.

She accepted Shigemotos invitation to go on a date, thinking that he was not the kind of guy who would ask a different girl out when he had a girlfriend or fiance, but she was still a little worried.

However, Shiho was unsure when she heard that Tojoin held feelings for Shigemoto.

I wonder if its okay for me to confess?

Thats why I said, It doesnt matter what Tojoin does. Whats important is Shihos feelings.

After hearing this, Shiho finally regained her composure and decided to confess her feelings on their upcoming date.

I thought that Shihos problems would disappear and the consultation would be resolved and over

Thats when he came in!

Yes, that guy Tsukasa Hisamura, came.

I often talk with Hisamura these days, trying to gather information about Shigemoto for Shiho.

At first, Hisamura also gave me a look of suspicion, but when he heard that I was just honestly gathering information about Shigemoto for Shiho, he spoke normally from then on.

The fact that he was suspicious of me, who was investigating his best friend Shigemoto, must mean that he cared for Shigemoto as his best friend.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Its a part that I can sympathize with since I have my best friend Shiho, and I remember thinking, Hes a friendly guy

When I said I wanted to investigate Shigemoto further, Hisamura connected me with Shigemoto.

I was very grateful for that and was able to find out if the man was worthy of Shiho.

Well, because of this, I also thought Shigemoto was cool, and thus I took a liking to him.

However, even though I had liked him, it stopped just shy at a boy I was slightly interested in.

Maybe it was because Shiho liked him too, so I had to restrain myself from getting too passionate.

However, Hisamura would immediately see through my feelings for Shigemoto.

Thats why I didnt want to see Hisamura there today

Because he would know that I had pushed my feelings aside for Shihos sake.

And as I had predicted, Hisamura soon found out.

Up to that point, It was as expected.

But what has happened after that is what has caused me to writhe on the bed.

So, Sei-chan, Im going to make you happy.


Sei-chan, I like you. Im definitely going to make you happy, so I want you to go out with me.

Uwaa~ Dont remind me of that scene.

I pull the pillow over my head and try to forget the scene I had just witnessed.

But of course, thats not enough to make me forget. Rather, Ive blocked out the scenery around me, so I remember not only the words, but also the scene at that time vividly.

I didnt like the way he looked at me, but I knew that he was telling the truth.

Hisamura supported me when I stepped back, tripped and stumbled over the podium.

I was pulled in forcefully and our bodies were attached to each other, and I could feel our body heat transmitting to each other.

Our faces were so close together that if either of us wanted to, Our lips could have overlapped in a few moments.


I covered my face in my pillow, so the roar echoed only in my room.

And to top it all off, I was pressed up against the blackboard and Kabedonned by him

Its because Sei-chan doesnt answer. And her embarrassed face is too cute, so I wanted to get close to her.


I love you, Sei-chan. I will definitely make you happy, so please go out with me.

Nooo! Why am I remembering every single word!

I hated my own memory and couldnt resist shouting that.

In fact, my memory is so good that Ive only ever ranked in the single digits on school tests.

But is it a waste to use that much intelligence and memory here?

If the first ever confession towards me were so passionate and intense, it might be understandable that I would remember them so vividly.

I felt like my feelings for Shigemoto had been blown away by Hisamuras passionate confession.

Hey, I said Id think about it, but what the hell am I supposed to do?

For some reason, Hisamura was obsessed with getting an answer on the spot, but as expected, It was too sudden for me to give an answer on the spot.

If I had answered the question at that exact moment, I would not have been able to think calmly and would have most likely agreed to it.

(No, no, its not that Im going to say no now If anything,Its more likely that Im going to agree..!)

What am I thinking?

I repeatedly punched my fists in the stuffed animal besides me. It was like I was taking it out on the cute stuffed animal near my pillow.

I thought to myself that I had managed to keep my cool and get out of that situation.

If only I had agreed to it with the same vigor.

O-Okay if youre okay with me, you can go out with me.

Dont say something like if youre okay with me, Sei-chan, It has to be you.

Then, Please treat me well

Likewise, Im so happy, Sei-chan.

Our positions were still the same, with Hisamura surrounding me with a wall and his right arm.

We were close enough that I could hear us both breathing silently, two people who had just started dating were at such a distance.

Sei-chan, I cant stand it


When I raised my eyes in surprise, I saw that Hisamuras face was closer than before.

Understanding what Hisamura was trying to do, My face turned so red that I thought it might boil over.

Wa-Wait so suddenly, doing this right as we started dating

If you dont like it, you can push me away

Hisamura put his left hand on my chin and made me look upwards to make it easier for him to do so.

There are only a few centimeters left until our lips overlap


For a moment I thought about pushing him away, but my hands stopped on his chest.

And then our lips

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