So You're Such A Doctor Song

Chapter 404 - I Told I“ll Let You Kiss Me. I Won’t Go Back On My Words. Why Must You Rush It Now?

Chapter 404 I Told I“ll Let You Kiss Me. I Won“t Go Back On My Words. Why Must You Rush It Now?

Ruan yang’s thin-skinned face heated up. she glared at him. “it’s only our first day together yet you want a french kiss? don’t push your luck.”

li shaobin hung his head low with disappointment. “however, the thought of how she said “our first day together” made him feel warm and fuzzy inside. it seemed like she had accepted him. hu zhi, that fellow, was right for once. the chances of him succeeding in wooing her were great. “then let me kiss you once more.”

after he said that, he pouted his lips and approached her. before he even got close to her, ruan yang slapped his lips. “if you’re going to keep being like this, i’m not getting together with you anymore.”

li shaobin suddenly shuddered. he covered his hurting lips and felt scared inside. “don’t, i was just kidding.”

“wash up quickly. i’m going back to northern city after lunch.” ruan yang walked straight into his room.

li shaobin looked at her thin back and his heart started thumping irregularly. aiyo, right now, he really had the urge to pounce on her from behind.

however, this thought was too sinister. he shook his head vigorously and went to the bathroom to wash up.

as he brushed his teeth, he looked at himself in the mirror. his hair was slightly messy. he had a dashing chin. he was really quite good-looking. no wonder ruan yang was willing to get together with him. in the future, he wouldn’t have to drool at her beauty in the movies. if xin ziao found out, would he be driven to his grave?

he smiled foolishly for a long time. he had to brush his teeth properly, making them white. that way, when ruan yang kissed him, he would also smell great.


after brushing his teeth, he used some water to style his hair, making himself look natural and dashing.

ruan yang sat on the couch, watching television programs for a while as he put on his coat before the two left the room together.

li shaobin put his room card in his pocket and caught up to her. she was 1.7m tall but li shaobin was still a lot taller than her. he turned his face over slightly and saw her slender shoulders. he couldn’t help but move his right arm. he really wanted to put his arm around over her shoulders but would she think that he was taking advantage of her?

however, they were currently in a relationship. it was only normal for them to hook arms or put their arms around each other.

he raised his arm when ruan yang suddenly turned her head back. he darted his eyes around nervously and quickly moved his hand that was reaching towards her shoulder to the back of his head as he muttered, “aiya, my head is so itchy. i think it’s because i didn’t wash it yesterday.

ruan yang watched as he carried on his pretense. she turned her head back so he didn’t see that smile that flashed past her eyes.

li shaobin put his arm down again gloomily. he cursed at himself silently for being so useless several times. to think that he was a triad boss. wasn’t he just putting his arm around her shoulders? why was he so scared?

“stop spacing out. it’s here.” a soft little hand suddenly held his big palm as she walked quickly into the elevator.

li shaobin was pulled in. there was a service staff member in the elevator who even greeted them. he nodded. suddenly, he seemed to have realized something. he looked at their hands and took in a deep breath of air. she actually didn’t let go of his had. she actually held his hand...

did she do that on purpose?

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

or did she forget to let go?

li shaobin’s little heart was lifted up nervously. he couldn’t seem to calm himself down.

in the short span of less than a minute, several thoughts flashed past his mind. after consolidating everything, he was still most worried that she would let go of his hand.

in the end, when she was still holding his hand when they walked out of the elevator, li shaobin felt as sweet as honey. she must be doing it on purpose. she wasn’t letting go on purpose.

however, they were about to walk to the front desk where they had to take out their identity cards and proceed with checking out. they would definitely have to let go then. but he didn’t want to let go.

therefore, the staff at the front desk were greeted by a dashing face filled with unhappiness as he said, “checkout for room 1504 and 1505.”

“sir, please show me your identity card.” after the staff said that, li shaobin felt ruan yang letting go of his hand. he looked for his identity card, signed the papers, and waited for a few minutes before check out was completed.

when they left, he was unhappy because he noticed that she didn’t re-hold his hand. when they took the elevator to the restaurant for lunch, he walked a little slower on purpose and grabbed her hand.

ruan yang turned around to look at him. he grumbled, “walk a little slower.”

she let out a soft “mm”, as though she didn’t sense anything.

li shaobin heaved a sigh of relief and didn’t feel as awkward as before.


while he was sitting in a chinese restaurant, li shaobin felt completely different from when he sat in the western restaurant yesterday. he was thrilled and excited.

when the service staff came over with the menu, he went on ordering food until the service staff reminded, “i think that would be enough for the both of you.”

“eat a little less.” ruan yang finally looked up from her phone. “that will do.”

after the service staff left, she said, “tell me your identity card number. i’ll book train tickets back to guangzhou and we’ll book a plane back to northern city at night.”

“don’t do it. let me do it.” li shaobin quickly took out his phone. “a man should be the one spending the money.”

since he took the initiative to do it, ruan yang let him be.

when he was done booking the tickets, she said, “after going back to northern city, i plan to take a trip back to norway to rest for a few days.”

“you’re still going back to norway?” li shaobin was flustered when he heard that. now that he finally got into a relationship, they couldn’t be long-distance. “you can’t. since you agreed to go out with me, you can’t go so far away. that’s very irresponsible.”

ruan yang face-palmed. how was she irresponsible again? “can you let me finish? i’m going to norway to bring my things back and return the house.”

“alright, then i want to go with you,” li shaobin said. “but i can’t get a visa to go over there. it might take half a month to get it even if i tried to speed up the process.”

“half a month?” ruan yang frowned. “that won’t do; that’s too long. i only took a month off from the dessert shop when i came back and it’s almost been a month now.”

“... alright.” li shaobin was still unhappy. “let me tell you first—norway is very beautiful. you won’t stay there after going over, right?”

“i won’t,” ruan yang said with frustration. “i’ll have to take responsibility for you no matter what.”

“that’s more like it.” li shaobin finally smiled.

ruan yang looked at his bright, smiling face and couldn’t help but smile. this person was really quite childish. “right, don’t tell others... about us yet. such as changqing, song chuyi, and the rest.”

“why?” li shaobin was unhappy. he wanted to pretend to go to the washroom right now to give song chuyi a call to boast to him. otherwise, song chuyi would always look down on him for not having a girlfriend and even laugh at him about liking men.

“er... i still haven’t gotten used to it yet. it feels weird.” ruan yang had an awkward expression. actually, she couldn’t quite put it to words either. in any case, she just subconsciously felt that her getting together with li shaobin happened very abruptly, even though she didn’t know why she had such a thought. it might be because changqing, duoyao, and the rest never thought that they would be suitable together so they didn’t worry or even think of it. if they were to find out, they would definitely be shocked. “anyway, just don’t tell them first. after all, a relationship is just between 2 people.”

li shaobin was disappointed. “but...”

“but what?” ruan yang asked.

li shaobin lowered his head. but he wanted to boast about it. “i can promise you that i won’t tell but you must agree to let me kiss you.”

he watched her with his clear, black eyes. ruan yang glared at him shyly.

“if you don’t let me kiss you, i’ll tell them.” li shaobin continued to threaten her, seeing that there was hope.

ruan yang clenched her teeth. her ears were also hot just looking at him being a scoundrel. in the end, she had no choice but to nod. “alright, but not here.”

“then where?” li shaobin’s eyes lit up. he was already looking forward to it.

ruan yang said in a nasty tone, “of course at a place where there’s no one around.”

“then let’s go to a place with no one around right now.” li shaobin’s mind was filled with places with no one around right now.

“we’re eating now. can you wait until we finish our meal?” ruan yang sighed. she said with annoyance, “how impatient are you right now? you sound as though you haven’t kissed a woman for decades.”

li shaobin was gloomy. isn’t that the case? he wasn’t even in the mood to eat right now.

because he kept thinking about the kiss, he couldn’t concentrate on lunch but he finished his meal very quickly within just five minutes after the dishes were all served. he sat upright, waiting for her to finish her meal as he watched her with a pair of anxious eyes.

ruan yang slowed her pace down on purpose and ate even slower, taking half an hour to finish a bowl of rice.

li shaobin was frustrated. “can you eat faster?”

“your tone is very nasty right now,” ruan yang said very lazily. “it’s only our first day together yet your attitude towards me is so bad. wouldn’t it be worse in the future?”

upon hearing that, li shaobin became obedient. “no, i just thought that we have to rush for the train.”

“we’re still early for the train. it only takes 40 minutes to get there by cab.” ruan yang picked out the fish bones slowly and tasted her food leisurely.

li shaobin could only wait. when ruan yang had finally finished her food, he footed the bill and pointed to a place with no one on the right as they walked out, saying, “ruan yang, let’s take a look over there. it’s very quiet. i think there isn’t anyone there.”

ruan yang gave an apparent smile. “didn’t you say we have to rush for the train just now? we’re really running out of time now.”

“we still have time.”

“i told you i’ll let you kiss me. i won’t go back on my word. why must you rush it?” ruan yang exposed him straight away. “i didn’t see you going around kissing people every day in the past. why are you so impatient now?”

li shaobin lowered his head silently. actually, he couldn’t understand it either. he didn’t care about it in the past, but after he fell for her, he always wanted to kiss her, especially now that she had become his girlfriend.

“let’s go.” ruan yang ignored him and went downstairs first.

li shaobin sighed depressingly and followed behind her.

when they reached the train station, ruan yang covered her nose and mouth with a scarf and let her hair down as she boarded the train with the crowd. the two were in first-class seats. there were very few people. ruan yang sat by the window while li shaobin sat by the aisle.


during the three-hour ride, ruan yang fell asleep immediately after boarding the train. li shaobin couldn’t even sneak a kiss on her. she covered her face up too tightly and even put her hoodie over her head.

when they arrived in guangzhou, they had a casual dinner and took another cab to the airport. they sat in first-class seats on the plane but the air stewardess kept walking to and fro. besides, ruan yang fell asleep again after having some fruit salad.

by the time she woke up, it was almost time to land. li shaobin felt gloomy. “how can you sleep so much?”

“maybe it’s because i’m too tired from all the transfers.” ruan yang even yawned. “aren’t you tired?”

“i’m not tired.” li shaobin pouted. in the past, he would’ve slept like a log, but this time, he just couldn’t fall asleep.


more than 10 minutes later, the plane landed at northern city’s airport. the two of them collected their luggage and headed to the car park. li shaobin’s sports car had been parked there for days.

when they got into the car, li shaobin looked around. he didn’t start the car engine; he turned his face over to look at the woman beside him expectantly. “you said you wanted a place with no one around. there isn’t anyone around now. can we kiss?”

ruan yang: “...”

it must’ve been so hard on him if this had been on his mind.

“if you don’t say anything, i’ll take it that silence means consent.” after li shaobin said that, he switched on the light in the car.

“why did you switch on the light?” ruan yang frowned.

“so that we can see better.”

“don’t switch on the light.” she switched the light off.

“why?” li shaobin was bewildered. wouldn’t they be able to see better with the light on?

ruan yang bit her lip slightly. this fool. doesn’t he know that i would be shy? “would you kiss the wrong spot if it’s dark?”

“i won’t...” he pouted. so be it, as long as i get to kiss her.

he moved closer with his bright eyes open wide. when he got closer, he realized that she had already closed her eyes. perhaps it was because the car park wasn’t very well-lit that he could only see her beautiful eyes and nose. as he looked down a little more, he saw that her plump, thin lips were so sexy that he couldn’t wait to kiss her.

he put that into action and sucked hard on them twice before attacking slowly.

ruan yang’s hands gripped onto his jacket tightly subconsciously. it was already a taste that wasn’t too unfamiliar, but this time, it was more impatient and a little inexperienced.

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