Soul for a Girlfriend?

Chapter 65 - Broken Trust, Broken Heart

"Well… Koi-san went out with Rei-san last weekend. You know that, right?" Gaisen started his side of the story.

"Yeah?" I nodded, and he continued.

"So like… from what I heard from Uyeno-san, she was accusing Koi-san for trying to get too close with her boyfriend." He said in a casual way.

"Her boyfriend? Haruka-kun?" I said in a questioning tone.

"Yeah." He nodded.

"Then?" I gestured to him to continue his story.

"So that's it, basically." He shrugged with a sheepish smile on his cheeks.

"Eh?" This was my reaction, because I definitely expected more than this.

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"See, I told you it was lame." Seeing my reaction, he chuckled.

"Well, don't get me wrong but… you weren't there with them, right?" I knew the chuckle he just gave wasn't a genuine one. He was just trying to hide something from us.

"No, I wasn't there, that's why Reina-san went with her instead of me." He answered.

"Yes…" I nodded and took a slight pause for him to catch onto what I'm trying to say.

"So? What are you trying to say?" Tsūmen raised his eyebrows at me with a much curious look.

  "I mean there might be a slight chance that Uyeno-san isn't lying." I said in my usual plain tone. 

"Hey… Saishi-kun… what are you on?" Tsūmen was confused now. Or maybe he was trying to confirm his speculations about me because none of us were immature enough to not understand where I was going with this conversation.

"I'm just saying that there can be a slight possibility of that." I sipped my choco milk and looked at both of them.

"Come on man, they have been dating for a long time now… you think she will do something like this?" Tsūmen asked. And it was indeed a valid point. 

But you never know when the person who was once the closest to you ends up becoming the reason for you not become close with anyone else ever in your life.

"That's the sole reason for me to suspect she would do something like this." I retorted. 

"Wha… What?" Gaisen tilted his head at my argument.

"When in a relationship for a long time, partners often get bored with each other at some point. So they try to search for new people they can get attracted to…" I explained myself in a simple way, but at the same time I made sure not to sugarcoat them with my words.

"So you mean that she might actually be cheating on me with my friend?" Gaisen said, but his tone was rather calm than what I expected it to be.

"Can you be 100% sure that she didn't try anything with Haruka-kun and Uyeno-san is lying?" Looking at his composure, I decided to get more offensive.

"I… uh…." Gaisen was taken aback at my sudden change in tone.

"You weren't there to witness it with your own eyes. Were you?" I continued pressuring him.

After looking at me for a few moments, and giving my question a few thoughts, he answered with, "No."

"Hey… man…" Looking at both of us, Tsūmen spoke up.

"Don't get me wrong, I have nothing against her. But you're my friend, so I'm just warning you of the possibility." I knew what he was about to say but before he could say that, I revealed my utmost concern for Gaisen.

"Saishi-kun, you don't really know about Kizhashi-san... so you shouldn't say something like that." What Tsūmen said indeed made sense. And I wasn't trying to throw dirt on her.

"I...I don't think she will cheat on me. I trust her." Gaisen said with a tone of uncertainty in his voice.

"I didn't mean to upset you." Noticing his tone, I realised that I might have pushed this a way too far. 

"Man…" Tsūmen was like the mediator between us in this conversation because there were moments when things could have turned out differently if it wasn't for mine and Gaisen's calm composure.

"See, that was just advice… be careful with these things… because broken trust can never be mended and a broken heart can never be healed." Playing with my words a little, I said something to cheer him up a little.

Even though I was the one who was trying to break him a few moments ago. My passive aggressive approach towards things makes me seem like a person with no remorse for anything whatsoever.

"What you are saying does have a point." Gaisen said with a half-hearted smile

"Oi Gaisen, tell me one thing." Tsūmen asked him.

"Yeah?" He turned his head towards him.

"Do you think there is any reason for her to… like you know… cheat on you?" Tsūmen said with much hesitation. He was trying his best to not hurt him in any way.

"Not really. I mean… No." After giving a slight pause between his sentences, he denied the claim.

"You talked with Uyeno-san right?" "What did she say?" I asked him.

"Yeah, what did she say?" Tsūmen also asked him the same thing, following my lead.

"She was ranting about her, and told me to look after her." He chuckled.

"You know that girl? Isobe-san?" I asked about her out of the blue because I remember her saying something to Kizhashi before they left during that incident.

"Yeah?" Gaisen nodded.

"Did she say anything?" I asked.

"I didn't notice her to be honest." I couldn't ask him anymore about this after that because that would just appear as me being desperately prying into their matter.

"I don't like her. She gives off way too much bitchy vibes." Tsūmen said, and his dislikeness for her could be clearly seen on his face.

The bell rang, and lunchtime was over. We were walking back to the class, and looking at Gaisen's face, there wasn't much tension on it. It looks like this wasn't a big deal for him. Maybe they resolved it when they talked with Uyeno yesterday. 

After talking to him and observing his behaviour, I found out some things which were making no sense at all. I was feeling like I got myself dragged into some unwanted drama.

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