Soul for a Girlfriend?

Chapter 96 - Extra: Considerate Him - Part 1

Lilith's POV

I was looking at my pale skin and my silver hairs in the mirror. I slid my fingers through my soft hair and started tying them in braids. This was the first time Sakamaki invited me to go out with him, which was suspicious. Why would he ask me out of the blue? Knowing him, he might've some ulterior motives.


Though I don't know the reason for this plan, I've a feeling that I'm going to enjoy this.

I checked my reflection in the mirror and noticed the figure of Sakamaki entering the room in my peripheral vision. He was folding the sleeves of the black shirt he was wearing. Noticing his black trousers, I let out a small chuckle because his dressing sense was just so dull.

"What?" He asked.

"Nothing." I brushed it off, because I'll not make fun of him, but the urge to comment on his outfit was overwhelming.

"You have something to say?" He tilted his head.

"Yes, it looks like you're going to mourn for someone." I laughed while covering my mouth. He just let out a disappointed sigh and tried not to mind my words.

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I turned towards him and asked with a smug, "How do I look?"

He looked at me for a few seconds and then replied, "Annoying as always."

I shouldn't have asked him this. He took his payback on me. Now I wanted to know what he thinks about my new hairstyle. His opinions are lame anyway, I know for a fact that I look stunning. But tying braids is a time taking process, that's why I preferred to keep my hair open freely most of the time.

"Anyway, let's go." He said as he turned off the lights of his bedroom and headed towards the main door. I stepped outside, and he locked the door afterwards.

I looked at him with a questioning look because I didn't know where we were heading, either. "Follow me." He put his hands in his pockets and started walking.

This was the first time I was wandering in his town. All the other times I have left his apartment was because I had to deal with some business related to the contract on my own. The cities have indeed changed a lot over the course of the past few centuries. It was a lot livelier now, though the people walking in the street weren't as lively as they used to be.

I was receiving quite some stares as I was walking. Well, my attire was rather alien among these normal people, so I guess it was attracting some attention towards me. I could hear them making comments about me. Even though they were whispering in low voices, my hearing was way sharper than a normal human so I could hear everything clearly.

"Look at her!"

"I wish I had hair like her."

"Is that her boyfriend?"

"Of course a girl like her won't be single, you dumb shit!!"

"She is so pretty."

Now, did I hate the fact that they were making comments on me? To some extent, I hated it. Humans are unpredictable creatures and sometimes they can do more inhuman things than one can ever imagine in their wildest dreams. I have seen that side of humans, so these mere compliments didn't appeal to me at all.

But my superiority complex sometimes overwhelms me. And comments like this act as a fuel to feed my complex. These mere humans were looking at the omnipotence of Lilith, the 4th Upper Devil, so they should be grateful.

"What's up with that smile on your face?" He cringed at me.

Our walk came to a halt as I bumped into his back. There were many people around us. I looked around and realised that it was a red light stop. The sounds of car engines revving past me and the chatter of people surrounding me was irritating me because of my heightened senses.

As we're waiting, I asked, "Where are we going?"

"You'll see, it's not far." He answered my question vaguely.

Well, since he will not answer me properly, I'll just peek inside his mind. I tried to peek in his mind, but the light turned green and soon people started moving. In the congestion, I got separated from him and soon his thoughts faded out too as he moved far away from me.

Does he even notice my disappearance?

I crossed the road and got to the other side. I looked around me, but there were no traces of him. Only unfamiliar faces walking past me. Now I can't track him by reading his mind. I'll probably have to use the tracking spell now.

What a drag.

I looked for a suitable spot with no one around me so that I could cast the spell. I walked into the alley in front of me. My arrival startled a few cats who were lying there, as they ran in the opposite direction while hissing at me. I raised my index finger and wrapped it around the middle finger next to it. It was a hand seal which was required for this spell.


As the incantation left my mouth, a small blue magic appeared above the tip of my middle finger and started rotating. I waited for a few seconds before his position displayed in my mind. Judging from his position, he knew that I got separated from him. I can now follow him.

After following up to the position where Sakamaki was standing, and found him browsing his mobile. I guess he didn't care about me in the least. He doesn't have to be this clear about it. Well, if he didn't care about me, then he shouldn't have brought me with him.

I'm pissed off.

"So you find me after all." He looked at me.


"Is something wrong?" He asked me.


"Well, don't worry, it's near." He grabbed my hand and dragged me along with him. Does he not know how to treat a girl? I can't believe he has been making girls for him like this. Well, not that he likes me or something, so it makes sense.

There was a large building in front of me. Many people were exiting the building with shopping carts and plastic bags in their hands, so I assumed this must be a supermarket.

"A supermarket?" I mumbled in a low voice.

"Yes." He answered.

"If you wanted to buy something you could've come alone. Or is it that you want people to think that I'm your girlfriend?" I smiled at him. I can make myself visible or invisible to other people on my own. Right now, I was visible to everyone.

"Ahh… I knew something was missing." He clicked his tongue.


"You're really quiet today. I missed your shit talking"

"I'll kill you!" I glared at him.

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