Soul Karmas (BL)

Chapter 122: 122 - Snow Meet Client Zou Yi.

Chapter 122: 122 - Snow Meet Client Zou Yi.

The moment that Snow opens his eyes, once again he finds himself in another mysterious space.

However, Snow just felt surprised, panic, sadness, anger, and other negative feelings right at this moment causing his chest to swell up with chaotic emotions.

Especially when he felt unwilling to leave his second world, however, Snow knew that there is nothing that can change his current situation at the moment thus, he can only stay in this mysterious space and figure out about how the author died because Snow has completely made sure that he has left the author all kind of numerous items from the Black Trade Shop along with peoples that are capable to save his life no matter what happens.

But how come that author died in the end? What has caused all of it?

Snow has spent those large amounts of soul karmas energies, even he will get angry if it turns out useless in the end since it was a complete waste of using his points.

"Flake, tell me what happens."

The sad Flakes that has been quiet the entire time, slowly sway while the black light that has been flashing nonstop has turned gray before he spoke with a saddened voice as he started to tell the information that he has been given by the Karma Core about why Snow has failed the mission.

"... Snow.. the author died naturally during his sleep and all the items we left for him are unable to stop him from dying because it was the Karma Core complete time limit of his life that needed to end, thus whatever we do, we can't stop him from dying."

So it was a natural death that has been set up by the Karma Soul and couldn't be changed?

Just like when he was Rong Xen where there is already a time limit of how much longer that he can live?

Since it's like that then, "Shouldn't there be some sort of exception for my task since the only reason that I failed was because of the Karma Core reason that has already decided the author's life limit?"

Snow will not let it end just like this, he doesn't even know if his lover will be able to appear again in his next world.

There are too many questions he wanted to figure out with the mysterious lover of his that was able to appear before him once again.

So, Snow can only wait while Flake communicates at the management of handling the Granter performance.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Soon an announcement has resounded in the mysterious space.

"After hearing the full detail of the mission failure, a privilege, and special circumstances can be provided, nonetheless, please speak to the soul name Zou Yi in order to continue living in that world while an additional special mission will be given to you if Zou Yi is convinced to continue on and allowed the use of his body."

Soon after hearing the management speak, Snow calm blue eyes met the familiar gloomy and indifferent pitch abyss black eyes of the real Zou Yi that have instantly appeared in the mysterious space.

This is the first time that Snow has personally met a client's soul, although Zou Yi was his second client.

However, the two of them seemed to have decided not to speak with each other while there isn't even a greeting between the two of them as they only remain silent while calmly gazing at each other eyes with a flash of examination.

After a while, Snow has suddenly let out a small smile before speaking confidently toward the silent Zou Yi that has been staring at him without any emotion on his pitch abyss black eyes.

"Tell me what you really want and I will fulfill it for you."

There is no need to speak in a roundabout way while spending time to convince the blood race before him with useless words of explanation about why he should allow Snow to continue living in his world with the use of his body.

Equivalent of exchange, to use Zou Yi's body, he just needs to do what this person wanted in the end.

"... you are still remaining calm even though you have left your lover that is good."

Seemingly liking Snow's personality, Zou Yi just nods his head before opening his mouth to speak what he wants without any hesitation.

"All of them, my members, keep them safe and make them live a contented life."

Still the same as always just like Snow has thought so, before nodding his head in acceptance before he listens as Zou Yi speaks another word but not directly at him which has caused Snow to blink his eyes in surprise.

"I also accept your proposition."

Just as Snow has to exchange something to Zou Yi and Karma core to continue his mission, Zou Yi also needs to do something. 

"Remember all of my members."

With that one last warning words to Snow, Zou Yi soon disappeared leaving Snow in the mysterious space all by himself.

Soon a very interesting smile appears on his normal face since Snow couldn't help but feel like, this will not be the last time that he will meet Zou Yi again.

"... well its time to go back."

With those words spoken, Snow's vision turned dark again as his soul was pulled back to where it's supposed to go.

Soon, pitch abyss black eyes open up wide causing the haggard person that has been staying by his side to speak in a loud voice full of surprise and happiness.

"Baby! Your awake!"

A warmth and lithe body have soon embraced his delicate body while a shaky voice filled with sadness and concern while the devilishly handsome face seemed to have grown a beard, black hair messy and unkept while bloodshot purple eyes were wide open along with dark bags under his eyes.

"It has been three days Baby I fear that you are not going to wake up anymore."

Love, you're so ugly right now, is what Snow want to say but then he remembers what happened, his lover is probably worried to death when he wasn't showing any reaction of waking up, at least Snow didn't stop breathing which will definitely make Qing Ye crazy if that were to happen.

However, Snow couldn't help but remain speechless when he felt a droplet of water seemed to touch his hair.

Oh my god, are you crying???

Pitch abyss black eyes widen in a bit of panic while his body tensing up, but soon, his always calm mind manages to think fast on what to do in his current situation.

"Stop crying and I will take you in a date later on."

Seemingly a magic word, Qing Ye has instantly stopped crying before speaking a weak voice filled with begging after a few seconds of remaining quiet.

"... during the date can I take a picture of the two of us and post it with your face appearing on it?"


"... can I please not go to work and stay by your side in this past few days at least?"

Qing Ye right now appeared like an innocent young girl acting spoiled and wanting to be pampered by her lover, thus Snow that heard the apprehension, distress, and expectation on his lover's voice just nods his head in acceptance. 

Even though, it felt like Snow lover will start asking for more soon which he was right since Qing Ye started to fidget while embracing him, as his purple eyes that have been staring somewhere widen in hope and expectation.

"... that during the wooden boat can we do that again please?"

Snow eyes twitch but nodding his head regardless, what can he do? Snow just felt distressed over his lover right now that he might even nod his head in a concent to completely consummate if he even asked for it.

Fortunately, it seemed that Qing Ye still retains some of his sanity which is good for Snow since he was able to keep his chastity for a bit longer.

"Great!!! Baby your promise don't forget it alright!""

So with a deep husky voice filled with an ambiguous feeling, Qing Ye speak softly on his white ear causing Snow's delicate body to shudder a bit.

Once again, Snow eyes twitch at his lover tempting action before inwardly sighing since Snow will continue to pamper and indulge Qing Ye from now on.

What else can he do?

Qing Ye is Snow lover, his other half and the person that will stay by his side for the rest of his life in this world, and hopefully, in the next worlds later on too.

"That's good goodreally good"

With those soft words filled with happiness, Snow felt Qing Ye body relax before his breathing become even out as he fell asleep in great relief.

Snow just keeps quiet for a bit while before sighing softly as he embraces the sleeping beauty on his arms before glancing at the morning sun shining over in the open window before finally seeing the familiar place.

It seemed that he was taken back to the Qing Family residence after he has fallen asleep after the rampage that has happened, and although he needs to know about what happens to the others, especially at the blood elders that he needs to keep alive and happy from now on a prompting sound has once again echoed out in his mind before a transparent panel appear before him.

World Mission from Karma Cores

"As of now, the world 'will' is currently in deep sleep as it slowly trying to complete its birth. Please help prevent it from being destroyed until it can fully create and born with its intelligence."

Additional Information About The World Fate Situation:

Hint: A protagonist that wanted to destroy the world will and has the capability to exist, please stop that person with all of your power.

Failing even a single mission, Zou Yi exchange, and Karma Core Special Mission is determined a failure.

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