Soul Karmas (BL)

Chapter 140: Wait, What Is That He Is Seeing? Is That For Real?

Chapter 140: Wait, What Is That He Is Seeing? Is That For Real?

Soon, Snow, Qing Ye and the rest of the people with them have finally arrived at the location of where the meeting will be held with which Yan Liwei did the summoning to discuss the important matter toward the hidden dangerous situation of their entire blood race.

And when everyone gets off the limited sport red car, Snow covered the figure of Charlie in shadow to lessen his existence while letting him follow Tao Xin and Dai Xue as they entered the building first since Snow plans to enter later on at the last minutes.

"Go meet Liwei and explain what happened today. I'll come with my lover later."

Calm and steady, pitch-black abyss eyes glance at the three people before turning his attention to Qing Ye, tilting his head to the side while pitch abyss black and beautiful purple eyes gaze at each other for a split second, which causes Qing Ye to let out a smile before stepping forward and taking Snow into his arms.

Nodding his head for goodbye at the two blood race and human, Qing Ye uses his purple energy to make his physical limitation stronger as he skilfully and gracefully leaps out toward the building top and disappearing in their view.

Tao Xin, Dai Xue, and Charlie just stare toward each other since they couldn't really figure out what will be the action of Zou Yi before deciding to forget it and let Zou Yi's remain mysterious until he finally decided to make show himself later on.

Soon, the three of them walked toward the entrance door of the building and entering it, Tao Xin and Dai Xue expression becoming serious and dignified, while Charlie walks behind the two elder blood race and acting as follower even though his presence has been lessened by the elder of darkness power.

And as time continues to pass by, somewhere in the top of the building, located in a perfect spot to view everyone that has been appearing while remaining hidden gaze at the group of blood races that appeared one at a time.

As Snow continues to watches the people coming in, pitch abyss black eyes turn dark and cold before letting out a sigh, although, with his appraisal skill, Snow was able to see that there isn't really a spy mix within the one who came from that hidden organization.

This hidden organization sure has a great biased regarding their races that they mostly use humans as their subordinates and followers.

But there is always a useful tool, a puppet or something that they can manipulate in their sides, which cause Snow to smile a bit when pitch-black abyss eyes somehow landed on a rather beautiful girl wearing a gorgeous crimson dress that highlights her slender body while a large smooth skin was showing on her back. 

Well now, although there is no problem dressing up beautifully, this young lady sure has dressed up really nicely to the point that she appeared as the main character of today's event which is a bit unrespectful toward Yan Liwei that was the one who invited the gathering.

There is always rule that still needs to maintain even though all of the elder blood race doesn't have the same power and influence in the past anymore but this is really

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"Ha our race situation really needs to change"

Especially when he even saw a human race attending too which is extremely provoking since today event was meant for blood race gathering only, if it was a future blood partner with a mark within them or a blood partner that already mark, then even if it is a human then it should be understandable.

But ha. These human and blood race is extremely courageous to even dare to do that.

Do they think that the pact will save their lives, even if they made of unnecessary disturbance since it is against to kill a human and blood race without any good reason?

Unlike the fugitive human and blood race that was fighting and killing from time to time, it is against to even injure and much less kill any of the races without a proper reason since it will be dealt with as a crime, especially when there is the existence of the special golden page that will give the punishment to judge to the one who goes against the pact that has been set in the past when the bloody war is over.

However, before he could continue to ponder over it, Jing Ai has also finally arrived causing Snow and Qing Ye to pay attention to her before blinking their eyes when they saw a pretty young man walking beside her which seemed to be a someone that Jing Ai is familiar with just the way she currently interacts at the young blood race.

It was a young man with brown hair and kind brown eyes that appeared as a harmless and gentle individual but at that moment when Snow's eyes gaze on his figure, an instant chill runs down his spine causing his pupil to constrict.

What is this dangerous feeling he felt as soon as his eyes were set on that young man?


Suddenly the warm arm around his waist tightening a bit and the worried voice of his lover has cause Snow's attention to return from that strange moment.

" its alright love I just found something interesting." and quite unusual to the point that his guts told him that this person will be a danger toward himself...

Soon, as everyone has finally arrived at the setup time of the meeting, Snow that has been sitting on his lover lap has told him that they can secretly enter the building to attend the gathering that is taking place inside, as for the rest of blood race that will come later on with an excuse of being late, well now, Snow will listen to their reason with great patient.

Different from the usual conference held in the past, in a large hall a party is being held while in the very front of the large crowd who is sitting in their own tables, are a very significant five-chair that was meant for the oldest and powerful blood race alive at the present, symbolizing their status in their entire race.

And it was organized in a way that the empty chair has been placed on the highest level, followed by Yan Liwei and Tao Xin seated under it and then Xion Jian and Dai Xue under them, it was to showcase their power, ages and rank among their group of elders.

However, the atmosphere in the large hall that should be a serious atmosphere is currently in a happy and enjoyment moment which was causing Yan Liwei that has already started the discussion of the important matter to feel frustrated and weak at the way that they are even slowly losing the respect that they deserve.

And unlike the past where they can just punish everyone by injuring and killing them for their disrespect attitude, the pact that has made in the past was stopping them from making a move even though they are extremely powerful.

However, as Yan Liwei cold eyes glance at the people having fun without any care in the world while dismissing the topic that he wanted to seriously speak toward them, has chosen to remain silent while the other blood race elders have also closed their eyes in silent while feeling intense hope and anticipation of what will happen later on because that person intends to finally appear.

"Don't worry Ai, I am sure that everything will be alright."

In another place, a pretty young man couldn't help but comfort the angry Jing Ai that is currently looking at the way some of the blood race head of the families was acting, especially when that vain Mao Wen is currently basking in attention without any respect showing to the elder blood races sitting in the very front.

Frustrated pink eyes couldn't help but turn to the young man sitting by her side and meeting the concern and worried brown eyes of his which made Jing Ai hid her feeling of anger and frustration because this is the person that she treated as a younger brother that needed to be protected with.

"Thank You, Qiu Feng it just so hard to see our race treat our elders like that, at least they should still show proper respect toward them but now"

"I am sure that nothing bad will happen and tonight will be the same as usual, everything will be calm after this is over."

With a comforting voice filled with gentleness, Qiu Feng appease the depressed Jing Ai before turning his attention at the blood elders sitting in the very front of the hall, his brown eyes turning dark and unfathomable as he stares at them before his gaze turning at the highest level chair which has always remain empty, the figures that are meant for it has never appeared for a thousand years.

People who know the existence of that figure has believed that he has died from hunger and thirst for being unable to find a suitable person to drink blood with since all of them knew the problem he has for consuming blood that keeps their entire race alive and strong.

While to the blood races that were born and has never truly met that person has assumed that he is ordinary just like the blood elders before them that they have met and nothing special about him.

Even if he were to exist ad appear now, they can just show the same treatment they have been doing the past few years toward the blood elders that couldn't do anything drastic toward them.

With that last thought, Qui Feng's face suddenly let out a soft smile while his brown eyes deepened.

Treat that Zou Yi the same as these weak and helpless elders before them? Such an ignorant fool, that figure is an extremely important and special existence.

And as the matter stand, that person will have to appear before them once again even if he despises it since their situation will force him to the point that there is nothing he can do but show himself once again.

Raising his hand to take the glass of red wine, Qui Feng took a drink on it while hiding the dangerous smile that graces his lip, however, when he glanced around, Qui Feng couldn't help but stop at a corner of the large hall, where there are two figures sitting in a rather abandon table, one of the taller figure was currently feeding the smaller figure in a loving way that has opened his mouth to take the purple grapes within it, while seemingly letting out a pink tongue to lick the beautiful finger of the taller figure that made a besotted expression to grace that devilishly handsome face of his.

Spurting the red wine he just drank, Qui Feng cough nonstop causing Jing Ai to worriedly asked him what is wrong.

What is wrong?

Damn...  Isn't that ZOU YI?

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