Soul Karmas (BL)

Chapter 147: Really Such Fools... You Dare Touch My Love? My Baby?

Chapter 147: Really Such Fools... You Dare Touch My Love? My Baby?

Feeling the warmth embrace of his lover, Snow raises his head to deeply stare at the affection beautiful purple eyes of Qing Ye which is currently brimming with overwhelming love causing his heart to quickly beat fast than ever while his cheeks flushing in crimson color making his supposedly average appearance to become charmingly adorable.

Qing Ye that has seen the reaction of his Baby couldn't help but let out a delighted chuckle with his deep sexy voice causing most of those who people who were capable to hear it be stunned and dazed at Qing Ye attractiveness along with his rather alluring sexy voice.

"... you who whathow? Noit couldn't be"

Suddenly Mao Pang that has just done an attacked with all of his power couldn't help but stutter in a voice filled with utter disbelief as he watched the currently gloomy and indifferent elder that rarely get along well with people was suddenly being intimate and familiar with someone, especially a human guy at that.

How could this be???

There is no way he couldn't believe this at all or more likely he refuses to believe it or else he knew what kind of fate will befall him right this instant.

As that horrifying understanding grace his mind, Mao Pang has suddenly turned his attention at the human race that was capable to stop his burning fire power in a sure mere fluke while protecting the apparently weakened elder of darkness as an excellent idea has suddenly flash on his mind.

And even though it was dangerous to even think about it but Mao Pang already knew that what he has done today was something that can be easily forgotten and forgiven, but as the thought that all the hard work he has done after many years will all be in naught in the end, Mao Pang knew that he couldn't stop anymore and needed to not only erase the elder of darkness but all of them too but for now he just needs to start with this person the most, so.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

"All of you listen to me today! I command you to slaughter this human guy before me right now!"

Even though he was doing such a presumptuous move, but he was still smart enough to not command everyone to attack the supposedly unknown blood race before them or else it will be more difficult for him to use the people in the large hall today, besides rather than trying to kill their own race, it was easier to follow his orders if it just a human that they needed to kill, especially when it was just one person.

And just like how Mao Pang has predicted, all of his allies, followers, and people that wanted to get close toward him despite what is happening today has made a move for the sakes of their own belief and hidden motives.

Along with almost half of the great elders that have been on his side and was friend with has also decided to join, since just like he has understood when gazing at the human guy that was capable to intimately hold and make their special blood elder race react like that has already explained that this isn't something as simple anymore.

Their entire situation has just gotten complicated as the way that human guy was able to do all that toward the elder of darkness was absolutely evidence enough that they needed to know that his human guy is the future Blood Partner of the elder of darkness, especially when they eventually smell the mark that has been placed upon him after finally observing him more deeply.

And so with that one order of Mao Pang, he manages to make the situation even more chaotic and destructive on the large hall that is supposedly a gathering to discuss something important which has turned into a bloody fight and slaughter while almost one-fourth of the people that weren't a follower of the genuine ancient elder has all followed Mao Pang order as one by one, the blood race that has great power started to dash over and shoot their attack at the human race which their attack will hit Snow that was also going to be affected by it since he was currently in the embrace of his human lover.

Snow crimson bloody eyes couldn't help but gaze at the enemies before him which he already removes their label as his blood race, meaning his own people.

Seeing as all of them has been ready to attack his lover with full intent to kill, Snow's lip spread wide in a smile which was in a rather deranged and dangerous manner causing those people that has been undecided on what to do if they should follow the order of the Mao Elder or keep to themselves while they observed about what will happen next to suddenly take a step back as the hesitation that has been plaguing them has completely disappeared with that one look on the supposedly harmless and weak blood race that they have been secretly observing the whole time.

Soon, Snow raises his blood cover hand to gently care the devilishly handsome face of his lover which has stained the smooth cheek of his with the bloodstain, and to the current violent Snow sight, the image before him has caused his lover to be further fascinating than ever.

"Love, since you asked me concerning it, how about you deal with those great elders and show them that it is their greatest mistake to even considered about trying to kill you? While I'll just go handle those weaklings so that they won't get in your way, my love is that alright with you?"

Qing ye that heard the words of Snow couldn't help but light up brilliantly, feeling extremely delighted and joyful that his treasured Baby is letting him join on his punishment game while making his own heart to warm all over at the fact that his Baby completely believes and trust on him.

"Um! Ok Baby, after you are done playing with those weaklings, go take a seat alright? Since I want to take my time dealing with them this time, so just wait for me to finish all of this and I'll come to stand by your side immediately!"

Even though the two of them are in the middle of going to be attacked with enemies all around them, Snow and Qing Ye remain affectionate with each other causing those who wanted to come over to help, especially Snow followers along with the four elders, couldn't help but stop while their expression ranging from incredulity, excitement, suffering, and amazement appear on their faces as they witness the two people loving scenes.

However, Snow who heard the words of his lover obediently nod his head before tiptoeing to give a soft and fast kiss on Qing Ye sexy thin lip before letting out an affectionate smile while his cheeks still remain crimson color as his heart beat fast.

"It's my supportive kiss? So, um, yeah, finish it quickly and I'll properly introduce you to my people after this alright?"

After all, this is the best and fastest method for those weird followers of his to accept his lover, although Snow will not let their opinion on his chosen lover to be affected if they ever go against his choice and decision.

So Snow took a quick step back and remove his body away to the warm arm of his lover before turning around and walking calmly at the incoming attack of the blood race that has followed the order of the Mao Elder while some human that has attended today gathering has unsurprisingly mix along at the current situation.

Really such fools...

While Qing Ye that has been attacked by all different types of power just stood there calmly, while tilting his head to the side, causing half of his face to be cover by the shadow of his bang, while his beautiful purple eyes glowed over while expressing deep murder within it before his entire body emit a burst of powerful and overwhelming killing intent that only want to slaughter the malicious elder blood race before him.

"Hey I have been wanting to do say this the entire time"

Suddenly his lip curves up in a chilling way before speaking in a freezingly cold voice full with dangerous flavor as his entire attention right now is to eradicate their existence to nothing.

"How dare all of you to even attack and kill my Baby right before my very eyes?"

And with that word, Qing Ye has finally made a move as he bravely face the supposedly powerful blood race that is second only to the genuine ancient blood race elders without any hesitation on his face.

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