Soul Karmas (BL)

Chapter 188: Snow and Qing Ye Shameless Act Has Enligthen Someone And Was Given Courage.

Chapter 188: Snow and Qing Ye Shameless Act Has Enligthen Someone And Was Given Courage.

From the start, Snow was able to tell that it wouldn't be an easy fight even if he has the male protagonist finally on his side, after all, anything can happen and he has long figured out that Fan Zhiqiang has been prepared to deal the Book of Origin on his own way just in cased Qui Feng change his mind.

After all, the male protagonist has once let them down in the previous life, so it wouldn't be surprising for it to happen once again which it did during in this world where Snow exists.

So when Snow saw those weaponize weapons that shouldn't be working at all with the use of aura, such as guns, was able to deal far more damage over the shield barrier that has been set up around the Book of Origin that only allowed key figures to easily get close upon it wasn't a bit surprising.

At least the Book of Origin has set up a self-protection toward it safety, though, from the look of it isn't strong enough to last long because of the continues attack of the group of people before him, which especially will make it more dangerous to their situations because there are still people continuously coming in their location.

Really, the use of the Holy blood of Qui Feng is really such a cheat 

"Baby no need to worry, I won't let them kill your twin sister."

Snow lip twitches when he suddenly felt the rather hot breath along with a sexy magnetic voice of his lover whispering on his ear, even during this time Qing Ye doesn't fail to continue his seducing and tempting manner while eating his tofu nonstop whenever he can.

Letting out a sigh, Snow turns sideways and raise his hand to affectionately pat the smooth cheek of his lover while smiling tenderly.

"Love just stays by my side and let me drink your blood once in a while and I can handle all of them."

After all, his lover is his walking energy drink, basically, Qing Ye is his greatest cheat in this world.

"Really? Here, how about you drink my blood now?"

With that, a rather delighted and excited look appeared on Qing Ye devilishly feature while instantly tilting his head sideways, showing his beautiful white slender neck while uselessly pulling down his shirt in order to show a rather perfectly shape clavicle with an act of allure.

In which has cause Snow eyes to unabashedly glance down at it before slowly raising his head to gaze at the rather hook purple eyes that scream come and get me, causing Snow to feel extremely amused at his lover constant temptation.

Today Snow has deeply imprinted on his mind and soul about not leaving his lover unsatisfied for their first time of making love in every world later on, although his logical mind advised him that there is a less chance of meeting his lover so easily once again in the next world but Snow couldn't help but believe on him.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Not because Snow was rather being naive but base on the reason of Qing Ye possessing an insane amount of obsession and possessiveness toward him, and base on his clinginess, Snow was quite sure that his lover wouldn't let go of him so easily.

So with that thought, Snow's eyes instantly soften before gently hooking his hands around his lover neck while raising his delicate body to give a passionate deep kiss upon those sexy thin lip of his lover which has soon become a rather hot picture, completely so out of it from the currently bloody battle and slaughtering happening all over around them at the moment.


Shao Shu who was ignored and neglected while trying to keep her presence low from the start and until now couldn't help but cover her open mouth, while her bright yellow eyes were wide open from witnessing the currently passionate kiss of Lady Ai father and her supposed brother right before her very eyes.

However, soon a strange gleam appeared on her eyes as she continues to watch the two men kiss each other while ignoring everything around them without any shame and embarrassment for doing such a thing during this moment of a dangerous situation moreover when there are other people that were able to see about what they are currently doing.

Suddenly, something seemed to have awakened inside her and the two shameless couple didn't have any idea about what they have just stirred up by their bold actions alone.

After a few minutes of their fiery and passionate kiss, Snow has finally separated his lip from his lover which he instantly uses his pink tongue to give a last sensual lick on Qing Ye delightful lip.

"Love, I'll drink your blood later on, just be content with this kiss alright?"

With that Snow returned to sit comfortably on his lover lap once again while staring at the current battle happening before him while constantly checking up the Game Map in order to monitor their current situation.

Although Snow can feel the way his lover long arms wrapped around his waist while feeling the warm breath over his ear which flows down upon his own neck along with the murmur acceptance of his lover that cause Snow to smile when he heard a slight complaint that his lover didn't try to even hide.

"Just for a few days and everything will be over soon. And you can have my entire time and attention with all you desire."


Hearing the hopeful and delighted voice of his lover, Snow expression softens up while his voice contains endless tenderness and enormous affection.

"Yes, Love, I promise you."

And with that, Snow remains on Qing Ye embrace the entire time as he watches the male protagonist fight and making sure that he will not die or else his mission will fail.

While sometimes using the phone on his hands to contact all the people on their sides that have been spread all around the numerous mountains that lead a path directly to the Book of Origin location, warning those people that have appear to not enter while confronting those people that won't listen to their words. 

Soon, it was already the third day in which Qui Feng has only managed to take a little break once in a while and was currently being healed by Shao Shu causing their atmosphere to become weird and uncomfortable, which is understandable after all one was kidnapped by the person she was currently healing and one has almost mistaken the other person to be his lover reincarnation.

Before Snow turned his attention at the only two remaining shield barriers around them before narrowing his eyes when he suddenly saw the two leaders of the hidden organization was currently meeting each other while away from their eyesight which unfortunately they were unable to hide from his Game Map area of detection.

Although, Snow couldn't determine if Fan Zhiqiang is fortunate or unfortunate considering the old man has miraculously managed to keep his life safe from the male protagonist assault that hasn't even shown any hesitation of trying to kill him.

And then, Snow was even surprised one bit when the two hidden organization has decided to become allies as they work together to break the barrier faster while dealing with them at the same time in which when the fourth day arrived, there was only one barrier left while Qui Feng was already at his limit.

Seeing as the male protagonist was about to be pierced by the weapon which ironically was a weapon made from his holy blood and wasn't able to dodge the attack in time has caused Snow to let out a deep sigh since he rather likes cuddling on the arms of his lover the entire time.

Suddenly the shadow underneath Qui Feng move and has swiftly shot up and pierced the person that was about to skew the male protagonist before its moves to quickly wrapped around the entire body of the exhausted man while blocking the attacks that come his way and pulling him roughly inside the last barrier to keep his life safe.

As for why Snow can use his shadow skill, well since Qui Feng has decided to side with him while protecting Xiaowen, the male protagonist has finally deemed to unsealed Snow's dark power.

"Baby, is it our turn now?"

Seeing as his Baby has made a move, Qing Ye was waiting for a command from him while glancing indifferently and coldly at the young man with a hint of murderous expression that quickly flashes on his purple eyes.

The entire time Qing Ye was trying to ignore the young man's presence and existence since all he desired was to kill the person before him, after all, he perfectly knew about what has caused his Baby to be extremely injured and has almost died when he wasn't by his side.

It was this person that has injured his Baby so badly, taking a deep breath Qing Ye desperately control his urge to kill the person before him, after all, his Baby has seriously told him that if one of his blood elders member ever dies or suffered an unhappy life later on then he will definitely perish.

Which Qing Ye completely believes with all his soul and heart, there was no evidence about why, but he always trusts and believes him.

Right now beside living a happy and wonderful life with his Baby, Qing Ye has also made it a mission to not allow anything of those things to ever happen in order to protect his Baby life.

Snow that has been able to sense his lover murderous intent in that split second has taken a glance toward him while figuring out what is currently running on his mind causing him to inwardly sigh, after all, Snow perfectly knew that his lover will really kill Qui Feng for almost making him lost his life while severely injuring him.

"Well, love, it is our turn but there is no need to physically confront them alright?"

Seeing the confused and curious expression on his lover's face, Snow has leaned over to whisper over his lover's ears with an alluring voice before teasingly bitting on his earlobe.

"Let your Baby show you how powerful and strong I am, alright?"

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