Soul Karmas (BL)

Chapter 191: Snow Is Tired, "Baby, Leave Evertyhing To Me."

Chapter 191: Snow Is Tired, "Baby, Leave Evertyhing To Me."

The sheer amount of power and force as the numerous missiles continuously descend was something that Snow is unable to describe with words alone, all he just knows about is how much energies it needed to keep themselves and the Book of Origin safe and well protected during the nonstop assault.

Shadows and Ice power constantly breaking apart which he quickly tried to keep intact, making it firm and steady in order to guard the force of the powerful attacks.

If it was an ordinary missile then Snow wouldn't be having a hard time defending against the powerful explosion that it even cause him to sweat purposely, while his breathing becomes rapid by how much stress and pressure he is currently experiencing.

The sheer amount of how it was easy for it to rip apart his elemental power cause Snow to swear inwardly at the male protagonist's activities in the past.

There is really a reason why the World Will has unconsciously prevented the use of aura among the modern weapon, only allowing the use of traditional weapons such as knife, dagger or swords when using their aura and element power.

Really, it was troublesome to understand why the World Will have allowed such holy blood to exist, that kind of power and ability would cause only more chaos in the entire world if everyone all knew about such thing exist, especially to the human side which Snow was quite sure that has retained people that continue to be against with living with the blood race.

There is never a perfect environment and society no matter which world it is since there is forever a dark side to everything.

Soon, as time goes by, the constant bombard of assault by the unbelievable use of such a weapon has finally stopped, causing Snow tense up body to slightly relax while remaining alert the entire time.

As long as his missions aren't fully done and deemed complete, Snow will never lower his guard down.

Minutes or hours have gone by, Snow finally deemed it appropriate to remove the elemental power wrapped around them, while unable to stop the weak cough that escapes his lip while his tired half-lidded eyes observe the fire, smokes, and dust that still remain from the deadly attack along with those melted, broken and twisted metals spread up wide around the place.

The numerous small pile of corpses has long incinerated, the beautiful bright green grass has long been burnt, only remaining scorch earth while there is a deep hole from where the missile has landed was.

"Baby please be alright!"

Suddenly, Snow who remains weak as he lay down upon the body of his lover, felt his face being tenderly cup by large warm hands and raise up to meet the panic expression on Qing Ye face which Snow inwardly felt relief that Qing Ye is alright and wasn't hurt much.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

There are small scratch and small marks here and there along with messy clothes but his lover is perfectly safe and sound.

After seeing about Qing Ye's actions of wrapping them with his purple energies, Snow has told the young man to stop in order to preserve his lover power in case of emergency, after all, Snow perfectly knew that he will be weak after safeguarding from those unbelievable attack from the missiles.

Letting out a weak groan as his body was lifted up and slightly cradle in the arms of his lover, Snow gaze at the wide concern eyes of Qing Ye that have begun to be flustered as he tenderly and gently check Snow entire body for any injuries that he might have suffered.

"Love I'm alright just a bit tired and weak from the loss of energy... I am not injured so don't worry, alright?"

With a slightly dim crimson bloody eyes, Snow has let himself be warmly embraced by his lover arms before weakly raising his hand to place it upon the pale cheek of his lover that is currently agitated from being unsettled and distress.

"... energy?"

".. Um... Yeah, I- mmph!"

Snow who wants to continue coaxing his lover has widened his eyes a bit when a warm and wet lip covers his, cutting the rest of his words out and before he can react more, Snow felt the way his mouth was invaded by a slippery tongue which has caused a slight moan of delight to be let out when he tastes such a sweet ecstasy soon after.

Currently, Snow was being fed blood which belongs to his lover's delicious blood as he drinks it and from what he can feel, Qing Ye has bitten his tongue for it to bleed and fed him quickly in order to regain some of his strength.

Such a touching act of concern and dedication causes Snow eyelashes to tremble at his lover moving action that has cause his heart to quiver from how touch he is.

Everything about his lover is so perfectly what he wants for his other half, so how could Snow doesn't dare give him a chance to continue on being his only one later on at the next worlds that he would be traveling?

Closing his eyes, Snow has slowly hooked his arms around his lover slender neck as he focused on drinking the blood that continuously flows from his lover's tongue while gently sucking once in a while making sure to lessen the pain that his lover will feel despite knowing that the young man can handle a much more unimaginable pain than a mere cut from a tongue.

The gentle and tender feeding has quickly turned into something much more intimate as Snow and Qing Ye began a passionate kiss, their slipper tongue tangling each other while their head moves around to perfectly finds a much more fitting way to deepen their lock lips.

In the wrecked and destroyed place while smokes, fires, and dust linger around, there are currently two figures among it embracing each other in a rather unbridled way while the two men lip locked against each other as they lick, suck and bit each other with such overwhelming tenderness and heavy affection with every single movement they make.

Such an amorous performance filled with utter burning passion appeared sensual to whoever can witness it right now nevertheless if one were to continue observing more at the two passionate men, one can see that every action they take was filled with a certain atmosphere of just simply and completely treasuring each other.

And soon, Snow has finally separated his burning lip away from his lover while a thick sliver of saliva connected them, which has shortly broken when a loving smile appeared on Snow's face as he leans forward to give one last loving peck.

And without speaking another word, knowing that Qing Ye perfectly knew about what Snow wants to do, he once more has sunk his two fangs into the delicate slender neck of his lover, closing his eyes to absorb the energies he needed.

While Qing Ye has gently raised his hand to place it upon the back of Snow hair, his slender fingers running through the soft black hair once in a while before slightly turning his head a bit to place a gentle kiss at the side of his treasured person head.

"Baby drink more of my blood so that you will feel better soon." 

However, as Snow continues to slowly drink his lover blood, abruptly the small sounds of numerous footsteps were able to reach his ears causing Snow to open his eyes languidly before in the sudden appearance of a transparent blue panel of the Game Map, numerous dots of enemies have suddenly appeared causing Snow eyes to narrow down before sighing inwardly.

He really has enough over this mission world, such full of fighting and protecting, along with such a pit mission and pit ally, although he doesn't mind such a challenge, but from the start that he has arrived, he has been working while remaining hungry, thirsty and lethargic which dampened his mood.

Although Snow met his lover again and has such a living being walking energy by his side but he required a much-needed vacation after this is all over, of course with his lover by his side.

Feeling the way his head was pat while hearing his lover whispering words, Snow has blink his eyes before reluctantly removing his lip upon that delicious slender neck of his lover and nodding his head when his lover was also able to detect the oncoming new enemies.

"Alright, I'll let you handle them. After all, it was also someone you know so. Didn't I tell you to deal with her before? Now, you can fulfill it right now."

After all, Snow has been planning to hunt down a certain person later on, who knows that Huang woman will appear during this time?

Snow perfectly knew that she was in a cohort with the second hidden organization that Qui Feng should be leading but in the end, it was a bit understandable that the Huang woman was more allied to Fan Zhiqiang than the male protagonist.

Although Snow doesn't know why Fan Zhiqiang has never let that human girl deal with him first but she was probably his back up that was saved from the deadly attack of the missiles, the woman probably thought that they are dead right?

With a smile on his slightly pinkish face, Snow obediently made Qing Ye place his body gently down on the ground for him to sit, before watching as Qing Ye went ahead to take care of the enemies this time, while finally deeming it time to release the remaining shadow protection from Qui Feng and Shao Shu that has been together from the start, which has make it easier for Snow to protect the two of them together.

Soon another slaughter happened once again and Snow just watches as his lover massacre the people swiftly with his burning purple flames while sometimes physically taking actions appearing to be releasing some of the unbridled rages that he has been keeping control the entire time.

Letting out a sigh, Snow licks the inside of his mouth once in a while, tasting the remaining delicious blood of his lover.

For the rest of the days that were left until the Book of Origin was completed, Qing Ye along with Qui Feng has been continuously dealing with the stubborn and persistent people that have wanted the pure energies that have been becoming stronger and powerful as time goes by.

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