Soul Karmas (BL)

Chapter 202: Snow Sadistic Side Appearing. Leo Frustation And Doubt.

Chapter 202: Snow Sadistic Side Appearing. Leo Frustation And Doubt.

"How about it?"

With a charming smile on his lip, Leo slowly walked over in a predatory way to the awkwardly blinking young man standing before towering on the small person with his tall height which the young man was only reaching up over to his shoulder.

Suddenly, Leo watched as a smile appeared on the young man's face before quickly shaking his head with an amused curl on his lip and letting out a sigh that sound like a snort to his ears.

"Leo, please don't tease me, people are watching. Come on, let's go upstairs, I just woke up a moment ago when I arrive here so I'm really hungry right now."

Blinking his red eyes, Leo peeks over and observed the way that the young man really thinks that he was just joking around and isn't move by his offer at all which Leo couldn't help but doubt if his appearance isn't attractive enough that he couldn't even charm the first person that he wants to attract for the first time on his entire life.

No Leo remembers that there have been both men and women that were interested to be his lover, and even some of his secret fake identities have caused those people to desperately want to climb his bed, so, his appearance isn't the problem.

This young man is definitely blind and it isn't Leo fault at all, now then, how should he make this young man his lover?

It is the first time that Leo felt this way to someone else, he was never interested in another person from when he can remember, much less wanting to become more than a friend or acquaintance to anyone else.

Leo proceeds to think more about how to charm a person to the fact that his mind went to search in the net for some clue and pieces of information while allowing himself to be pulled over by the blind young man.

While Snow that has already pulled over the tall man to the elevator while the door was closing has waved his hands to the surprised and shocked friends of his.

"Guys! I'll go to our private room and speak to Leo more about my situation. So, take care of the problem here for now alright! Thanks, guys!"

"Wait, Dalle!"

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Shane, the youngest among his friends, which he was only a month younger than Dalle, couldn't help but widen his eyes in alarm when he watches his friend obliviously take the man away when everyone can tell about how the older man is a suspicious guy!

"Marc! We need to save Dalle! That man definitely wants to get to our friend's pants!"

With a complicated look on his face, March just let out a deep sigh before shaking his head at his panic friend, if he didn't saw the tall man easily wear the bracelets on his wrist then there is definitely no way in hell that he will let that man get to even stand in the same room as Dalle, much less staying alone with their friend without them in the same room.

"Shane you definitely know the meaning of having a match of people's mental power right?"

The words that Shane has wanted to speak was swallowed down as he stayed silent, knowing fully well what his friend is trying to say, however, a frown still appeared on his face, after all, that tall man has rather flirty from what they have just seen.

Mental power, only a few people have that ability, much less finding a person that capable enough to match a person's wavelength of mental power is already rare to find.

And if one did, that person has a high chance of the two of them being together, after all, what a good match of mental power represents is like finding their fated soul mate that absolute complement their personality, character, and disposition one way or another. 

"But you don't need to worry about our friend being taken advantage of. Don't you remember about how Dalle has saved me in the past?"

Dalle is extremely smart while he is capable enough to fight a person, although not as strong as that tall man just now but he was remarkably proficient, Marc is quite sure that given enough time to Dalle, their friend would have been able to dodge the attack from before if it wasn't a surprise one.

Besides, Marc suddenly showed a playful smile toward his friends which they soon followed after hearing the words that have come out from his mouth next.

"You think that Leo will be able to easily make our friend fall in love? Much less become a lover? It would be a miracle if that happened, and I am quite sure that man needs to suffer and work hard for it to occur."

After all, every one of them knows that Dalle doesn't like men, even though becoming lovers of the same gender doesn't matter in the present time, but it's quite hard to change their friend's opinion once he set his mind on it, Dalle is stubborn and persistence, it took him so much effort and hardship to even make Dalle his friend after all.

"Hehe, let just watch how Leo will charm and tempt our Dalle. How many days, months or even years do you think it will take for Leo to make Dalle say yes to his courting?"

Marc would have refused to acknowledge the man to even have the chance of becoming more than friends to Dalle but remembering the mental power match of the two, well, the historical record didn't fail yet to inform them that mental match has always become together in the end.

Ray that has been smirking with his friends couldn't help but stop and inwardly sighing when he unconsciously saw the despairing and heartbroken look of the woman standing within their hearing range the entire time.

Scratching his head, Ray has reluctantly left his friends before taking out a handkerchief and shoving it into the woman's hands before turning around and standing in front of the woman in order to at least, cover the woman's currently vulnerable appearance to the other people eyes.

"... you are not wrong to love him Dalle isn't just the right one."

With a tense body while feeling uncomfortable, Ray continues to speak up even when he didn't get any reply back as he refuses to allow himself to back down just because of finding about how troublesome the current situation is.

Damn, why is he doing this again? Yeah, he is rather weak to a woman tears...

"What I am trying to say is I am sure the right person is out there just waiting to meet you. So stop crying and move on."


Rhea that has finally let her tears flow down, tearily gaze at the currently irritated and obviously awkward man standing before her, and then slowly turning her eyes at the handkerchief on her hands causing a wobbly smile to appear on her face a few seconds later.

And as she closes her eyes, a helpless and weak voice was let out from her lip, nevertheless, among those depressing emotions it carried there was the definite loss on her voice, seemingly knowing fully well that it might really be time for her to let go.

"... ok"

Marc and Shane that has turned around to curiously see where their friend has just gone have only let out a deep sigh, before turning their head away and finally dealing the current situation as Marc bark some orders around, and Shane has gone to see if there is anyone need help regarding their health.

While Ray that was supposed to be dealing with the actions part can only allow the other guards to do the rest of the work for him, after all, there is currently a weeping woman that he was trying to shield from people prying eyes.

And in another private room, Snow who was waiting for the foods to arrive has finally finished speaking about what he wanted to do after finding out the person that is capable to wear the bracelet.

"So do you accept my proposal?"

Peeking at the other man that has suddenly shown a blank expression, Snow has bat his eyelashes in an innocent way, finding it amusing when he saw the barely twitch in the man's eyes, before widening his bright emerald eyes in worry while his lip wobble seemingly in distress and anxiety, that he was quite sure was affecting the older man than he let on.

"... Or will it be a problem because of your work? Or you prefer to stay at your house? OH!"

Seemingly figuring something out, an alarm and sorry expression has abruptly appeared on Snow's face, "I'm sorry! Everything happening right now might cause you trouble with your partner right? I don't want the two of you fighting against each other because of a misunderstanding."

"W-Wait! I don't have any partner! I'm single right now!"

Leo finally couldn't remain silent after hearing that alarming last sentences of the young man that has caused his eyes to widen in horror, while he couldn't help but speak some half lie and true next after.

"I'll accept it! Don't worry! I'm a new person in the Main Star and was still looking for a new place to stay after I accepted a job offer so your proposal is definitely great for me!"

Grinning inside, Snow then showed a relief expression, seemingly feeling comfort for not causing any trouble which has caused Leo to feel extremely frustrated for the first time in his life, after all, everything has come easy for every single thing he does so early on, especially when there isn't any trouble and problem that he is unable to settle. 

But why is everything not going his way right now?

Before unable to stop himself from asking seemingly in curiosity and interest about a very important certain matter.

"... but I am sure that you are also looking for a lover with that request out there right?"

Leo was quite sure of it base from that bright and beautiful picture he has seen, but why does this young man isn't mentioning about it one bit, especially when the person before him doesn't seem to believe that he wanted to be a lover with him when he mentions it before?

A wide bright smile suddenly appears on Snow's face after hearing the hidden frustrated emotion on Leo's question, his lip curling up in sincerity and honesty as he spoke a word that has caused the attractively handsome man to feel astonished and bewildered that even those beautiful red eyes have open wide.

"Oh? Well, I would have like to try it if its a woman however since it turned out to be a man, then I can just forget about it. After all, I really don't like men, you see."

With inward glee and sadistic emotion, Snow continues to smile in obliviousness, while inwardly feeling excited about how this chosen lover of his will try to charm him after that shocking declaration.

Well, since the man will be living with him starting today, Snow will judge the experience throughout their living cohabitation.

Come make me fall for you alright?

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