Soul Karmas (BL)

Chapter 246: Steve Has Enough, Really What Is Happening Right Now?

Chapter 246: Steve Has Enough, Really What Is Happening Right Now?

When another spaceship has arrived, Steve has gone over to meet the new people that have been working to Leo lover after being informed about their arrival later on, only for a beautiful grown-up woman to suddenly grab his shirt before shaking him crazily while shouting at the same time.

Although he might belong to an organization that works in a grey area, but Steve still new to treat a lady nicely, even though the lady before him appeared to be a crazy and insane one.

"Hey! Where is my younger brother?"

Young brother? Now that Steve has seriously stared at the woman's appearance he quickly identifies her as the sibling of Tyrone Welch, so when she spoke about the younger brother then that is...


"Yeah! I need to teach my younger brother a lesson! How could he fight me over my man from before? There was no need to make his older sister suffered hard on getting with her man you know!"

Suddenly hearing those words, Steve couldn't help but blocked the woman's mouth with his hands before whispering in an alarmed voice while glancing around the place with wide alert eyes, completely horrified that a certain demon friend of his would suddenly appear and act in a berserk manner from what the woman has just spoken.

"Do you want to die???"

Hissing those words out, Steve heart couldn't help but beat hard from fear, however before he can continue on, a rather terrifying glare has been sent his way causing him to back away and removing his hands upon the woman mouth when a tall handsome figure has swiftly appeared beside them while giving out a rather hostile atmosphere.

"Ah~ My Byrone~ Are you jealous? Don't worry my love, you are the only person that I will ever want. No one else will have my heart beside you~"

Fuck, another one appeared no this Welch sibling sure are shameless and YOU... what are you blushing for huh?

Steve stared weirdly at the dangerous tall man that has abruptly shown a rather bashful and shy expression despite the coldness on his face from before.

"If you are looking for Z then, I think you will need to wait for hours before you can meet him."

I believe that it is not going to be 10 minutes this time so...

"Huh? Why? I want to speak to him right this instant! What is so important than meeting his wonderful older sister that he hasn't seen for years now while acting high and mighty from before?"

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Ivy has instantly taps her feet and raising her eyebrow in question while folding her arms around her chest to show how much she felt about being unable to see her younger brother while feeling like she was being dismissed.

While the silent Marc, Shane, Ray, and the other person with them that has been working with Z the entire time has just patiently watched the entire situation with an amused expression in their faces.

Practically having enough of meeting these weird and abnormal people, Steve didn't even care to hide the roll of his eyes anymore before speaking in a way that causes everyone to turn silent on the rather shocking information he just reveals without any single care of how it sounds.

"He is ravaging Leo right at this instant." Go bother them if you want but I won't come with you, I still want to live and get my own lover thank you very much.


Coughing, Ivy has shown a shy expression although her eyes couldn't but glow while glancing at the handsome man beside her which seemed to have glanced away, although there was no mistaking the hint of pink that appeared upon those cheeks.

"Alright, as his older sister, I won't bother his loving time with his lover, then where is my Older brother right now since I heard he is also with you."

"He is ravaging his young lover as we speak."


Once more another silent moment, while Steve felt that he seemed to feel balance now when it wasn't just him experiencing the suffocating feeling of the shamelessness of those people.

Finally! People who can understand him! How great it felt to be not the only one now!

However, it seemed that he has celebrated too soon when suddenly the woman has practically leaped up toward the tall man beside her which has instantly caught her to his arms in a bridal style, causing Steve to widen his eyes at the situation that abruptly occur.

"My Love! Why can my older and younger brother do those things to their lover but I can't? Do you really not like me? Is that it? I have been showering you my affection the whole time but I don't even hear any single reply. At least, there are no words of comfort that you even feel a tiny bit of affection toward me."

Seeing the woman's eyes has suddenly torn up while feeling disheartens and discourage, Byrone couldn't stop the panicked expression that has appeared on his face while his lip has open and close up seemingly unable to form even a single word to express of how he truly feels.

After all, he has promised to Z that he will give his all to their dream and goal, so until everything is over, he couldn't focus on other things, especially having a romantic life when there is a high chance that he will die while fulfilling one of the numerous dangerous mission.

Ivy is truly a surprised in his life, especially when he couldn't stop the feeling he has for her, and now that he just learned about his Leader being Ivy younger brother he couldn't help but feel that the entire situation has become more complicated and difficult to handle.

"Byrone, I think that it's alright. The leader won't fault you for it and will understand your situation, so there is no need to think so deeply about the problem."

Suddenly, the other stranger among their group couldn't help but speak up softly when he saw the trouble expression on Byrone face any longer.


Glancing to the other person that has been Z left-hand person, before staring down at the hopeful woman on his arms, Byrone felt that there is chaos running in his mind at this moment on before finally, after a minute of silence, he just let out a deep sigh full of defeat and resignation.

"Alright. I get it."

Seeing that loving look in the eyes of the man that she has been chasing the entire time, Ivy practically lit up before hooking her arms around the man's neck and rubbing her cheeks upon his body while declaring her love so loudly in order for the others to hear.

"Really? I love you Bryone!"

Seeing the two people that have finally become an official couple, Roy that has been the cupid couldn't help but flash a happy smile before throwing them a playful wink. 

"Hey, even though the entire situation is dangerous, even our Leader is having his own time with his lover right now, so I'm completely sure that you can also do it Byrone."

Hearing those words, Byrone just let out a tiny laugh, causing the woman on his arms to become daze before turning around to face the person that has been the right-hand man of his leader lover.

"Sorry to do this but can you tell me an empty room that I could use for a while?"

Steve that has dull eyes just gave a simple easy map to another room to be used by sending it on their brain chip which the newly formed couple before him has instantly gone away.

However, his pain seemed to be not over yet when suddenly the two men who has been called Marc and Shane from what he has been informed before have also asked for another empty room to be used without any shame in their face.

The others throwing a flirty wink to the shy younger man who didn't even resist while he was pulled in a certain direction.


So who is next? Steve who has been hit hard, repeatedly he might add, has turned around to stare at the remaining two men who stayed quiet while watching the couples leaving without even stopping them.

"Are you two going to ask for a room too?" I'm not going to ask if you are here to help with the problem anymore since it's going to be a worthless waste of time to try asking it when I can see that you guys are not here to help but to cause me more pain.

Although, he felt a bit better when the two quickly shook their head on his question, however, another voice seemed to echoed out causing the three of them to turn around and saw a woman walking gracefully toward them, while Ray eyes couldn't help but widen, especially after hearing the word she has spoken.

"No, he is coming with me."

"Rhea what are you doing here?"

With a smile on her face, Rhea who felt brave and brazen didn't hesitate to pull the bewildered man in a certain direction, not even deeming to asked the shocked Steve for a location to go.

"Oh, Sir Flake has guided me to come here. I'm glad he did it since now, I couldn't just back down from what I just saw right? Ray, come with me and I'll show you my own love to you. Unlike the previous person I love, this time I will definitely get you."

While being pulled by Rhea, Ray can only splutter up at the brazen woman's actions, although, he seemed to be reluctant to pull his hand away, does leading a happy smile to appear on Rhea's face while feeling more braver than ever.

What is this spaceship, a honeymoon place? DAMN IT! Steve has gripped his hair tightly feeling so insane of the entire event that has transpired.

"Wow, Sir Flake seemed to have predicted for this to happen. Now I know why I was also invited to this place."

Roy that has been left along with the other person has suddenly shown a devilish smile on his young face before slowly and calmly stepping over at the handsome man that seemed to have gone crazy from the shocking situation.

"Y-You what do you mean by that word and what are you doing?"

Steve that suddenly found himself being pushed behind the wall couldn't help but widen his eyes at the younger person before feeling his knees have suddenly become weak and was then tightly embraced.

"W-What?" What is that feeling just then...

"Sir Flake told me that we have the highest match of mental power in the entire Galaxy you know what that means right?"

"No... you wait I need with the situation"

Feeling a danger to his own chastity, Steve couldn't help but stammer those words out, only to feel a light peck on his lip before staring with widen eye at the glimmering eye of the young man that emit a dangerous feeling, why does it feel like he was going to be eaten by this person?

What the hell!

"Don't worry, Sir Flake stated that he will handle the rest."

And without any hesitation, Steve found himself being carried over to a certain location, which seemed to be where his room is located with.

Well he seemed to have found his own lover or more likely, it was sent to him it just that Steve didn't even think that he will be the one to be ravaged instead of him ravaging the others...

And Flake that has been watching the entire time suddenly felt so accomplished and feel so good of partnering people up, before finally going back to what he has been doing the entire time.

"Hehehe~ this experience will help me more find Father a good golden thigh later on~"

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