Soul Karmas (BL)

Chapter 319: Snow Sudden Confession.

Chapter 319: Snow Sudden Confession.

"... face feels so sticky Brother Claude it's full of your saliva..."

After a few moments of showing an intimate and shameless action in other people's eyes, Snow has finally pushed away the blonde man's beautiful face before showing a thoroughly dislike expression and taking out a handkerchief while beginning to completely wipe out the saliva all over his face.

While Claude who was enjoying over his young partner adorable action was quickly awakened by the rude response about his nonstop kissing and causing his whole face to twist in a myriad of emotions before finally turning into some sort of understanding much to Snow utter confusion.

"Baby, don't be shy, I know you like it. Besides, who is the one that has been asking for more? Huh? Isn't that you? As your partner and Brother, I'm just fulfilling the request of my adorable Baby~"

Snow couldn't help but roll his eyes before quickly placing his small hands toward the slowly leaning beautiful face, seeming wanting to continue kissing his face once more and pushing it away without any hesitation.

"I was asking for the warm light power in your body. You are the shameless one that wanted to eat some of my tofu despite refusing to be my future wife. Brother Claude sure has a thick face and such a rogue attitude, even he wouldn't let go of such an innocent young child. I should keep a safe distance from you right?"

The entire time, Snow was blinking his eyes innocently before it widens in utter horror at the end of his sentence before shrinking his small body in a terrified manner causing Claude's eyes to twitch nonstop before taking a deep breath and showing a firm and determined expression on his beautiful face.

"Yeah, your Brother Claude is shameless and rouge! What is wrong with kissing my young partner face, huh? As your partner set in life, it is one of my numerous rights! Baby, be honored, I will never kiss anyone else in my entire life but you alone, so be prepared for more!"

Isn't that supposed to be the privilege of a lover? You refuse to be my future wife, but you are thinking of eating my tofu later on too?

Isn't it better if you just take responsibility so you can rightly kiss me whenever you want!?

Peh! What the hell is he thinking about just now?

Abruptly, Snow has swiftly gotten his attention back at the unexpected different direction of his thoughts before freezing when a warm and wet feeling has firmly touched the corner of his lip while his murky brown eyes vaguely saw the sky blue pupils among the thick and long eyelashes so close to his face.

After a few seconds later, Claude has finally lean away before his thin lip bent into a roguish smile causing his already beautiful face to become more dazzlingly charming, and dare Snow says it, so sexy?

"Hmm~ As soft as I imagine it to be~ Baby, how about it? Did I surprise you? Unfortunately, you are so young, or else I would have directly kiss your lip you know? After all, I wouldn't mind taking your first kiss~ However, I don't want to be reported as a pedophile, so I can only do it in the corner~"


This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

So no matter what identity you have in each world, one of your nature is a genuinely shameless person.... however do you think I'll be defeated by just that?

Foolish Light Halfling, even I have learned how to be shameless against my better judgment after watching those memories in the special album!

Even without proper memories, Snow has skillfully moved in natural actions as the tip of his tongue has appeared between his small lip before charmingly licking the corner part of where he has been kissed while having a careful contemplative expression on his face.

"Huh... it's not as sweet as I imagine it to be. Well, I'm not surprised since Brother Claude doesn't look delicious but I'll allow you to try it again, maybe your taste will change into a sweeter flavor? Ah! I forgot you can't do it since I'm still too young and you aren't my future wife too, so you are not allowed to do it anymore."


Inwardly feeling please while openly appreciating the dumbfounded expression on the blonde man's beautiful face.

Snow has finally got down from the man embraced that has slacked over before his vision has taken a glance at the numerous people around the place before stopping to Samuel and tilting his head in an adorable manner, however, the supposedly sweet smile that has appeared completely spoke of bad intention.

"Its time for my condition to be fulfilled right?"

Snow appeared to be asking, however, he has already made his move before he even spoke as dark chains have swiftly appeared a few distances away from Ange and Brian who swiftly react in a defensive action, having the appearance of about to be attacked.

Although, Snow thin dark chains have paused before remaining docile as it peacefully floats and swayed with the appearance of waiting for something to be delivered toward it.

"Little Light, that black feather bracelet in your wrist, I'm taking it back since you have already made a choice."

Snow expression has quickly turned soft while his young childish voice echoed out in the quiet clearing while Claude has quickly got over his bearing before his beautiful eyebrows wrinkle over before darkly glancing between the couple in the distance and back to his young partner with a dark expression. 

"You know, my memories aren't complete and I just remember a significant memory. Little light since you have become a lover with Little dark, it wouldn't be right for you to keep wearing the token of love that I have sent you before right? It wouldn't be fair for the three of us."

Snow has openly revealed the original Noel secret about his romantic feeling without any hesitation while hiding the cold light on his murky brown eyes as the oblivious Ange face becomes paled while widening his eyes in great surprise, confusion, doubt, and numerous emotions that soon followed.

While Brian's expression has swiftly turned dark and even in the distance Snow can easily perceive the brimming storm of emotion on his eyes.

Do you think I'll let Ange remain oblivious about it? Snow will use whatever can cause damage or trouble toward their relationship! He won't make it so easy for them.

Ange is far easier to confuse and control, and an easier way to use in order to make a crack or make a mess over their relationship, after all, the client resent their love the most since it was the cause of his death.

And Ange is easier to manipulate regarding his emotions, for example, Brian has easily been able to either convince or cause Ange to take Noel's special core base by their love despite honestly being kind and gentle, having the same personality of what people usually think about an Angel is.

Nonetheless, Snow wouldn't give the two of them a smooth relationship, it doesn't matter if Ange and Brian really are in genuine and true love with each other.

Because Snow will never make it easy for Ange and Brian to be together, it will just be the two of them facing great misfortune on messing with an individual that could have the fortune of receiving a Granter to fulfill their regret and wish during the time of their death.

Or else, Ange and Brian would definitely have a better life if Noel has truly died without being able to retaliate back.

Well, it can also be perceived as a Karma, so now, Ange and Brian are facing the consequences of their betrayal toward Noel.

"I lost to Brian, I understand. So give it back to me ok? It wouldn't be right to keep it since all of us has partners now."

The original Noel understands that he lost but he won't forget and forgive their betrayal.

"Don't worry Little Dark, I won't continue loving Ange anymore. Besides, I can't even do it, you know it right?"

I don't have the heart necessary for it.

You also have half of my heart while the other five pieces are missing and somewhere in the Realms out there.

Although, a ten-year-old child speaking about the token of love and fighting over someone is weird and unusual, however, it isn't impossible since early love can happen, especially halfling is far more matures than normal children, besides, the affinity of light and dark power will cause the individuals to have a better impression with each other.

So, it is a possible situation occurring.

However, before Snow could speak more, a certain person vinegar jar or tank has already been overthrown and spilled all over the ground as an unbelievable growl of a beast-like sound was let out from a human throat, destroying the weird atmosphere around the entire place.


It shouldn't be a surprise when Snow small body was turned over before being swiftly swept into a tight hug before getting a glimpse of the swirling dark emotions upon those usually bright sky blue eyes of the blonde man before his face was entirely plastered over a firm chest in a possessive manner.


The almost paranoid and insane amount of possessiveness that one word has shown after being spoken has seemingly cause Snow soul to shake, although it wasn't because of fear and terror.

No, Snow felt entirely delighted and excited from witnessing such an abnormal and dangerous situation.

The overwhelming possessiveness and obsession he saw in the memories upon his lover before have made Snow feel completely happy, please, and joyful rather than being horrified after finally experiencing it in a full-blown situation!

"No One Can Have My Partner!"

Soon, a spike of overwhelming light power quickly erupted after loudly declaring those words out before being followed by confused and alarm shouts of Lisette, Arnold, and Samuel before being followed with numerous people that were in utter confusion.

"Claude, Calm Down!"



Amidst the unexpected chaos by an insane and erratic Claude, Snow entire concentration was soon taken over by the overwhelming warm light power of his future lover that has gone crazy from learning about his certain romantic feeling to another person.

After Snow has slightly pulled his face away from the firm chest, he finally saw a group of numerous arrows taking shape in the air, dozen, upon dozens of light arrows floating everywhere, and without doubt, it was directly pointed to the direction of a certain couple.

"Claude! Stop it! Do you want to cause a conflict between your family against Brian and Ange? Besides that, you are also openly going against the Organization rule right now!"

Samuel couldn't help but shout out with all his might in order to stop the foolish and absurd action of the blonde man that has abruptly become insane in a matter of second, only to receive a dangerous gaze with unhinged emotion flashing upon those sky blue pupils causing Samuel entire body to become completely stiff.

"I don't feel good and my chest feels so uncomfortable besides, I'm just removing the threat between us. My Baby can only be mine and no one else, you know? I won't allow anyone to get my Baby exclusive attention, especially his heart. So eliminating those people is the best action to take."

"Claude, You Have Gone Completely Crazy!"

"Huh, how can I remain calm, after hearing such a thing? Its not my Baby fault though, I'm sure he got deceived by that person. I better save him and quickly open his eyes to see the truth." 

Claude's reaction is honestly an unexpected situation before Snow finally senses those golden arrows have undeniably made an attacked without hesitation, well then, he will just see how Ange and Brian will fare against the suddenly powerful attack of the blonde man.

And with that thought, Snow is completely untroubled at the sudden circumstances while squinting his murky brown eyes toward the Game Map video display in order to observe the result of his future lover attack. 

Of course, he was also completely alert regarding an accident, which he didn't fail to miss the suddenly heavy pressure coming from heaven as soon as Claude attack has reached the blockage of chains made into a shield shape from Brian's dark power before a loud noise has echoed out after.


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