Soul Karmas (BL)

Chapter 345: Snow Deciding To Finish The Client Mission.

Chapter 345: Snow Deciding To Finish The Client Mission.

It didn't take long when the Heaven of Hell was also destroyed and broken into pieces with the dimension spread around while at the same time Snow and Ange have once again been forced back to the Realm of Mortal.

Fortunately, Snow was able to grab the broken piece of hearts that haven't been used after landing in the Realm of Hell, and to be able to pick it up during the fighting showed how far stronger he was even at the sudden growth of power Ange has been given.

After all, Snow years of experience in different worlds weren't just for show, and compare to the young man who didn't even reach the age of twenties there wasn't any comparison to their fighting abilities while the prolonged fight between them continues to weaken Ange.

And when Snow has decided that the play is enough while understanding his S Rank Fallen Status, as soon as they appeared in the Realm of Mortal, he has swiftly captured the severely injured Ange who appeared to have been following a setup order in order to continue whatever goal he wanted to fulfill.

During the process of getting in his way while taking back the stolen special core.

Runaway if unable to win the battle.

If Ange couldn't escape, then continue on because there might be a slight chance that he would win.

Snow understands the state of being unable to feel anything because if there is no goal already in mind, then continuing on is just meaningless to do while the lack of emotion would make one think that it's alright to just stop since everything is simply unnecessary.

Even Snow has his own idea and thought in mind while being a Fallen without any emotion aside from the destructive status.

What on Snow list was to fulfill the Mission he has, treats the people on his side well with a reasonable common attitude while pampering and doting on his future lover.

It was with that simple purpose and goal in mind that he was able to move around and take action.

So, after flying in a few minutes, Snow has finally arrived at the place where the Realms Altars has been while dragging a struggling Ange behind and at the same time, witnessing as the last Altar is finally destroyed by the combination of Flake, Vincent, and Simon different types of power.

Only leaving the huge Ancient circular Runes where the Three Altars has stood up, something Snow will have to handle on his own later on.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

"Snow, we destroyed all the Altars now!"

After landing on the ground, an enormous white tiger has quickly rushed over, while at the same time, turning into a smaller size and quickly squatting in front of him, acting all cute and adorable.

"Good job Flake. You are always the best."


Snow lifted the corner of his lip in order to show a small smile before reaching over to gently pat Flake's head before stroking its smooth and soft furs that have remain clean and tidy despite running around doing all the tasks he needed to do.

Flake has really been working hard after the moment they arrive in this world, Snow would need to make sure that his adorable Flake has the time to happily play around when everything is over.

"Oh! Snow! This person really has your half-broken heart! The other young man surely has paid a great sacrifice in order to let Ange retain a consciousness rather than a mindless beast."

"Yeah, even though I dislike betrayal and traitors, at least, their feeling with each other is true and genuine."

"Flake wonders how they will react when they die later."

"Well, don't think about it, everything is for the completion of the client Mission."

While Snow and Flake speak in their mental link while gazing at the struggling Ange sitting in the ground, a smooth and beautiful voice of a young man has suddenly resounded out causing the two of them to turn their head while Vincent and Simon that has just arrived also gaze in the direction where the voice has come from.

"Ah, it really took me a while to find him but I managed to arrive in time right?"

Although the craving for destruction and annihilation was only slowly disappearing after the fighting was over, nonetheless, Snow stormy crimson eyes have somehow able to calm down just from hearing the voice of his future lover.

And when Snow met the sky blue eyes of his future lover which is filled with utmost delight and overwhelming love, his tense body that has been completely prepared for any unexpected situation couldn't help but slowly relax.

It was simply unbelievable because of his Fallen status, and yet, it really happened, while Snow has quietly observed a newly certain fact that the blonde man's presence has truly become someone he could completely trust and believe in.

It appeared, that such strong belief is slowly being deeply ingrained in Snow soul rather than just in the emotional state when it comes to the relationship he has with his future lover.

Although Snow has countless speculation in mind while noticing the unusual difference but it didn't stop him from welcoming back his future lover that has also been casually dragging a pale face young man, which is Brian that has been hidden by Ange in the Realm of Mortal before coming after him.

"Welcome back."

Snow can always count on his future lover to help him with whatever he needed to deal with, definitely the perfect golden thigh while at the same time, choosing to finished dealing with Ange and Brian's situation.

"Um, Baby, I'm back."

Although it was just a simple greeting, yet, Snow watches the way that the blonde man showed a loving smile while his sky blue eyes brighten up in happiness.

Like always, it really easy to make his lover happy, just a casual smile, or a simple glance from him, and his lover can efficiently lit up in happiness.

"Baby, do you want me to take back the broken half piece of your heart from him?"

"Hm, I'll do it and just put this one back for me."

Snow has taken out the broken piece of heart that he got in the Realm of Hell before casually throwing it to Claude who showed an alarm expression on his face while carefully catching it with his hands.

"Ah, Baby, be gentle, this is your heart. Even though it's broken to pieces but it doesn't change the fact that it's extremely important alright?"


After staring longer at the cautious blonde man who is carefully treating the broken piece of his heart in his hands like a delicate precious treasure, Snow has turned around to deal with Ange who was emotionlessly staring at the weak Brian who appeared to have no energy to even move his finger.

And after a quick use of Appraisal Skill, Snow has easily understood Brian's state, it seemed that Brian's weak physical state from before has returned after giving away the half-broken heart while becoming far weaker and more in a dangerous state after giving his own special core to Ange.

This person truly and genuinely love Ange and was even willing to sacrifice his own well-being rather than being selfish or trying to find an excuse to figure out another way to help Ange half Fallen state without hurting himself.

Really selfless if it's only the choice between the two of them are left.

However, even if Snow has his emotion after witnessing such love, he would never feel anything for them and only thinking of completing the mission, after all, everyone has their own selfishness and needs.

"Ange Brian, I won so, let's finally end our grievance with each other today."

Without waiting for a reply back, Snow didn't hesitate to use his vile power to completely annihilate the two young men's bodies while allowing Ange to lean closer to Brian's side after being stopped from struggling when hearing Brian's soft and calm voice.

"Ange it's alright, you can stop now, Thank you for everything and I'm really glad that we can die together. At least, we won't leave each other behind. This ending is already good enough for us who have betrayed our friend and starting the Realms disorder."


Snow expression remains calm while watching as Ange move closer to calmly embraced the unmoving Brian while their body was slowly disintegrating, and even when Brian has started speaking toward him, Snow didn't speak a single word out.

"Noel I'm sorry although apologizing won't change anything and it wouldn't eliminate the painful feeling you have felt after we betrayed you but I still want to say it."

Before completely disappearing, Ange's emotionless eyes have miraculously turned back to normal and giving Snow a complicated but apologetic look before moving away to give one last loving gaze to Brian who was leaving a heartfelt and sincere last word.

And in the young man's voice, there wasn't even a tiny bit of negative emotion despite dying by Snow hands, honestly and genuinely accepting the fact that they have truly lost the fight.

"Noel since you won, please be happy"

Shortly after the two people died, Snow heard the prompt announcing that the client mission is fully completed while at the same time, the slowly dimming half-broken piece of his heart has also appeared after Ange's body vanished.

And after bending over to gently pick it up, Snow felt an arm quickly wrapping around him from behind while a smooth chin was placed on top of his shoulder while a sooting and soft voice is gently whispering near his ears.

"Baby, remember that I always believe in you. No matter what you will do, I will always love you. As long as it's for your sake, I can do anything for you... of course, I can't accept the fact of you becoming someone else or I'll definitely go crazy."

Ah it would have been good if I can lock you up but Baby, I can't bear to make you sad if I were to do that to you...

" I know..."

Snow has simply nodded his head without even taking a few moments to think about it since he is completely used to his lover sweet and loving words before staring at the Ancient array in the distance with narrowed eyes.

My Love, just like those two people, we will also have to face a different ending to complete my mission

"... you won't change your mind?"

"Baby, it's alright. I will always love you."

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