Soul Karmas (BL)

Chapter 353: Welcoming The Birth Of A New Life.

Chapter 353: Welcoming The Birth Of A New Life.

"... My Love, let's go our child is about to be born"

In a huge temple standing upon a magnificent snow-white Mountain of a floating Island, Snow has gently patted the arms wrapped around his slender waist while the dotted of red and purple upon his white skin has slowly faded, completely returning back to its original state because of the unimaginable healing ability bless by Loki.

"... eh I still want to continue"

"Come on it's already twenty yearswhile the barrier around us has finally allowed us to leave. My love, let's take a break since we can always continue in the future. Besides, the two of us have a lot of time. I promise that we will live an extremely long life."

Snow couldn't help but feel bad since the death separation before has caused his lover to become more clingy and possessive than he normally is while feeling exasperated at the oldest son's thoughtful action with a large amount of selfishness about wanting to have a new sibling.

At the same time worrying about how Flake has been fairing after the last communication in their mind link before he was taken away by his lover, after all, there is a mischievous and unpredictable powerful being staying by his side. 

Snow couldn't really help but worry since Flake has a young mindset despite already living many years in various worlds, only the help of the karma points and other energies will make him grow up and become strong.

"... Alright Baby I'll listen this time but I still want another long year of honeymoon later on."

Snow couldn't help but roll his eyes at his beast and shameless lover who couldn't be pacified despite the new set of the record of their first time making love with each other, after all, twenty years is a really long time even though there is a break once in a while, especially when he was always being suppress in bed in this life.

"Alright but I want to be the one on top this time."

Of course, Snow wouldn't refuse his lover request and has also made his own demand, wanting to take control of his position for their next round of indulgence without showing any embarrassment on his face, completely thick enough after the countless shameless experience.

"WellI don't mind watching my Baby riding me up and down especially when I can see our intimate parts connecting repeatedly it's a great proof that we really belong to each other..."

"... pervert..."

"Mnm only for you Snow."

Alaude has slowly sat down from the cloudlike bed they have been laying while gently hugging the young man in his arms with his lip spreading into a beautiful smile and his sky blue eyes showing endless love before placing a gentle kiss upon the smooth silver hair of his Baby head.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

"Let's go see the birth of our child, after all, it's the crystal proof of our love with each other."

"HmmI wonder if it's going to be a girl or a boy."

It's been a while since Snow has a child with his lover although it was different from the first mission world where he has to carry his own child on his stomach since this time, their child will be born in a special place where the same-gender couple in the spirit form can witness the creation of their child.

So after dressing up in similar clothes, basically the well-known couple dress, Snow and Alaude have finally flown out of the temple, leaving the place they have been staying for twenty years with their beautiful black and white wings flapping in the air.

"Fathers! It's been a while! Flake miss the two of you~"

"Oh! Finally out huh? I have been ready with my filial duty as an excellent son, just waiting to give the nutrition food we brothers found for our Fathers kidneys! Honestly, I didn't consider that the two of you would only go out the moment your child was about to be born. You guys are really sticky! Show a bit of love for your two pitiful sons waiting outside too!"

"Yeah! Father Snow! Daddy Alaude! I'll be cooking the nutritional food for your kidney! After all, our Fathers have worked extremely hard to give us another sibling! Don't worry, I have been practicing in these twenty years!"


Snow lip couldn't help but twitches at his two good sons, especially while feeling a bit hopeless after gazing at his innocent Flake that still retains a pure expression on his face despite what kind of words he was saying in that small mouth of his.

"Well, good sons! I accept your filial pity! Don't worry, I will definitely work hard to give you two brothers another sibling again."

Snow couldn't help but reach over to pinch his lover's waist who was nodding his head with a happy smile on his face before rolling his crimson eyes when the blonde man has the audacity to show him a holy expression on such a misleading but beautiful face.

After all, Snow understood that his lover doesn't have a single ounce of holiness within him despite being an Angel in spirit form.

Besides pinching the powerful waist of his lover while remembering how vigorous it has moved, giving him endless pleasure, Snow can only continue pampering and doting on his lover.

"Alright, let's go welcome our child."

Snow gently smiles before raising his left hand which has a half golden mark upon it, which is proof of the crystalize of their child being created after constantly entangling and intertwining the combination of their power while in the process of making love with each other.

"Hm, I hope our child will take after my Baby."

Alaude also gently smiles, his sky blue eyes shimmering with overwhelming love as he too raises his right hand with a half-black mark upon it before gently grasping upon the smaller hand of his lover and calmly walking together in a huge circular glowing rune in the secret space which only the parent able to enter.

There is also a beautiful aurora shining in the wide sky, as for the presence of their two sons, well, there is no need to question it since they aren't completely added to any set rules in the entire world.

Soon, with a combination of light and dark power, a swirling mass of power was formed before them, a figure of a small child, which is at the age of one year old has slowly appeared and soon their attention placed at the amazing smooth silver hair with a hint of golden color on the lower area.

"Oh? I see a thread of solid karma"

While Loki was standing in the distance and carrying the forever ten-year-old Flake in his arms, he can see a thin but strong thread of line appearing as soon as his new baby brother was carried by his Granter Father.

"Thread of Karma?"

Flake tilted his head after hearing the soft word of his Brother Loki before his eyes seemed to penetrate his new baby brother's body before stopping when gazing at the sleeping soul existing within it.

"... Oh"

"Hm? Does Baby Brother Flake know it? Can you tell Big Brother Loki about it?"

After Flake perceives the extremely interesting voice of his brother Loki, the naive and childish look on his eyes has completely become blank and indifferent as various thoughts have a process in his mind before a certain decision has finally been made after countless calculations.

After all, family or not but Flake's main duty and responsibility are to prioritize Snow well-being and happiness, never allowing any danger to appear and threaten Snow life, and Loki who was holding his younger brother was able to perceive the sudden change.

Before choosing to remain silent, surprisingly waiting patiently and becoming understanding, never insisting to receive the answer he wants, entirely different from how he usually acts, fortunately, after a few seconds of silence, he finally receives a reply from the silent Flake.

"It's just one among our many preparations for a way out."

Flake has instantly returned to his childish and adorable appearance, the extremely mature and dangerously detached attitude has completely disappeared causing Loki to show the familiar smile on his face while reaching over to gently pinch his younger brother's chubby cheeks.

"I see."

Although Loki doesn't entirely comprehend what the words completely meant, he has wisely chosen to become content from just receiving an answer, especially when it is definitely related to their Granter status.

After all, what Loki can do to the two of them is to look after them while they remain living in his world while giving them an extremely useful and powerful reward when they finally left because he would forever remain in his world until the day that it is time for him to completely disappear.

"Baby Brother Flake, I'll leave a mark later on alright? Come visit me when you guys have the ability to do so."

I hope during that day, I still exist to welcome the two of you and hopefully, together with that man too since I see a powerful and firm karma thread completely intertwining with the Granter.

And even though he was just been given a body to reside and his world becoming one of the stable worlds out there, but everything has all of its end, even a powerful existence like himself.

"Definitely! Big Brother Loki is part of our family, we will definitely try to come back and see you again!"

Hearing the determined emotion from the childish voice, Loki has smiled brilliantly before it quickly returned to the familiar grin and instantly walking toward the couple who was curiously and gently watching their sleeping child.

"So Fathers~ What will our new brother's name will be?"

At the mention of their child name, Snow and Alaude couldn't help but glance at each other, their pair of eyes showing the same overwhelming love before a mischievous smile slowly form on their lips, which seemed to be full of evil intention.

"Hm, Baby already told me a list of names before and will only choose it depending on what day our child will be born."

"Yeah, somehow, I couldn't help but feel that it's a fitting name for our child even before I get see him let's see"

Depending on the seven Fallen Angels correspond in the days of the week.

"Since it's Tuesday today... your new brother's name will be Uriel."

Unlike the world of Realms, only Snow and Flake know the story about the seven archangels of another world.

And so, after many years later, Uriel who has slowly grown up in the company of his two brothers while his fathers were completely immersed in their own world either staying in the Snow Mountain or sometimes in the Realm of Mortal, couldn't help but blink his crimson eyes while staring at the world before him with great wonder.

"... Wow such an amazing coincidence I finally meet the shameless couple Black usually mentioned before... even becoming their son"

Unlike the usual normal mentality of age that usually brim in Uriel's crimson eyes, it has completely become mature after waking up from his short nap.

Silently, receiving countless suppressed memories of a lifetime of reincarnation with only one important main memory remaining clear despite how many life and death he has experience.

"Such fate is simply wonderful it's just too bad since Brother Blue wouldn't appreciate it in this life, it's usually rare for both of us to regain our memories together after living a new life again."

Uriel couldn't help but mumble with a face full of regret before it quickly changes into a wide grin after being the person between the two of them who has regained their memories in this new world.

The pair of crimson eyes glimmering with madness, causing his delicate and beautiful appearance into a dangerous beauty.

"Watch out world! Xiao Wei! Eh, wait, I'll keep the name my Father choose this time. So Uriel is here to unleash chaos~"

And in another place, Loki who was taking a picture of an international model in the Realm of Mortal couldn't help but stop after sensing a special situation before blinking his eyes in dumbfounded manner and finally showing infinite regret on his face.

"... Ah, my innocent and pure Baby Brother Uriel is gone"

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