Speed Is King

Chapter 253 Bonus Wave

Brock disappeared into Elliot’s beast dimension without a word.

Elliot chuckled lightly at Brock’s deep phobia of spiders.

“I’ll have to ask him about it. There must be an interesting story behind it.” He murmured to himself and sucked in a deep breath.

And then right as the freakishly scary giant one meter tall flying spiders in bee-black-yellow stripes appeared on the horizon…


An absolutely terrifying roar smothered the entire land!

Elliot’s lips curled once more into a smile as he saw the Giant Spider Bees freeze for a quick second.

“My dragon roar is ineffective against insect-type beasts.” Elliot concluded with a rueful smile. “Well, I’ll just clean up this wave, and see if I can do it again for the next wave.”

“Jessica’s rings of flames were extremely effective against huge numbers of weak beasts. I may not have her skill, but the Nameless Sword Technique has something similar… Alright Gilgamar. Let’s do this.

Movement Nine of the Second Stage. The Endless Coiling Dragon chases after the sun!”

Elliot entered the opening stance of Movement Nine of the Second Stage and circulated his Cosmic Dragon Energy alongside it for the first time.

As he did that, the entire world seemed to dim slightly as the boundless light energy produced by three suns rushed into Gilgamar like ten thousand waterfalls falling upon it!

Gilgamar took every single bit of light energy and effortlessly channeled them through its body!

“Oh my god. The Cosmic Dragon Energy is making this skill stupidly overpowered!” Elliot shouted to Gilgamar.

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“Yes! And this is how it’s supposed to be!!” Gilgamar exulted in a highly uncharacteristic manner!

“This is going to be absolutely nuts! Close your eyes, all of you.” Elliot’s voice sounded urgently in every body’s ears.

Jessica, Jennifer and the beasts obeyed instantly. The girls even covered their faces with their hands!

It was a good thing they did, because right at the next moment, millions of beams of light shot out from Gilgamar in all directions!

Like a miniature sun, blinding Light Energy flared out of Elliot’s body and completely smothered the land for a few long seconds.

Crack! Crack! Crack! Crack!

His light energy was so potent that all of the long distance video cameras that were trained on him immediately cracked and broke!

A wild uproar sounded all over the universe as Elliot’s fans exclaimed together in surprise! And almost instantly, literally millions of calls flooded the Gaming Commission, demanding that they restore live video feed of Elliot’s Beast Tide!

“Oh my.” El’Taras remarked with a chuckle. “What a troublesome kid. Send in the backup video drones. Prepare ten more backups, just in case.”

The video feed was cut off for exactly three seconds.

And when it was restored, the seventh wave was already underway!!

“Huh? What happened to the sixth wave?”

“Where did all of the Giant Spider Bees go?”

The viewers were perplexed at the sudden change in situation.

However, a few sharp eyed ones immediately noticed several clues.

The first and most obvious clue was that there were absolutely no Giant Spider Bee carcasses.

The second was that all of Elliot’s beasts had extremely pleased expressions on their faces.

And third, their auras were all markedly stronger.

There was only one explanation.

“His attack vaporized all the Giant Spider Bees.”

“Holy smokes. Can YOU even do that?”

“I can. But that would be my one and only attack. I would be completely spent after that.”

“You can? At such high speed and without a trace?”

“Uhhhh. Damn it. Maybe not.”

The uproar that sounded after the video feed was restored was no less powerful compared to when it was cut off.

In fact, it might even be louder!

However, instead of subsiding after a few seconds, the uproar doubled, then tripled in volume as more and more viewers cried out in pure disbelief!

“What? The seventh wave was vaporized as well, just like that?!”

“That’s crazy, just what sort of- WHAT?? DID HE JUST VAPORIZE THE EIGHTH WAVE TOO?!”

“Yes he did! Oh my god! Oh my god! He’s strong! He’s very, very strong! Just what did he do in the past few-“


Elliot’s attack pulsed out in waves like a heart pumping out spurts of blood around the body.

After all of the beasts of the sixth wave were vaporized, it took exactly three seconds for the seventh to appear.

Within the three seconds, Elliot could clearly feel that he was still brimming with power. That first eruption of power of his 9th Movement had barely consumed a fifth of the energy he had channeled for that particular attack!

He still could unleash the same attack at least four more times!

And so he did exactly that.

“Keep your eyes closed. Do not open them at all cost!” Elliot said before he released another wave of attack.

Whoosh! Another blinding light exploded out of him and smothered the land once more!

The incoming Brutal Pit Vipers didn’t even get the opportunity to curse at the Game Masters before they were completely wiped out! And of course, along with them were the backup video drones!

Pause. Allow the eighth wave to start.

Release attack. Video feed restored.

Whoosh! Sandrock Golems vaporized. Video feed cut off.

Pause. Allow the ninth wave to start.

Release attack. Video feed restored.

Whoosh! Tyrant Redskinned Jartils vaporized. Video feed cut off.

Pause. No tenth wave.

Dispel the skill. Video feed restored.

“Excellent! What a fruitful harvest! Hahaha!” Elliot couldn’t help but laugh joyfully. “You can open your eyes guys. Its over.”

“Wow little Master, that was great! Just how many levels did you gain? I got so many attribute points! We need to do this more often! Hahaha!” Brock shouted with glee and somehow sounded a little bit like Elliot.

“I gained twelve levels. Just ten more and I will be level 399! And Emperor Level will be the next frontier! Hahaha!” Elliot replied happily.

However, the notification that sounded next made him, Brock and even a few other beasts laugh out even louder!

[Wave Ten – Bonus wave.]

[Kill as many beasts as possible.]

[Final reward will be based on the number of beasts killed.]





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