Speed Is King

Chapter 296 One Dollar Elliot

“Stay too close? Ha! Don’t worry about that. I will be standing right at the rear protecting the fortress just in case a few of them leak through!” Brock declared to one and all.

“No. Brock, you will be my mount for today.” Wu Kong said with a smile.

“What?! NO WAY!” Brock roared.

“Whatever your fear is caused by, it is best to take them head on and be done with them once and for all.” Wu Kong said sagely. “Don’t worry, with me around, you’ll be perfectly fine even if the Bug Matriarch shows up and-“

“BUG MATRIARCH?!?! THERE’S A BUG MATRIARCH?!” Brock roared hysterically.

The rest of Elliot’s beasts laughed.

Wu Kong leapt from his position and landed on Brock’s break shoulders and stood up straight. He held his massive Ancestral Grade rod in a middle-grip casually and pointed ahead.

“I am the commander of this fight. I will lead us to victory today. Brock, onwards.” Wu Kong said in an awe-inspiring voice.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Brock had no choice but to sigh deeply and trot forward. By his left and right, the rest of Elliot’s beasts started to move ahead as well in a spearhead formation with Brock and Wu Kong at the lead.


Brock began to growl deeply as his secret transformation, Unyielding Strength, appeared.

Despite his distaste and very innate fear of spiders and similarly shaped bugs such as the damned bed bugs, he was a courageous beast and when push came to shove, he would fight anything. Spiders and ugly bed bugs be damned.

Within seconds, their trot had turned into a full speed gallop towards the incoming bugs!


Brock roared loudly as he thundered towards the first bugs!

They were shredded like so much pieces of paper.

On his shoulder, Wu Kong had unleashed his Feral Judgement as well and was bringing the full firepower that his secret transformation and Ancestral Grade equipment to bear.

“Strike Of The Great Mountain Sage That Rivals The Heavens!” Wu Kong whispered.

As before, the silhouette of an utterly humongous Taoist Yin-Yang circle appeared behind Wu Kong and incomparably dense rods surrounded by wild lightning arcs shimmered into existence around his weapon.

He thurst his rod forward, and the thousands dense lightning rods exploded forward in a vast array of death and destruction.

Voosh! Voosh! Voosh! Voosh!

They all pierced through the bugs with ease and instantly killed at least five thousand of them!

What sort of leader is the most inspiring kind of leader?

One might say that it would be a leader that could lead them to a thousand battles and bring them to a thousand victories, of course. And they would be right.

But if that leader was also able to devastate thousands of enemies with a swing of his weapon while one could only swing his claws miserably and kill maybe two or three enemies at a time, then that leader would truly be the epitome of inspiration!

All of Elliot’s beasts saw Wu Kong’s ridiculously overpowered attack and immediately redoubled their efforts to strike down their own opponents!!

Especially Red who was actually very competitive deep within his heart.

“Wow! That damned monkey is so powerful! We can’t let him steal all the limelight! Birdies one through ten! Let’s show them that we are the best! Engage secret weapons! ATTACK!!” Red shouted.

Immediately, all eleven transport/fighters released ten blades that spun at extremely high speeds that hovered around them by the power of magnetic technology.

“Spread out and go craaaayzeeeeee!!!!!!” Red hooted in excitement.


The eleven transport/fighters and the one hundred eleven blades shot into the mass of bugs and immediately started to shred their opponents to pieces!

Hundreds fell to them every second!

“The kids are showing off again.” Khalendros grumbled to Khellendra. “Should we show off a little too? I haven’t used my new skill yet. If I use it, they would probably all gape in awesome wonder.”

Khellendra chuckled at her husband’s competitive edge and shook her head lightly even as her claws shot out powerful lightning bolts she aptly called Lightning Whips that arched wildly and killed ten bugs around her in a short period of time.

“You know that our new skills are trump cards that would use up most of our energy and leave us relatively weak for the next minute. Why do that so early in the battle when there are still so many bugs to kill? And who knows what other enemies await us in this strange land. Let the kids show off. They’ll know their place soon enough.”

“Alright. You’re right.” Khalendros sighed and cast his Brutal Lightning down at a thick cluster of bugs and killed fifteen of them at one go.” “We’ll wait for the right time to use our secret skills. It is better for the team that way.”

All around them, under the influence of so many auras and surrounded by such dense energy, Elliot’s beasts were over performing and exhibited triple the amount of strength they usually did.

The mass of tens of thousands bugs started to thin very considerably at a rapid rate.


Back in the Gaming Commission’s meeting room, Chairman El’Taras was back chairing the meeting that had been going on for almost 24 hours nonstop.

For mega superpowers like those within the room, 24 hour meetings were nothing.

However, the atmosphere within the meeting room was one of… stunned speechlessness.

In stock market terms, Elliot was initially like a 1 dollar stock that was already reflecting its market price.

And then, when he got his SSS Beast Apostle System and the 365-day reverse time walk, his stock had risen incredibly to an amazing 3 dollars.

People started noticing him, and some even started rooting for him. Many were suitably impressed at his luck.

When he began gaining levels at a rapid pace and tamed one epic and legendary beast after the other, his price began to rise once more, even as many shook their heads in disbelief.

Then he got Gilgamar and the Red Dragon Blood Essence.

His stock price rose again to five dollars. An incredible 500%! This must be it, right? Time to cash out?

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